What do you consider "Clean Eating" ?



  • AmyB_1992
    AmyB_1992 Posts: 32
    good one AmbyrJayde
  • AmyB_1992
    AmyB_1992 Posts: 32
    For me it's eating 250 calories or under in each meal and having up to 3 snacks under 100 calories each.

    that has nothing to do with clean eating. I call that starving.

    That's about 900 calories, I call it healthy eating, especially considering my daily calorie goal is 1,200
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    For me it's eating 250 calories or under in each meal and having up to 3 snacks under 100 calories each.

    that has nothing to do with clean eating. I call that starving.

    That's about 900 calories, I call it healthy eating, especially considering my daily calorie goal is 1,200

    Being that you're only 19 years old you should be eating about twice that. Healthy eating is ensuring your body has enough nutrition and energy to carry out it's vital functions, not restricting yourself heavily.
  • AmyB_1992
    AmyB_1992 Posts: 32
    For me it's eating 250 calories or under in each meal and having up to 3 snacks under 100 calories each.

    that has nothing to do with clean eating. I call that starving.

    That's about 900 calories, I call it healthy eating, especially considering my daily calorie goal is 1,200

    Being that you're only 19 years old you should be eating about twice that. Healthy eating is ensuring your body has enough nutrition and energy to carry out it's vital functions, not restricting yourself heavily.

    I'll up my calories once I lose enough weight.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    For me it's eating 250 calories or under in each meal and having up to 3 snacks under 100 calories each.

    that has nothing to do with clean eating. I call that starving.

    That's about 900 calories, I call it healthy eating, especially considering my daily calorie goal is 1,200

    Being that you're only 19 years old you should be eating about twice that. Healthy eating is ensuring your body has enough nutrition and energy to carry out it's vital functions, not restricting yourself heavily.

    I'll up my calories once I lose enough weight.

    To each, their own but bear in mind cutting your intake that much will slow your metabolism more than a more modest deficit, so you will have to be very careful increasing your intake at your goal weight.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Basically - if my Grandmother wouldn't recognise it, then I try not to eat it.*

    * this does not apply all the time. Far from it. But when I knuckle down, that's my definition of clean!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    When I say I'm "eating clean" I have to follow these rules. No oil, no dairy, fat free soy milk is ok, wheetbix are ok, light tuna in water is ok, vegetables are ok as long as they're steamed, no sugar, no carbohydrates except wheetbix, no bananas, no sauces that are oil basssed, no potatoes, no meat except light tuna, no nuts, no sweet potato and definately no processed food. Although I'll admit I do not think this is by any means the definition of clean eating.
    I have no response to that.
  • anewme1202
    anewme1202 Posts: 70 Member
    I love this question!!

    I just started "clean eating" last week and sure it's only been 10 days, but I feel great. Before I started, I read alot of the "old" posts on here, checked out some websites and books and went and bought a clean eating cookbook.

    To say I'm a 100% clean eater would be wrong, but 90% of my diet is clean. To me (and this is just for me) that means ONLY lots of lean protein, fruits and vegetables. Yes, I still do eat bread but I buy it at the Organic Store. The Natural food store has become my best friend. I always read labels before, but I do that even more now. If I can't pronounce an ingredient - I don't buy the product. The labels on the foods I buy have very few ingredients and nothing processed. This wasn't easy because sometimes after a long day of work then the gym the last thing I want to do is cook, but I do alot of cooking ahead of time or I just take time after a busy day and make it because in the long run all that fresh / natural food I'm putting in my body is going to be better for me. No quick fixes here!!

    What works for me too is that I still have my favorite foods I love, but I just make a "clean" version of them - there are some great websites that take a recipe and make it clean.

