I hate my roommates

allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
So, I can't say this in public, and I can't say it on Facebook, but no one knows me here so I just have to say:

"I hate my roommates"

I'm tired of apologizing for existing, or walking on eggshells when one of them is in a bad mood, or getting yelled at for no reason whatsoever. I'm moving out of this house within the next month and I CAN'T WAIT!

Ok, your turn. Any horrible roommates stories out there?


  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Last roomamate I had shaved his pubes in the bathroom sink blocking the drain by the same occasion. superb.
  • kthychn
    kthychn Posts: 5
    My roommates are Korean sisters and they NEVER talk to me. Their food smells bad and I'm dating a Korean man, so I have a high tolerance to kimchi/fishy smells. Even after many attempts to make conversation with them they still pretend I'm not there. And they somehow get water all over the floor all the time. OH! And they used to have screaming matches at one another late at night. And they would literally get in physical fights. But I'm also moving out this month!! So yay!
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    Good thing your out of there, and its healthy to vent. My roommates are my husband and son does that count, if so they get on my nerves too.:ohwell:
  • torylinnangel
    torylinnangel Posts: 253
    Last roommate I had shaved his pubes in the bathroom sink blocking the drain by the same occasion. superb.

    And sorry for your roommate issues! the worst I ever had was a girl that cried in her sleep every night. My friend down the hall, however...Her roommate masturbated loudly every night, yelling out a different guy's name every night. (according to her) I would have shot myself in the foot if I had to live with her...
  • kritterxx
    kritterxx Posts: 100 Member
    I live in a residential college, so there are 260+ of us, all put into corridor groups. Each have our own room, but ten to a bathroom, mixed sexes. This is all okay, except for the fact that I was put on the gamer corridor - and that's okay, I play video games often, know what I'm talking about in terms of game lore.. but these people take it to a whole new level.

    They have screaming matches at 1am about characters and story lines, they have nerf gun wars and don't tidy up, they all do LARP (where you dress up and fight each other with swords) so our bathroom is always taken over by elf ears and suits of armor, and not to mention strange projects - the latest being watermelon helmets. The floor was so, so sticky. My shampoo and toothpaste constantly goes missing, and I their company is slightly overwhelming ): no horror stories, just they're all very passionate, and take the phrase 'nerd rage' to a new extreme.

    ...I do love them, but am so looking forward to moving out of my college and living by myself next semester.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    My room mate uses up all the internet, leaves lights nd electrical equiptment on, never cleans up after himself, leaves a bottle full of ciggerete ends outside, doesn't empty the bin, doesn't do his share of the house work and leaves mcdonalds burgers in the fridge. lol. But we still love him.
  • DrKittyCat
    DrKittyCat Posts: 108
    I hate my boyfriend's roommate. For the past year (thank goodness not anymore), I'd basically live at my boyfriend's apartment rather than my own. We've been together for 4 years so naturally, we share our pots, pans, knives, furniture, etc. Boyfriend's roommate (who begged my bf to get an apartment w/ him) has none of the above--just a very annoying, and very messy girlfriend. They use our kitchen things and NEVER clean or wash them. If we ask them to do so, they literally use a paper towel to wipe grime off, but don't use a sponge+soap. They've ruined our nice dinner napkins by wiping up some sort of sticky, viscous goo (they said it was creme brulee...).

    They never clean their bathroom so it's embarrassing when we have guests over and they use the hallway bathroom (my bf's bathroom is in his room) and it stinks and the toilet's completely black! My boyfriend and I literally are the only ones who had any part in cleaning that place, from vacuuming, dishes, dusting, etc. All they did was use our stuff and abuse our stuff.

    On top of that, he'd smoke marijuana and stink up the entire place!! Whenever my boyfriend and I left, they'd light up after countless times of us telling them not too.

    Oh, did I mention the many times the roommate would try to catch me after a shower or while I'm undressed when my boyfriend left the apartment? AUGH. So glad that's over!
  • heyitsmegxx
    heyitsmegxx Posts: 444
    I have sooo many horrible roommates stories!!

    My freshmen year of college, I had 3 roommates, because it was that bad! My first roommate and I didn't get along at all! She never showered. Her hair was greasy. She'd get mad at me if I came in after 10 pm on weekends, because she was sleeping. She always smoked weed. She would always skype her boyfriend, naked without telling me and I'd walk in on it.. Eww. She always wore tutus and leather pants, and platform tennis shoes. Worst experience of my life!

    Second roommate: I liked her better. She ALWAYS had a boyfriend over though. Even though, we were freshmen we weren't allowed anyone past 12, she had him over EVER SINGLE NIGHT! I'd wake up to him all the time, so awkward. And I'd always walk in on them having sex!! I'd always hear "get my shirt get my pants." Ah! So annoying

    3rd one: She never left the room. She NEVER went to class. I always go to class, so it was weird. She'd have the tv on, skype on, and be talking on her phone alll night. During the day, she'd be there all day doing nothing. And She did work at Arby's a few times a week, the only time she left the room. But she never showered after work or washed her greasy smelling clothes. Ants were in the room attracted to her clothes. Ick!

    Worst semester of my life.
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    My wife had an irritating roommate while we were dating.
    Loads of dirty dishes
    Steal food
    Had married boyfriend over all the time.
    Sleep through her TWO wake alarms. The alarms would be going continuous for hours.

