New and looking for friends and support

jennylea16 Posts: 97 Member
Hi everyone,

My name is Jen. I'm 36 years old, a part-time nurse and full-time mom to two young children. I've always been overweight, gaining a little more every year, finally bumping over 200 lbs. I feel self-conscious, unhealthy, unattractive and uncomfortable in my own skin and I hate it. I want to feel good, be healthier, be able to keep up with my kids and be a good example to them. I don't want to go out with friends and feel like the ugly one. I see forty looming over the corner and I know I need to get my stuff together because I know that getting in shape and getting healthy gets harder with age. I

I am going to try and be faithful about logging my calories, even when I go over. I love carbs and not many veggies, so eating right is not always easy but I'm trying. I also work nights which makes things harder as well. Partly because I can be up for a couple days at a time and I get so tired that ordering a pizza is much easier than cooking. I'd like to try couch to 5k and the 30 day shred. Advice or suggestions on these? I have never really exercised and this will be the hardest part for me.

Please add me as a friend and we can support each other. Thanks.



  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    You've come to the right place.

    You've got several goals for yourself. I would recommend picking what's most important to you and work on those first. Too much at once can be overwhelming. I started with tracking my calories - good or bad. Accountability is good. I wasn't eating great. After a while I found it easier to eat more healthfully. And by a while I mean several months. I'm not great now but I try. I added in cardio.

    I've done couch to 5 k. Great program as it got me into running and I've always bated running. I have 30 day shred but I couldn't get I to it. Lots of people here like it.

    I sent you a friend request. :flowerforyou:
  • mrscason32
    mrscason32 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Jen Im just starting back as well I'm looking at 40 and staring at the same weight with you. I'm determined to live and live healthy. I have a two and nineteen yr old and need them to go through life with their mom. We can do this thing,girl power
  • MountainMamaMarissa
    MountainMamaMarissa Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Jen, sounds like you are on the right track! MFP is an awesome way to track your calories/food/exercise! I've found some wonderful, inspiring friends to help motivate me - I'm sure you will enjoy using MFP. :)
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 289 Member
    im a new mom shes almosy 9 mo old ans getting into everything which makes doing anything hard she crys when i go make her a bottle or go to the bathroom i know i need to let it go and cant let her run me but it gets hard when she starts screaming but ive started tracking my cals again and im working on trying to exercise but you can add me if youd like
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Jen - so glad you found MFP. It's been really helpful for me - been here about 45 days. I also started by just logging what I ate w/o being on official diet - it opened my eyes to just how much fat & sodium I was consuming. I joined b'cuz my diabetic mom was recently diagnosed with liver cirrhosis from fatty liver and b'cuz my blood pressure had been rising. I've since learned that 50% of women have some degree of fatty liver! After my gallbladder was removed, my doctor said I had "a little bit of fatty liver, so watch what you eat - reduce fatty foods." Well, I knew I needed to lose weight but he didn't tell me how serious fatty liver can be! MFP helps me watch sodium & I'm happy to report that my blood pressure readings are lower. I'm so glad you have decided to walk the path of good health - it will at times be a joyous journey and a tough one. But remember, "tough" is a challenge to meet, not to run from - it took time to become overweight and it will take time to shed that weight.
  • DesBriz
    DesBriz Posts: 1
    Hey my name is Destini and I'm actually a little young I'm only 14 and in high school. I started on this website to support my mom and also to get fit and health I would like some friends to get advice from and also give. Any takers :) ?
  • jennylea16
    jennylea16 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm going to try my best. My main focus right now is trying to track my calories and get used to eating smaller amounts. I don't eat alot of sweets, but I eat big portions of the rest. The exercise I will work in slowly. I'll start with the C25K I think. My main problem in the past has been an all or nothing mentality and when I inevitably fail, I give up. I need to realize this will take time and patience. And the help of all of you!
  • jjsjrs
    jjsjrs Posts: 32 Member
    I am new here also and have learned so much by logging every day like portion size and what has high calories with low substance. I sent you a request and welcome
  • sherimacquarrie
    sherimacquarrie Posts: 69 Member
    sending you a request
  • KP5555
    KP5555 Posts: 46 Member
    I started MFP 3-4 months ago.. I have lost more than 20 pounds and about 4 inches off my waist. I am a huge fan of the 30 day shred , I was very out of shape when I started MFP and it is a great program to get started with, The daily work out is only 20 minutes long and it really works... I have since moved onto the P-90x program, but I never would have been able to even attempt p-90x if I didn't complete the 30DS first.
  • hi jen and welcome m brand new too! I also worked in the medical field, IMAGING and ULTRASOUND for 13 years, AM retired now but miss it alot. It shoud be easier to diet in a controlled enviorment suchs aS A HOSPITAL SETTING. eNCOURAGE your fellow employees to join in! Good LUCK!!
  • congrats!! Sounds like you are doing well, whats your secret, Can u share?
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    You're at the right place. Lots of encouragement here. Lots of idea from MFP members. I am sure you will find all the support you need here.

    Feel free to friend me.
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm going to try my best. My main focus right now is trying to track my calories and get used to eating smaller amounts. I don't eat alot of sweets, but I eat big portions of the rest. The exercise I will work in slowly. I'll start with the C25K I think. My main problem in the past has been an all or nothing mentality and when I inevitably fail, I give up. I need to realize this will take time and patience. And the help of all of you!

    You have certainly found the right place. I was always a starter but never a finisher. I committed myself to logging my food and the Couch 2 5K program and am now running 3-5 miles 4-5x a week and have entered a few races. It has gotten easier and easier and I love the MFP friends and support I have received. Please add me, we all need support and encouragement. Good Luck :)
  • 1andonlykellyd
    1andonlykellyd Posts: 33 Member
    The best part Jen is that you are here are willing to start somewhere! I too heard the knock of 40 on my door and just started on my quest! I am currently on week 3 of C25K and LOVE it....I keep finding 5k runs that I want to do! So i have motivation lined up! I too am a nurse and have a hard time ( after being on my feet all day) wanting to exercise. My advise to you.....give it a strong 2 weeks and you will start to realize that you CRAVE exercise! Just get it done BEFORE work....( I work days so I do mine at lunch and after work unless it is a late night for me in which I work out prior to work) You are more amazing than you think! I know I am :tongue: Welcome to MFP and good luck in your journey..... I am sending a friend request after this =)
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Jen, I'm a part time Communications professor and mother to two wonderful little men (3-1/2 and 5). My husband works out of town a lot, so between work, my activities, and the kids' stuff, things are fairly busy for us. I have a hard time eating healthy, which is what got me into this boat in the first place, and it's even harder with our crazy schedule. Good luck. I've sent you a friend request.