    So for me, clean eating means "in it's natural state" but like others have said, the "clean eating" opinion varies.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    In short it means different things to different people. In general, I think of eating organic foods such as plant and animal based products in a balanced fashion. This is not to say I eat totally clean by that definition. It is much better than it used to be though.
  • juicyfruitkk
    juicyfruitkk Posts: 95 Member
    Eating natural/whole/unprocessed foods.

    agreed! :smile:
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    Shopping along the outer edges of the store, never venturing into the 'interior' except for tea bags. LOL I'm addicted, what can I say? Of course, there are some thing that don't qualify as clean on the outer edges, but I am aware of them and stay away from them.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Clean eating to me is when I'm done I don't have to change my shirt. :laugh: If they didn't have it 100 years ago....it's clean!
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Washing my hands first.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I consider clean eating as eating only unprocessed or minimally processed foods, without man-made additives.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    For me it's eating 250 calories or under in each meal and having up to 3 snacks under 100 calories each.

    that has nothing to do with clean eating. I call that starving.

    That's about 900 calories, I call it healthy eating, especially considering my daily calorie goal is 1,200

    Being that you're only 19 years old you should be eating about twice that. Healthy eating is ensuring your body has enough nutrition and energy to carry out it's vital functions, not restricting yourself heavily.

    I'll up my calories once I lose enough weight.
    Sadly, you will end up not losing weight after awhile on a calorie intake that is this low.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    For me it's eating 250 calories or under in each meal and having up to 3 snacks under 100 calories each.

    that has nothing to do with clean eating. I call that starving.

    That's about 900 calories, I call it healthy eating, especially considering my daily calorie goal is 1,200

    Being that you're only 19 years old you should be eating about twice that. Healthy eating is ensuring your body has enough nutrition and energy to carry out it's vital functions, not restricting yourself heavily.

    I'll up my calories once I lose enough weight.

    And you will gain back most of the weight because you put your body into starvation mode, causing it to eat your muscle instead of fat and lower your metabolism.

    What you need to understand is that you should not eat below your BMR. Those calories are needed to keep your body running. Think of them as the baseline or the minimum needed to survive. Anything above that is icing and you don't need it, but it is nice to have.

    If your metabolism is depressed, which is what you are doing by starving yourself, it may not come back. Then you will not be able to eat more than what you are eating now without gaining weight. You are basically setting yourself up for yo-yo dieting. If you want more info, message me.
  • uniqsol
    uniqsol Posts: 36
    Ingredients I can pronounce :)

    Haha, love this one!
    As I've become more health conscious, paying attention to labels - if there IS one, wink, wink - has been comedy. There is so much excess junk in the majority of food! It's absolutely incredible. :noway:

    I try to stick to the rule of: stay to the outside areas of the market & avoid the inner aisles. (Except coffee, tea, cleaning products...you get the idea.) The first few trips to the market like this were kinda weird! I almost felt as though I must have been forgetting something. NOPE. Just leaving behind lots of things that don't work for a healthy approach :happy:
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    The "Eat-Clean Diet" is based on a book of the same name. It was created by fitness model Tosca Reno, who was also a columnist for "Oxygen" magazine. The concept of clean diet dates back to the 1960s, when the raw and whole food movement started. Although Reno modified the diet and made it easier and simpler, the basic principles of eating simple and healthy foods remains.

    How it Works
    The Eat-Clean Diet requires you to eat only natural foods that contain no preservatives. This means no prepackaged foods, no refined carbohydrates and no sugar. There's no calorie counting, which makes the diet easier to follow. You can eat things from all food groups, as long as you choose the non-processed options. For example, whole brown foods instead of white.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/471736-does-the-eat-clean-diet-work/#ixzz1vhRKXVHl
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Personally for me it's a couple things. No processed foods, no sugar, and no refined carbs. I only consume protein and fruit and veggies for the most part. I will be the first to admit I'm not perfect though, I have the occasional treat.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    What it means to most people is probably eating mostly whole, minimally processed foods. To me, clean eating is not a very quantifiable concept as the meaning can vary.

    This- when the definition can be defined then I'll pay attention to it. As it is now? It's people making up their own plan- which is fine- but doesn't exactly convert me.