Confused ...

oxanel Posts: 15 Member
I've been on this site for 10 daysnow, keeping counting the calories around 1400 a day and workouts at the gym every day , todayon scale shows more weight :( I expected to be at least 2lb as my goal is in 1 week. I'm doing something wrong or .... I'm really confused ...


  • katykosto
    katykosto Posts: 80
    Are the calories your eating to reach your daily intake from bad foods? Are you eating late at night? Have you been monitoring your calorie break down where it shows how much sodium, carbs etc?
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    If you've just started working out then your muscles may be retaining water to help repair them.
  • oxanel
    oxanel Posts: 15 Member
    Well I'm not eating bad foods at all, Healthy salads and soups, No eating on late evenings or night, but I feel I shoud be "lighter" , because I feel much better, but on the scale shows me more weight. Even the clothes I can see they are not tight. So I'm confused again ...

    Maybe as Dovesgate said my muscles are retaining water. How this works? For how long usually the muscle will retain the water?

  • katykosto
    katykosto Posts: 80
    If your seeing a slimming result with clothes than I would def. lean towards muscle repair, and its a proven fact that muscle weights more than fat....
  • oxanel
    oxanel Posts: 15 Member
    I hope this is the answer , anyway I keep going ... waiting for results
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Maybe as Dovesgate said my muscles are retaining water. How this works? For how long usually the muscle will retain the water?

    My body will retain water from a change in workouts or lifting weights for 3-4 days. If I don't keep an eye on my sodium during that time it seems like it takes longer but I've never deliberately spiked my sodium to find out for sure. Your mileage may vary.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Have you taken your measurements? That really helps me when the scale isn't moving. I had a 3 lb weight gain but had lost 6 inches.
  • oxanel
    oxanel Posts: 15 Member
    Yes , I did ... only 1cm on the hips ... not on the other parts of the body ... The issues is that I feel it much better and feel like my scale should show less but once stepped on it ... :( ohhh no ...
  • laurell6
    laurell6 Posts: 2
    The same thing happened to me. I gained 3 pounds in four days. Then I was retaining water because of PMS. I kept watching my calories and kept working out. After a week, I had lost 4 pounds from where I started before the water retention. Then two days later I lost another pound. Just keep at it. Don't be discouraged. Hope this helps!
  • CountDown321
    CountDown321 Posts: 117 Member
    Bodyweight varies up to 5 lbs a day depending on many factors. Plus muscle retains water after intense exercises, especially lifting. Its not going to be consistent reliable results, or people wouldn't struggle so much with weight loss. It takes effort and time and struggle and sweat, etc. Good luck
  • oxanel
    oxanel Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for helping me ... Good luck everyone
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Firstly, welcome. Coming here was probably one of the best steps in your lifestyle change.

    OK, you need to acknowledge that you have only just started this, and that people's bodies all react differently. Some people get an immediate rush of weightloss (quite often a loss of water weight as their diet has significantly lower amounts of sodium than they usually eat). For others it takes some time, and comes in waves. I know that was the case for me, I'd have no loss for up to 3-4 weeks at a time, then drop several pounds very quickly.

    Secondly, and I can not stress this enough. LEARN. Knowledge is power and if you take the time to ask for advice here, read through people's posts and do some independent research you will be amazed at the amount of false information and crap that is out there about 'healthy' eating.

    Once you have armed yourself with enough knowledge you have to take the leap of faith to trust the PROCESS and not the result. You may not see any weightloss for a while, but if you are doing the right things, the results will eventually come.

    Finally, please don't rely on the scale. It looks like you have been taking measurements which is great! This (along with pictures) tell a much more accurate story of your progress than numbers on a scale.

    Hope that helps.
  • oxanel
    oxanel Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks, That was very helpful for me ... I'm keep going ... One day I will give a good news about my results
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    10 days in is not enough time to see results. Also your weight fluctuates daily (sometimes even hourly!). A pound or 2 either way is normal so don't get to hung up on the scale and numbers. Just stay within your calorie range and you will see results in time.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Put the scale in the closet for one month, then re-evaluate. Good luck.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Check your sodium and potassium levels in the 'reports' feature of the website. When I started, I thought I was eating healthy, but I was getting a ton of sodium and was completely deficient in potassium. These two nutrients maintain the water balance in your body. If one or the other is off kilter, then you will retain water, which would explain your gain. Also, depending on where you are at in your menstral cycle, your body might retain water just because.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    If you've just started working out then your muscles may be retaining water to help repair them.


    Whenever I switch up my workout routine drastically, my weight always goes up a pound or 2 or stays the same. I know I'm not gaining weight, it's just water/fluid retention. Like another poster said, put the scale away and re-evaluate in a month or so. And measure yourself! Measure yourself in the morning and then in a month, measure yourself again. If you're sticking to the right calorie intake (1400 is what I go by as well, sometimes more depending on how hard I work out), and eating the right kinds of foods, plus exercising, you WILL see a positive change.

    10 days is nothing...give it some time, and trust the process!
  • AprilPayne24
    If you are already feeling better and "lighter", then things are happening that the scale might not reflect. Keep pushing! And I always find it helpful to have an open diary so people can see what you are eating and offer advice in that regard as well!
  • squirrelly87
    If you weren't working out much before then you are certainly building muscle, which will add weight. The good news is that the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. Don't be disheartened. You'll see the results on the scale soon enough.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Check your sodium and potassium levels in the 'reports' feature of the website. When I started, I thought I was eating healthy, but I was getting a ton of sodium and was completely deficient in potassium. These two nutrients maintain the water balance in your body. If one or the other is off kilter, then you will retain water, which would explain your gain. Also, depending on where you are at in your menstral cycle, your body might retain water just because.

    Also very true. Monitoring my sodium levels has been SO key in my progress.