Mirena IUD and weight gain?



  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I thought I would also mention that the hormones (according to my OB/GYN) stay "local" and don't travel through your system. He was very specific about this because I am over 35 and a smoker (yes, yes, I know it's bad but I'm tackling one issue at a time! LOL). So there are no concerns of heart problems with a Mirena. For those that are very sensitive to hormones, they may have issues, but not all will. Hormones from birth control pills worsen my bleeding disorder, but I haven't had any issues with the Mirena because of the hormones staying put. I also got pregnant for my second daughter with a copper IUD, so would never recommend that! LOL
  • snoakes03
    snoakes03 Posts: 3 Member
    "I get a lot of cramping and lower back pain now. Sometimes I get a strange pinching/stabbing sensation in my lower pelvic area. (Like a baby kicking, but there's no baby. It's very creepy.)"

    Omg this happens to me as well. I have had the IUD for 4 years and I have that same pinching pain that they cannot seem to explain when I go for my check-up. They keep suggesting I have a pinched nerve but I knew it had something to do with this IUD. I had never experienced any pain like that before (it is a mother Beep, I tell you). I do not have craving but I am tired often than most. My cycle is crazy. Even though it is barely there, I can never determine when I am going to "come on" so-to-speak. Mother nature is always a surprise. But like you said, it does do the job!

    Had to vent!
  • I HATE MIRENA! I gained 25 lbs in 6 months, and then thank god I got it taken out but am now trying to lose the weight I gained. Mirena makes you think you are constantly hungry. There are side effects that it causes your stomach to not tell your brain it is full and you constantly snack or over eat through out the day. IT WAS AWFUL! I was eating more then my boyfriend, which usually does not happen and couldn't figure out why I wasn't feeling full. After my pants getting tighter and noticeable weight gain I got it taken out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I HATE MIRENA! I gained 25 lbs in 6 months, and then thank god I got it taken out but am now trying to lose the weight I gained. Mirena makes you think you are constantly hungry. There are side effects that it causes your stomach to not tell your brain it is full and you constantly snack or over eat through out the day. IT WAS AWFUL! I was eating more then my boyfriend, which usually does not happen and couldn't figure out why I wasn't feeling full. After my pants getting tighter and noticeable weight gain I got it taken out.

    I've gained 20 pounds and can't lose it since I got Mirena, but I am not constantly hungry or overeating. The website states this is a side effect that fewer than 5% of users will experience. Lucky me. *sigh*

    I love everything else about it, and that's one of several reasons I haven't had it removed. But from what I've seen, the vast majority of users don't gain on it.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    I love it, I got mine put in in August of 2011 and at first, I'm not going to lie, the first probably six to eight weeks were hell, I spotted on and off and my first few periods after having it inserted were pretty heavy. Now I get the typical PMS symptoms and a period .. I don't even know if I can call it that anymore, every sixty days. I bleed a little bit for five days and then it peaces again, I do get nasty cravings and am insanely hungry for two weeks before, the typical PMS symptoms but no worse than what it was before. As for weight gain I monitored the scale like a freak because of all the stories I read online but I've honestly had no issues, any weight gain i've had has been due to sloppy eating and no exercising. =)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    HATED that thing. Of course, having something that led to an emergency surgery that led to the loss of one of my ovaries doesn't really help me to like it at all. At least I got 6 weeks paid off of work.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I had a copper IUD and didn't gain weight but my face got pimples everywhere! I had it for about a year and got removed and tada!! my face is clean now. No pimples. Now I use the patch and I love it. Sorry it is not Mirena, but I wanted to share that hormonal changes do happen with IUDs, according to my OB/GYN.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I've had mine for a couple months now and have no complaints. I noticed the first couple weeks my appetite was non-existent. I do feel more tired lately, but I never associated it with the IUD. So far I've just been spotting on and off but have had no issues with my weight.
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    I have the paraguard, 10 years and no hormones adn i LOOOOOOOOOVE mine. No side effects and works 100%. Talk with your docotr and see what is going on
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I had mirena, had it taken out about 2 years later due to the hormones effecting my mood. I was a royal WITCH! My doctor told me he was suprised i kept it in so long, most people he sees gets it removed because of the mood side effect within months... I now have the non-hormonal IUD which is so much better in my opinion.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I'm also on year 6 (on Mirena #2 just replaced April 2012) and love it. My weight gain in the past is completely my doing with food choices and quantity.

