Hi- newbie here!

Hello. My name is Linda and I'm 31 years old.
I weigh 283lbs. My goal weight is 130. As you can see, I have very far to go!
I am taking Abilify for depression and I think it makes it harder for me to lose weight. If anyone has advice on this topic then plz let me know!
I am looking for friends near and far and I need lots of encouragement.


  • sam4life
    sam4life Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, i weigh 250 lbs and my goal weight is 145 lbs.
    I am currently taking lustral for my depression and also find it a little harder for me too, i found if i make a visual time table of exercise with tick box and a meal planner each week really helps with my motivation.
    I will add you and we can help support each other other if you like?
  • Sure Sam . That sounds great! I will certainly add you. :-)
  • leslierae1804
    leslierae1804 Posts: 16 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me. I can tell you that in the past when I was on anti-depressants for my depression and anxiety it made it really hard to lose weight, I think it might have even contributed to my weight gain. I got off due to my pregnancy and refuse to get back on. I know that the more I work out though, the less anxious and depressed I feel. It's been a great feeling to work out, lose weight and be medication free!!! I know the battle that you are going through and would love to be able to help motivate you along your journey!