Tired of strategically dressing myself!

You know what I mean, right? When you put your socks on early because you know once those jeans are on there's no way you'll reach your feet without some serious pilates or dislocation.

Oh that and I have a six week old daughter. So rather than being the fat dad sitting on the couch with a beer, watching TV I want to be that annoying guy who is always just getting in from a mountain bike ride with his kids. That guy that complains he's "not as fit as I used to be!" as he pats his tiny stomach.

I'm 273lbs and my goal is 190lbs. But I guess my real goal is to be around for my daughter and my lovely wife in 20 years time.


  • kimberjones
    We all understand the idea of strategically dressing ourselves. You have excellent motivation for wanting to lose weight and be healthy. Try to remember, though, that, although your family is excellent motivation, losing the weight needs to be something you do for yourself. You can do it. MFP is an excellent site to help with that! Good luck!

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I stopped wearing jeans a long time ago, looking forward to getting back into some, that is one of my goals, that and being able to shop anywhere. :flowerforyou:
  • Koreapsu
    Oh and another thing.

    When you get too lazy to suck your stomach in anymore it's time to hit the gym.

    Anyway I've told my business partners (that love to hassle me for being the fat guy) that I'll beat them all in a half marathon that takes place in about 7 months time. This caused much laughing and slapping of thighs! The best thing about this is I was able to extract so pretty hefty bets from the guys.

    No way out now!

    I'm always better with a deadline hanging over my head anyway, and he who laughs last . . .