Anyone read 50 shades of gray?



  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    I read the original story from fan fiction when it was based on Edward/Bella...Way hot picturing Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson while reading..Haven't read 50 Shades but the original story was awesome.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    My wife is on the third book in the series. My sex life has improved dramaticaly since she started.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I will be starting it soon and I've heard its hot. I will be picturing Ian Somerhalder :smokin: because I heard he may be the lead if there's a movie. I'm sure I'll be entertained...and I'm sure my hubby will be too :wink:
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I read it before it was in it's published form (so as the fan-fiction). I liked it, but not enough to go buy the "updated" version of it.

    I will see the movie, especially if it has Ian Somerhalder in it.
  • cornfritter22
    cornfritter22 Posts: 230 Member
    I ordered the set yesterday because all my girlfriends on facebook won't stop talking about it. Some of these friends are educated with what I consider to be good taste so I broke down and ordered. I'm so scared it isn't going to live up to the hype. Although an orgasm in a book doesn't sound all that bad to me.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I have heard a lot about it and friends are reading it, I just can't seem to get myself to try it though
  • Kelsbellz
    Kelsbellz Posts: 142 Member
    It's erotica aka Chick Porn. Women dig it and husbands are receiving the benefits. Win-Win
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I'm ashamed to admit I read it. Was the 2nd book I've ever tossed into the trash. :indifferent:

    The (boring) sex scenes didn't bother me, but the repetition of phrases, expressions (holy crap!!) and her schizo "inner goddess" references drove me nuts!

    One Amazon reviewer summed it up best:

    "Once upon a time...
    I'm Ana. I'm clumsy and naive. I like books. I dig this guy. He couldn't possibly like me. He's rich. I wonder if he's gay? His eyes are gray. Super gray. Intensely gray. Intense AND gray. Serious and gray. Super gray. Dark and gray. [insert 100+ other ways to say "gray eyes" here]
    I blush. I gasp. He touches me "down there." I gasp again. He gasps. We both gasp. I blush some more. I gasp some more. I refer to my genitals as "down there" a few more times. I blush some more. Sorry, I mean I "flush" some more. I bite my lip. He gasps a lot more. More gasping. More blushing/flushing. More lip biting. Still more gasping.
    The end."


    ^^ HAHAHAH~ Priceless and 100% accurate
    I downloaded on the Kindle - but if it was in paperback, I would've thrown the damn thing.
    I didnt really KNOW what I was getting into - I can handle "steamy" and rather "alternative" sex stuff - but this was just stupid.
    totally annoying. TOTALLY repetitive.
    UGH. Im starting to get mad just writing this.
    Dont waste your money.

    and PS - her inner goddess is an IDIOT! ;)
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    I have all 3. Started the first one a few days ago and pretty good. If you love books by Zane then you will find 50 shades of gray pretty interesting.
  • amiers11
    amiers11 Posts: 33
    I found it very hard to put the books down.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I made it 40% through the first book and gave up. If I had to read "Holy *kitten*" or "inner goddess" one more time, I was going to lose it. The writing isn't very good. The characters aren't very likeable. There HAVE to be better sex books out there.

    I put the book down and picked up Game of Thrones...
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I'm 1/2 way through the 3rd book and I love it. :love:
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    I've read all three books and enjoyed them. Yeah, they aren't literary masterpieces, but they are a fun read.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Ive written better
  • Its a good book if you can do what its intended for and relax and enjoy it and quit OVER analyzing EVERYTHING!! Its for entertainment people!!
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm almost done with the first book. Um...yes, its worth the read...ahem. yes! lol:blushing:
  • mrswarrick
    mrswarrick Posts: 20 Member
    The first one I liked...editing and repeating phases bothered me. 2nd book really got on my nerves and I almost didn't read the 3rd. The 3rd was my favorite of the 3. There was actually a story with supporting characters. If you want to read a little steamy book and are not easily bothered by reading similar scenes over and over- go for it.

    If the movie is made with Ian- oooohhhhhh!!! :):):)
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I found it very hard to put the books down.

    Me too!!!!!
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I'm ashamed to admit I read it. Was the 2nd book I've ever tossed into the trash. :indifferent:

    The (boring) sex scenes didn't bother me, but the repetition of phrases, expressions (holy crap!!) and her schizo "inner goddess" references drove me nuts!

    One Amazon reviewer summed it up best:

    "Once upon a time...
    I'm Ana. I'm clumsy and naive. I like books. I dig this guy. He couldn't possibly like me. He's rich. I wonder if he's gay? His eyes are gray. Super gray. Intensely gray. Intense AND gray. Serious and gray. Super gray. Dark and gray. [insert 100+ other ways to say "gray eyes" here]
    I blush. I gasp. He touches me "down there." I gasp again. He gasps. We both gasp. I blush some more. I gasp some more. I refer to my genitals as "down there" a few more times. I blush some more. Sorry, I mean I "flush" some more. I bite my lip. He gasps a lot more. More gasping. More blushing/flushing. More lip biting. Still more gasping.
    The end."


    ^^ HAHAHAH~ Priceless and 100% accurate
    I downloaded on the Kindle - but if it was in paperback, I would've thrown the damn thing.
    I didnt really KNOW what I was getting into - I can handle "steamy" and rather "alternative" sex stuff - but this was just stupid.
    totally annoying. TOTALLY repetitive.
    UGH. Im starting to get mad just writing this.
    Dont waste your money.

    and PS - her inner goddess is an IDIOT! ;)

    lol maybe it is a good thing i have passed on it
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 499 Member
    There is a lot of sex, but I personally like the story. I'm on the 2nd book. I read the reviews and they were mixed. I just decided to read it and decide for myself. I really like it.