Mirena IUD and weight gain?



  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I've had mine since sept 2011. Only gained 5lbs from bloating but it's definitely gone now! After the first two months it's been great. No major problems. In fact the few problems I had have been gone since eating healthier. But everyone's body reacts differently!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I think it depends on the person. I have no problems with mine and have lost all 114.5 pounds of my weight loss with it inserted.
  • shayoni
    shayoni Posts: 43 Member
    Another thing I noticed after getting off hormonal birth control and getting my copper iud, my libido definitely went up. I don't think I want anything else again.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at myself just now. I was scrolling through the "recent posts" list and I read your title as "Marijuana DUI and Weight Gain.". I was like, "Wha...?! Let me scroll back up and read that again, 'cause I don't think I read it right the first time." LOL
  • KirstFaye
    KirstFaye Posts: 25 Member
    It was the worst thing! I put on weight, I was an emotional wreck, cried every day, it caused bleeding every time with intimacy, periods stayed the same. Went to the Dr every two months because of the symptoms, then had it removed after 8 months.
    Never again.
    LEXASMOM2 Posts: 1 Member
    Relieved to see someone else has the sympton of the odd, gassy-like bumps, the baby kicking but no baby. Thought it was just one of the strange side effects for me. But I'm with you, it is creepy!
  • I've never had an IUD, but a friend of mine got Mirena after she had her son in 2008. Within 6 months she gained 30lbs. and couldn't for the life of her lose the weight until she had it removed 3 months ago... She has been steadly losing 2lbs. a week without changing her diet or fitness level. They are trying for a second child now and she swears she will never get an IUD again :-)
  • KittyHeff
    KittyHeff Posts: 56 Member
    I had to have mine removed within 2 weeks. Gained 15lbs in 10 days. My doctor had never seen such a negative reaction and assumed I wasn't telling her the truth. Took 6 weeks to lose the 15lbs. Was a really miserable time!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Relieved to see someone else has the sympton of the odd, gassy-like bumps, the baby kicking but no baby. Thought it was just one of the strange side effects for me. But I'm with you, it is creepy!

    I had that before I had an IUD. It's normal.
  • hrwinston
    hrwinston Posts: 28
    I must be in that 5% because I've gained 9 lbs since I had it inserted May10. I got it for my heavy periods...I haven't had my cycle since it was inserted so don't know if it will help yet....As of right now I don't need it for birth control since I am not having sex! :sad: Maybe I should... to burn some of these excess calories...lol. (ugh...I hate being single...but that is a whole nother topic..haha):wink:
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks everyone! Maybe it's my imagination or maybe I just want to blame something other than myself for my weight gain! I just got it a week and 1/2 ago - having a constant feeling of PMS - which suchs because I'm mean when PMSing...lol. I've been tired also but then again I'm always tired. So I guess I need to get on the ball and get this weight off. Thanks again!:smile:

    I don't think it's your imagination. Everyone's body reacts differently. I put on 5lbs of what I think was water weight, did eat a bit more after it was inserted, but I was also stressed to the max because my wedding was three weeks away. Since then I have started eating healthily and exercising. The weight has fallen off. I just didn't let it be an excuse for me to gain anymore weight. Now, 8 months later, I have no period at all. It is amazing. I would not trade the odd day of nausea and period symptoms with no flow for having a period again. Plus, I like not having to worry about birth control. But, like I said before, everyone is different. If you think you're gaining weight because of yours, it might be the hormones making you hungrier. Just tell them no and drink some water! Worked for me.
  • jennynoel
    jennynoel Posts: 11 Member
    I love my Mirena. I have had it for almost 2 years now. I did gain about 20 lbs after my daughter was born but I'm not sure if it was because of the IUD or another factor. I haven't had trouble losing the weight though. I have lost all that weight and then some.
  • Sigh. I’m reading this and feeling really sad.

    I had the Mirena placed at the end of May (2 months and a week ago)… I’ve gained 10 pounds and I’m generally a mess. I’m tired, grumpy, hungry all the time and my breasts feel like they did when I was pregnant. I was doing the Dukan Diet and was on track and had lost 25 and now I’ve gained 10 back. I should’ve known better. Whenever I put any kind of hormones into my system, this is the result. I tried Depo Provera years ago and went through the same thing, even started lactating randomly (I feel like I could now actually – they are tingling).

    My Doctor talked me into it because I was having problems with cysts and polyps and between cycle bleeding. She thought it would be a good solution to my other issues. Now it’s causing more and I’m trying to be patient and let my body get used to it but I seriously can’t handle this feeling out of control and destroying the weight loss I worked so hard for.
  • khouston22
    khouston22 Posts: 10 Member
    OK - here goes. Had mine removed this morning but have to go for another scan to check a few bits and pieces out HOWEVER.....I spoke quite frankly to the GP who removed about weight (water) gain; breast tenderness; acne; foggy brain; feeling pregnant and she burst out laughing (in a nice way) and said "why did nobody tell you about this before it went in - that is what progesterone does - let's get it out and you can get back to normal"

    I had it out and an old trusty copper one put back in (so I am awaiting my massively heavy periods to come back with a vengeance) but at the end of the day, I feel less foggy already so maybe. just maybe there is something in all this.

