Sort of new to MFP, SHY & looking 4 MFP/Friends Im/ 5'4'


I'm sort of new. I've signed up for MFP in March 2012 but got serious about it in April 2012 and have never used the chat rooms. Since then I've lost 19ibs. I would definitely like to meet encouraging friends to talk to often and to motivate me and each other. Its hard when I'm the only one out of the people I know trying to loose weight and watching what I eat. Since my separation and recent divorce I want to do something for me and have a new outlook on life and the way I look.

So if you're interested in being friends I will gladly accept. Hope you don't mind my shyness. Thanks for even reading this post.


  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    you can add me if u like! this site is great for support and motivation, the more friends, the more support!! :smile:
  • 2befit2
    2befit2 Posts: 58 Member
    you can add me, I'm also 5'4 working really hard to be fit once and for all :)
  • Prettywings77
    Hi! I just joined tonight and would like to be friends. I am shy too :)
    I do not know what MFP means..this is all new to me. I am thankful for
    My Dr. told me about it. I live in Washington and was very sad this past winter. Now I want to get back into shape
    and lose this weight to be healthy. It's my first week and so far, so good! I have eaten more fruit and vegetables.
    I loveee sugar and instead am eating a small amount of fruit and treating myself to a small piece of dark
    chocolate a few times a week. As long as I keep track, I hope to stay on track!

    I will check in at least once a day.

    Nice to meet you! :):smile:
  • oldtrubs
    oldtrubs Posts: 30
    Im sorta new to MFP too! Add me if you'd like. I would love to add you to my great circle of friends :)
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I do not know what MFP means..this is all new to me. I am thankful for
    MFP means My Fitness Pal.
  • Prettywings77
    Oh, wow! How did all of you add the cool weight loss bar? Very cool!! :) I have 30 lbs to lose and am so excited! :)
  • Prettywings77
    Thank you...hahaha...I looked again and figured it out. I am sleepy and sleeping so much better now that I exercise more! It also helps lower stress. Thanks to all of you for the inspiration! I am going to sleep soon but can't wait to check in tomorrow! Good night! :)
  • LadyRavenRave
    Thanks everyone. I feel at home already. Wasn't sure I would get any request..
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 138 Member
    Friend request sent.

    P.S. I looked at your diary for the past few days. Sweetie, you need to eat more. Really. I'm not going to be one to get on you for it as I prefer to be more supportive than preachy, but we need to work on this. Your body really does need fuel and it will get that through nutrients that you feed it. When your body is properly fueled you will have non-stop energy.
  • LadyRavenRave
    MFP shorten for My Fitness Pal :)
  • LadyRavenRave
    Thanks, I know.
  • davidtucker34
    add me, :) im David from Stl, this is a great app
  • shodaimetruth
    shodaimetruth Posts: 137

    Why be shy? it's the internet. be who ever you want to be, unless being shy is who you want to be. Good luck with your goals. to anyone else, you can add me.
  • LadyRavenRave
    Love the profile pic. I love God of War. I use to play when I had ps. Now its all about the xbox, if you're a gamer. Thanks for the friendship.
  • shodaimetruth
    shodaimetruth Posts: 137
    Yes! I am gamer turned jock. The two have not melded together well at all. I have cut out a lot of gaming because I'm usually at the gym, hiking or going out running. I still try to make sure I at least get a bit of gaming once a week.

    Skyrim was the last game I got seriously in to and it took me out of the gym for almost 3 weeks, that and AC revelations.
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    You can add me if you'd like
  • tcole630
    tcole630 Posts: 4 Member
    tht is amazing...get it!!!
  • fyrefly816
    fyrefly816 Posts: 7 Member
    I can be the giant in the room of short people! (I'm just over 6').

    I'm jumping in here too and got excited about seeing other gamers on here. God of War is awesome, no urge to play Skyrim... I'm a SC/BW and a BF3 gamer if its PC.

    Anyway, Welcome!!

  • LadyRavenRave
    I'm a Call of Duty girl addicted to all of them :0)
  • aolenick
    aolenick Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me! I just started too!