Has anyone experienced their doctor telling them....



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I've found that doctors have very low standards when it comes to weight.

    You've never met any of the doctors I've gone to over the years. I've had some not even examine the problem area and write it off as "you're fat, go jogging." I'd rather a doctor be a little lenient with their professional opinion on a healthy weight than have a doctor dismiss any malady I may have and say it's just because I'm fat. And last time I checked, tonsils don't rot in your throat because you're fat. (I seriously had a doctor tell me a tonsillectomy wasn't needed, they were "just like that" because of my weight and I had to deal with them. I thought the ENT I saw was going to kick a puppy when I told him that a week later.)
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    I had an all out yell out with my dr, he has changed his practice to weight management from ob gyn. I am 5'1 weighed 214. I had lost 36 pounds. I was stuck and he wanted me to use his all natural products not covered by ins. and go on a 500 cal diet with HCG. I was like WHAT! I could not maintain on that I run 3 miles daily. that would not work for me. Louder and more forceful he became, the louder I became about accountability and lifestyle change, not starvation. We were moved to the back of his office, to continue our discussion with hm telling me I had no idea what I was talking about. Needless to say i walked out and changed drs. I am at a 50 pound loss now and I eat more than 500 cal.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I am not as tall as you but I too have a larger frame.. I have been told many diffrent things in the past from Doctors some I don't always agree with but I have had a body scan done a safe weight for me is between 132 lbs and 143 lbs. So if a safe weight for you is between 190 or even 200 I would say that is okay. Everyones body type is diffrent. I have also been told that a good weight for me is 111 lbs to 153 lbs so you figure that one out.. If I were to go any lower then a 132 lbs I would look sickly. So I would say if you feel comfertable at 190-200lbs then that should be fine. Good luck to you but the best bet is to get a body scan.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    One of my doctors told me I'd be fine at 199lbs, and I'm 5'2". If you're active enough and eat healthy enough, you'll be fine with quite a bit of extra weight.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm 5'3" and big-boned according to my wrist measurement. Now that I've lost enough weight so that I can actually find my joints, I'm discovering that I have big bony knees, elbows, and knuckles. Who knew?? Big boned is not a myth!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    It sounds to me like the doctor is being realistic based on your height and fitness level. Don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    Yes, I went to the dietician and the she says the after I lose 3-4 kg I'll be perfect.

    And I'm like "WTF?" I weight 10 KG (25 lbs) more than my "normal" weight. And I'm like "I want to weight 116 lbs, that's the weight I should be in" "Oh but if you just weight 130 you'll be fine, you don't need to, come back in one month"

    Hell no, I won't come back to you, weirdo.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Doctors are looking at a much bigger and more complex picture than just your weight. It's not low standards, it's addressing what is really important. As the poster ahead said, it's not that you shouldn't can't reduce more, but the doctor thinks you are not compromising your health at your current weight.
    I also think this ^^^^^^. Doctors aren't interested in your "I want to look good" part of weight loss for the most part. They're more worried about the "get to the point where your no longer at risk for health problems" part of weight loss
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    I am not as tall as you but I too have a larger frame.. I have been told many diffrent things in the past from Doctors some I don't always agree with but I have had a body scan done a safe weight for me is between 132 lbs and 143 lbs. So if a safe weight for you is between 190 or even 200 I would say that is okay. Everyones body type is diffrent. I have also been told that a good weight for me is 111 lbs to 153 lbs so you figure that one out.. If I were to go any lower then a 132 lbs I would look sickly. So I would say if you feel comfertable at 190-200lbs then that should be fine. Good luck to you but the best bet is to get a body scan.

    Where would someone go to get a body scan? Thanks for the information.
  • ChristinaOlliver
    ChristinaOlliver Posts: 57 Member
    I've found that doctors have very low standards when it comes to weight.

    I don't find that at all. A few years ago when I was a UK size 10, my doctor told me I was very overweight and should start watching what I eat and exercising, which I was doing anyway! I've found that some doctors seem to be quite unreasonable when it comes to weight and that they only look at the number on the scale vs the number you should be, rather than actually looking at the person.
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    Again, this wasn't a bash on doctors or size or anything. I just wanted some insight on how people pushed passed their stalled weight loss. I did look up the information on tdee, bmr, & rmr and maybe I will start to increase my calories to see if that works. I have been eating 1200 calories or below for a year and according to that information my tdee is 2549 and my bmr is 1645. I don't know I will see that just seems like a lot of food. Hopefully it will work. Thanks for all the responses.
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    This isn't directed at the OP but rather to some of the posts on this thread writing off "big bones" as an excuse for being in the overweight range.

    The BMI ranges already account for different frames and body compositions. For example, at 5'8" there is a 33-pound difference between the bottom of the healthy range (125) and the top (158). If you have a small frame, you may actually be too heavy if you're towards the top of the range (that's my situation, I've never technically been overweight but because of my small frame I am. And yes you can be tall and have big feet and have a small frame, I'm proof of it). If you have a larger frame or more muscular composition you may be healthier towards the top of the range. IMO the BMI ranges already take into account different body sizes and compositions, it's up to everyone to figure out their ideal weight. This may be outside the BMI range, but just because you are within the "healthy range" doesn't mean you're at your ideal weight... and "big bones" are not necessarily a good excuse for adding 30 pounds to the very top of the range.
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    I agree. My doctor told me because I have a large frame I won't go to much below where I am (200-203). The little devil on my shoulder wants to proof her wrong :devil: lol.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I agree. My doctor told me because I have a large frame I won't go to much below where I am (200-203). The little devil on my shoulder wants to proof her wrong :devil: lol.

    So go for it! But shoot to change your body fat percentage. Lift weights and eat enough calories. Don't do the crash diet thing.
  • The more important question is if you are happy with your current weight. If not, find a way to lose until you are.

    Awesome statement!!!
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    I agree. My doctor told me because I have a large frame I won't go to much below where I am (200-203). The little devil on my shoulder wants to proof her wrong :devil: lol.

    So go for it! But shoot to change your body fat percentage. Lift weights and eat enough calories. Don't do the crash diet thing.

    That's my goal. No more crash diets for me. Thanks.
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Yes. They give you extra weight if you are older than like 30 I think plus if you have had a BMI test there and they know your lean mass they will give you more.

    The goal weight my Dr. wants for me is at the high end of overweight but because of my high lean mass he does not believe I should go lower than what he has set. He also gives me some extra because I am not a spring chicken anymore. :-)
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Do you trust your Dr? If you do...then listen, if you don't...then it is time to change Dr.'s.
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