    I haven't done any research on it but I do know the Mirena has progesterone, not estrogen so I'm not sure if weight gain for some women is one of the side effects. Would be nice to blame something other than ourselves though wouldn't it? :)

    I saw an OP suggest the Paraguard (non hormonal IUD). Ugh! While I would love to not have to worry about birth control for the next 10-12 years as opposed to 5, there is no way in h3ll I am willing to increase my blood flow by 75%. I'd have to sit on the toilet for 7 days straight........ :noway:
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    i have had one for almost two years and i love it too! the only thing that is weird is that i don't have a period, but i still have period-like symptoms occasionally... bloating, slight cramps, fatigue, moodiness. the symptoms aren't as bad as they were when i was on the pill, but they are alarming b/c of the lack of the MAIN symptom. very strange.

    no weight problems here (related to the mirena). i think this is the one that is the best when it comes to weight maintenance. like, my doc wouldn't let me on the shot b/c it's an appetite enhancer.
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    I had the Mirena for 4 months or so. Before it, my stomach (after 2 pregnancies) was getting back to almost flat. However, my body reacted to the hormones in Mirena and made my stomach "pop" like I was 4 months pregnant. Believe me - I was not imagining this. I even had to wear oversized clothes to work so people would not think I was pregnant. My doctor removed it immediately when I went to go see her and my belly bloat eased somewhat, but I am still having issues trying to get it back to where it had been before Mirena. It might work for some people, but it wasn't the right hormone for my body.
  • trailsinlife
    trailsinlife Posts: 37 Member
    I love my IUD....no actual period! Plus I don't have to remember to take a pill...yes please! Didn't notice any weight gain or fatigue I feel normal. Minus the no bleeding!!!!! Which is a bonus to me. The shot I used to get YES weight gain, mood swings etc...didn't like it AT ALL. and I got prego on the patch sooooo I am sticking with my IUD!

    This. I love the Mirena!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Eeeek. I had Mirena placed sept. 2008, removed april 2011. I started really trying to lose weight in Feb 2011, lost quickly like I usually do... then stalled in April around 168, I NEVER stall at 168. I had Mirena removed and lost 10 lbs in a week, didn't do anything differently other than having it removed.

    They claim that the hormones in Mirena are so localized that there will be no systemic effects--I guess this could be true for some people, but most I have come across do have systemic effects. I had many more side effects than just stalled weight loss, my moods were everywhere, I felt like I was going crazy, my legs ached, my skin was getting worse and worse with acne, fatigued ALL the time...

    I now have Paraguard (placed in March) , NO hormones! I love it! and it doesn't hinder my weight loss or mess with my moods.

    It's all a personal preference, and I definitely got my money's worth out of my Mirena since I had if for almost 3 years.
    That being said, I have seen a great deal of women struggling with weight loss while using any kind of hormonal birth control.
    You might just have to work out that much more and watch what you eat that muc more if you decide to stick it out with Mirena.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • I've had Mirena since summer of 2009 and pretty much love it. I have yo-yo'ed a lot since then, but I've talked to my Dr and it is not tied to Mirena. Mirena's hormone levels are too low and that is not a common issue with it. The gain in weight is most likely in my case due to stress, age, and other factors. When I change my eating, sleep more, and exercise my weight does come down. I'm hoping to get back to my goal weight this summer. . .we will see!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've had Mirena since summer of 2009 and pretty much love it. I have yo-yo'ed a lot since then, but I've talked to my Dr and it is not tied to Mirena. Mirena's hormone levels are too low and that is not a common issue with it. The gain in weight is most likely in my case due to stress, age, and other factors. When I change my eating, sleep more, and exercise my weight does come down. I'm hoping to get back to my goal weight this summer. . .we will see!

    My doctor told me the same thing, but the Mirena site says differently. I eat very healthy, low-cal, exercise, sleep fine -- everything I did before I got Mirena and had no weight problem. The month after I got it, my weight started shooting up and 20 pounds later I cannot lose, no matter what I do. I bounce back and forth between 152 and 154.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I have one. I've had it about a year. I love it! I haven't had any issues at all with it. I love not having to remember to take a pill!!
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I got my mirena in january 2008 and gained 50 lbs in 4 and a half years and I am trying to lose 20 lbs of it right now (I had an eating disorder in 2005/2006 and started really eating after I got married in November 2007). No periods at all and if I do have my menstrual it lasts for 2 or 3 days which are very light. The IUD is very effective and it eases your mind about not getting pregnant.
  • Apparently I was part of that 5% too :/ My doctor didn't help much either, she told me that basically it was my fault for gaining that weight and not being able to lose it... Even though THE ONLY thing that changed in 6 months was the Mirena. Needless to say, I have a new doctor.