    I did play a dirty trick one morning.
    Her alarms went off like normal. It woke me up since I was sleeping over.
    Got out my old trusty ghetto blaster(boom box for those that don't know), set a timer for 5 minutes, popped in a cassette(yeah old, I know) so it would play went timer went off. I had it set to play Twisted Sister, I Wanna Rock, at full volume. It rattled the house. It also scared two dogs that were in her room. They went flying into bed with her.
  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    Move out. Living on your own is so much better.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    My sophomore year of college I lived in a very small co-ed Christian dorm. For the most part, it was actually great and the housemates were fun.

    One time, however, one of the guys (never found out who) stole a pair of my panties from my laundry basket in my room. Like, wtf? At least they were clean.
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    Good thing your out of there, and its healthy to vent. My roommates are my husband and son does that count, if so they get on my nerves too.:ohwell:

    I'm ready to move on my own. Your roommates being your husband and son I think is different. Yes, I'm sure you have your arguments, but then you pretty much have to resolve them because you chose to spend your lives together. That's what I'm looking forward to. My roommates, however, don't feel like they need to resolve things and try and make me feel miserable for being alive. ;-) Whatever, exactly a month to go, and counting. :-)
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    I had one room mate that was older than me, yet she couldn't clean up after herself. She would cook something and it would get on the stove and she would leave it there. Umm hello you lazy *****, wipe it up and keep it moving. GAH I can't stand a slob!
  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    Girl, you need to give them a little dose of their own medicine and make their lives Hell before you leave. A little passive aggressive nastiness would do them right. I can share some wonderful things to do to them if you so wish. I am Southern. We are masters at being passive aggressive. :tongue:
  • reppinplates
    reppinplates Posts: 30 Member
    Try living with a guy that sleep walks into my room and chanting what sounds like satanic rituals into my cupboard on a regular basis.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Oh boy yes!

    I bent over backwards for my supposed best friend. I was the only person to clean our flat (there was 3 of us).
    I got into an argument with her over this and she basically told me repeatedly she didn't give a s*** and if I was so bothered about it being clean I should do it myself. She couldn't get it into her thick, self centered brain that I had been the entire time but I needed help because the stove hadn't been cleaned in months and all the rice and curry she made was stuck to it (hence why I refused to clean it). The bath plug was clogged for weeks and I was the only one trying to pull HER hair out of it. She then decided to blame this on my other half, even though he'd only used it twice the 9 months we had been there.

    She was the type of person who, if the conversation wasn't about her she wasn't remotely interested. I put up with it for 2 years but her selfishness became too much for me and I moved out, paid off my remaining rent and got back my deposit so I have nothing more to do with her. My life is much less stressful now!

    Woo it feels good to rant about that.
  • loubeth22
    loubeth22 Posts: 72
    Goodness, I feel for all you guys with awful roomates.

    I've had a pretty bad one, she had a kid so lived of government support and stayed home. The kid was 2 and awesome, I'd come home from work and cook dinner, play with baby, put her in bed and then in the morning I'd let her out and give her breakfast. This arrangement worked well, the dishes got washed whilst I was at work and the house stayed fairly clean in return for less rent for the two of them. Then Housemate decided she needed a job to prove to current bf she was able to better herself and wasn't planing on mooching off him for the rest of her life. Baby went back to Dad (not the bf) and she started expecting me to clean the whole house for her because she suddenly didn't have time. Not cool, seeing as she wasn't going to pay equal rent now that we were both equally cleaning the house. THen she wanted another housemate to make rent cheaper.

    I was *****ed out by her over the course of 3 months form that point. I had a boyfriend (still do, we live together now) she didn't (he dumped her anyway), I managed to save enough for a really sweet car, she got enough speeding fines to have to take a loan to pay them off. I managed to get though my work day without fearing for my job, she was constantly being warned and put on notice for unexplained sickies on the weekend and not completing her basic duties. So I left, taking all the furniture, the new housemate, full bond and the majority of our mutual friends with me.

    It was a rush job so I didn't check out the new landlord so well. He has refused to refund my bond after requesting I move out so he can refurbish the whole place because he needs the money to pay to do so. It was supposed to be done before I moved in and I had been on his case for 6 months to either do it or refund half the rent until it was done. No such luck. Next stop, court and settlement.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I have a roommate AND a husband. She is really bad about cleaning up after herself and doing household chores. We've tried charts and lists and nothing would get done. She also is a terrible shopper and would run out of money to feed herself and steal our food. I diffused the situation by charging her a much higher rent/food fee. I do most of the cleaning and cooking. I do all of the food shopping, by myself, and she pays for 40% of the food (she eats non-stop). By doing this, I have complete control over what we buy, the house is clean to my expectations, and we no longer fight over simple chores.

    BTW, she doesn't get to abuse the priviledge. She knows "I'm not a maid" and she is still expected to clean up her own messes. I just do the dishes, counters, floors, toilets, dusting, etc.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I don't think I would ever go back to having roommates barring some sort of dire financial crisis. I love having my own place!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    Girl, you need to give them a little dose of their own medicine and make their lives Hell before you leave. A little passive aggressive nastiness would do them right. I can share some wonderful things to do to them if you so wish. I am Southern. We are masters at being passive aggressive. :tongue:

    LOL...I love this. GREAT idea.....I'm SURE I can add to what she suggests!! ;)