Leslie Sansome

I'm going to purchase a new Leslie Sansome DVD, which one do guys recommend?


  • danir818
    I'm using Walk Slim: 4 Fast Miles..you walk & jog! I love it and I am actually seeing great results. From what I can find, it burns close to 500 calories for my weight!!! It wears me out and it's a bit annoying but the results are certainly worth it! Good luck.
  • brwnsgr
    brwnsgr Posts: 78
    I'm using Walk Slim: 4 Fast Miles..you walk & jog! I love it and I am actually seeing great results. From what I can find, it burns close to 500 calories for my weight!!! It wears me out and it's a bit annoying but the results are certainly worth it! Good luck.

    Do you do the entire 4 miles? How many days do you do this?
  • danir818
    Yes, I do the whole DVD and right now I'm doing this Mon-Fri. I plan on doing this for a couple of weeks to boost the weight loss then go to every other day with some strength training in between. I don't workout on the weekends because that is my time with the kids so I have to make the most of the weekdays.
  • brwnsgr
    brwnsgr Posts: 78
    Okay, I will give it a try. Maybe three days a week at first because I still do my WII FIt
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I have several Leslie Sansone DVDs and I would like to recommend "Walk Away The Pounds Ultimate Collection" or my very favorite, "Walk Away The Pounds Express Super Challenge 4 Miles." I mentioned the first because it is a new release containing 4 different workouts, so you get a lot of bang for your buck. I joined her site and love it - check it out and see what you think. Good luck.
  • TJFreeman
    My very favorite Leslie Sansone video is her Walk Kick video. It incorporates walking and some light kickboxing moves - nothing too strenuous. I love it!
  • danir818
    The Ultimate Collection DVD sounds like a good one to try! I also have a 2 mile walk/jog good for those "lazy" days when 45 min is just too much :-)
  • brwnsgr
    brwnsgr Posts: 78
    Thanks guys!
  • pammiles47
    All of her workouts are excellent! I have been trying to lose weight since 1997 but everytime I get serious I always come back to her workouts. They are so many to chose from so I suggest you read the reviews and see which one fits your needs. I have been a member of numerous gym but I always comes back to her workouts.