    She said around 5lbs will come off almost instantly as the water retention dissapears and if the increased number of wees is anything to go by I think she is right.

    Most importantly, trust your body, trust your own mind and if it doesn't feel right, have it removed. I will update again in a few days when I have had longer to get used to being without it!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    OK - here goes. Had mine removed this morning but have to go for another scan to check a few bits and pieces out HOWEVER.....I spoke quite frankly to the GP who removed about weight (water) gain; breast tenderness; acne; foggy brain; feeling pregnant and she burst out laughing (in a nice way) and said "why did nobody tell you about this before it went in - that is what progesterone does - let's get it out and you can get back to normal"

    I had it out and an old trusty copper one put back in (so I am awaiting my massively heavy periods to come back with a vengeance) but at the end of the day, I feel less foggy already so maybe. just maybe there is something in all this.

    She said around 5lbs will come off almost instantly as the water retention dissapears and if the increased number of wees is anything to go by I think she is right.

    Most importantly, trust your body, trust your own mind and if it doesn't feel right, have it removed. I will update again in a few days when I have had longer to get used to being without it!
    Keep an eye on yourself for the next few days. I had a major mood crash when mine was removed (only had it 1 month). And no, that's not really what progesterone does, but it IS what progestins do. :-) Congrats!
  • khouston22
    khouston22 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks - Will do.....but to be honest, I am just grateful to not feel so foggy!!
  • Last week I had my Mirena IUD inserted....ever since I have been feeling so hungry! I want to eat all the time. The Mirena does have hormones in it that release into the uterus and some do get into the blood stream (just in case those of you who do not have one wanted to know). Anyone out there have a Mirena and did it cause you to feel hungry or gain weight? (or any other side effects that bother you).

    Mirena is EVIL! Do a google search and you will find thousands of horror stories. I tried to take mine out myself it was that bad. I wasn't hungry I was BLOATED my stomach looked like I swallowed a basketball. No joke. And my doctor looked me in the face and basically told me I was crazy.
    I'm telling you- do a google search (not just on here)!
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm also on my second Mirena. It's been almost 7 years! And I cannot be happier. I do not have my TOM. It's amazing. Sometimes, I will still get a little tender and bloated around that time, but that's about it. I've also experienced no issues with weight, nor has it affected by libido in any way (if anything, it's increased it, as I do not have to worry about getting knocked up). Best invention ever, in MHO.

    My OB/GYN did say that people who have Mirena, but never had a child, can experience greater side effects, as their body will reject a foreign object more than someone who carried a foreign object for 9 months!
  • sroe260
    sroe260 Posts: 1
    I have been doing a lot of research and came across this page. I got my IUD placed 3 years ago after I had my second child and have gained weight ever since. I kept thinking I just was not trying hard enough but after downloading the fitness pal app on my phone and tracking my food and exercise I should be making some progress but nothing. Since I had the device placed my husband had a vasectomy so I am getting it removed at my next appointment. I'm a little nervous because my hubby never took in a sperm sample but I'm sick of waiting on him to do his part. He's made at me for not getting my tubes tied during my emergency c-section so we have tension.
    Besides the weight gain this thread has helped me figure out why I am so tired all the time, have strange cravings for food, and lots of head aches. I almost had sinus surgery last winter thinking that was the problem. Ugg, cannot wait to have this thing out and be birth control free. I lost 50 pounds the last time I was off the pill (we were trying for kid #1). so I am hoping for similar success this time. Just hoping I don't get crap from the doc I am seeing. It seems like everyone in the medical field loves these things. I even have a friend who just had her 2nd one placed and thinks it great.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm also on my second Mirena. It's been almost 7 years! And I cannot be happier. I do not have my TOM. It's amazing. Sometimes, I will still get a little tender and bloated around that time, but that's about it. I've also experienced no issues with weight, nor has it affected by libido in any way (if anything, it's increased it, as I do not have to worry about getting knocked up). Best invention ever, in MHO.

    My OB/GYN did say that people who have Mirena, but never had a child, can experience greater side effects, as their body will reject a foreign object more than someone who carried a foreign object for 9 months!

    I've had a child and am experiencing the most rare side effects of it. I'm also starting to think there are others I haven't noticed, like depression, extreme fatigue and I'm wondering if it's causing me to have more migraines than usual because those are starting to increase.

    I called my GYN this morning to make an appointment to have it out, but she's not available until November. :-(