HELP !!!!!!!!!!



  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Just a few tips:

    Slow and steady always wins the race. It's great to have a goal, but please don't expect to reach that goal tomorrow. I think lots of people give up because it gets hard. It is hard, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do. But it's so rewarding!

    Log everything that goes in your mouth and don't lie to yourself. You are going to have days that you want a cookie, donut, cake, chips, etc. Eat them. Just eat a serving and stop. And log it. And if you eat it, don't even something else. It's like life, full of choices. No choices are bad, you just have to learn from them and move on.

    Keep up the workouts, but don't get obessed about it. You still need to LIVE through this journey. If it's between going out with friends or working out, go out with your friends, just don't eat/drink everything in sight. You have to learn to live like this for the rest of your life. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle.

    If you fall of the wagon (and trust me if you are human, you will), get back on THAT day. Don't wait until tomorrow, don't wait until Monday. Figure out what you did and don't do it again.

    Really take a hard look at your diet before you even start. If you have a tendancy to be a convienence eater, stop it. If you tend to be a couch eater, stop it. If you eat when you are happy/sad/depressed/etc and not when you are hungry, stop it. Etc and so forth. If you can cut things out (go cold turkey) without it making you miserable, give it up. But learn that you won't be able to cut it all out, keep one thing that makes you happy. And never feel bad about it.

    Ok, enough words of wisdom. Go out there and get them. And congrats for making that first step!
  • Alpine005
    Alpine005 Posts: 87 Member
    Good friends are always a help.

    A couple of tips from me (110 days in, 50 pounds lost)

    - Log everything! If you have a bad day, it happens, but log everything! Drink lots of water!
    - If you do have a bad day, it's not the end of the world, just get right back at it and did I mention, LOG EVERYTHING!
    - Find some good friends on here and make your food diary public.
    - Tell everyone you know about your lifestyle change, that feeling of accountability makes it harder to get off track.
    - Browse the success stories; there are some amazing stories that are pure motivation. These forums are a great way to stay in the right frame of mine. 99% of the posters are really good, supportive people. Many of them are extremely knowledgeable too. I have learned a ton on here!
    - Don't set any unrealistic goals or timelines. Stay under your calorie goal each day and you will lose weight, plain and simple. Sometimes it will happen faster than others, but you will lose weight! Don't get caught up in the day to day drama. Set it and forget it!
    - Enjoy it, losing weight is an amazing thing, in many ways you experience a type of freedom you didn't have before.

    Good Luck!
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome Caz! I have been on here for about a month and have found this site to be so helpful. Everyone has been nice and offer encouragement and support. There is lots of helpful info in the boards from recipes to exercise and sucess stories. I have lost 7lbs and have another 50 to go. You are not alone :)
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    You're already doing good with your walking!

    I hope you drink lots of water, wear good shoes, and stretch those achilles tendons.

    I lost alot by working up to 5 miles per day, you can too!!

    Now just adjusting how you eat, you'll be fit & sexy in no time. ☺
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    Reading the message boards also helps with tips and motivation. Just being here has helped me a lot. I have attempted to diet so many times and quit within three months. Although I am losing slowly (my choice as I want to truly make life changes, not a diet for awhile), I have worked at it much longer this time. I have been on here since January (yes a resolution). It helps just being here and knowing others are going through exactly the same things I am. Good Luck on your journey to weight loss and healthy living.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    if someone has a problem with how u look that's what they have necks for so they can turn them

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome! The more friends the better :) Encourage them and they encourage you :):wink:
  • mkutkowski
    mkutkowski Posts: 10
    Howdy! I've been here for a couple of days, but in my short time here, I can honestly say that the friends you make on here are very supportive. I'm very close to being in the same boat as you (same height, weight, and weight loss goal) and I too am new to the diet and exercise scene. Feel free to add me as a friend, and best of luck on your journey! :)

  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Just a few tips:

    Slow and steady always wins the race. It's great to have a goal, but please don't expect to reach that goal tomorrow. I think lots of people give up because it gets hard. It is hard, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do. But it's so rewarding!

    Log everything that goes in your mouth and don't lie to yourself. You are going to have days that you want a cookie, donut, cake, chips, etc. Eat them. Just eat a serving and stop. And log it. And if you eat it, don't even something else. It's like life, full of choices. No choices are bad, you just have to learn from them and move on.

    Keep up the workouts, but don't get obessed about it. You still need to LIVE through this journey. If it's between going out with friends or working out, go out with your friends, just don't eat/drink everything in sight. You have to learn to live like this for the rest of your life. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle.

    If you fall of the wagon (and trust me if you are human, you will), get back on THAT day. Don't wait until tomorrow, don't wait until Monday. Figure out what you did and don't do it again.

    Really take a hard look at your diet before you even start. If you have a tendancy to be a convienence eater, stop it. If you tend to be a couch eater, stop it. If you eat when you are happy/sad/depressed/etc and not when you are hungry, stop it. Etc and so forth. If you can cut things out (go cold turkey) without it making you miserable, give it up. But learn that you won't be able to cut it all out, keep one thing that makes you happy. And never feel bad about it.

    Ok, enough words of wisdom. Go out there and get them. And congrats for making that first step!

    This = awesome post :)
  • ralh
    ralh Posts: 14

    I have been using this site for a few days and have found a lot of support and encouragement from people on here and the food database is really good.

    Add me if you like, I will be on here at some point a few times a day.

    Rebecca x
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    Girl if u dont take that damn Jacket off!! LOL..I am fat and fabulous and so are u and I weigh 100lbs more then u do! Poor lil thing sweating up a storm. U will be fine this site is amazing..The ppl here are wonderful and give great encouragement!! Add me if you'd like too..and take the jacket off!!!
  • angel_eyez718
    angel_eyez718 Posts: 36 Member
    I'd love for you to add me as a friend too! its great and amazing that you are taking the first steps to trying to reach your goal weight! you can do this!!!! this site is great for motivation and support since everyone's goals are to get healthy and lose weight and no judgements. I've been here for about a month and everyone is so encouraging! you got this girl! never put yourself down because that just deflates you! you are amazing and eventhough we don't know each other yet, i'm so proud that you're trying to make changes to your life!:smile:
  • MelSzom
    MelSzom Posts: 9
    Hi there, I'm new too, and I can already see how much of a positive impact the people on these boards will be on my weight loss journey, so I know they will be for you too! Feel free to add me and we can be weight loss buddies :). Also, dress for comfort when you work out, because the more comfortable you are, the more likely you are to keep at it! Not to mention the risk of heatstroke :(. Best of luck to you!!
  • Hevans1012
    Hevans1012 Posts: 32 Member
    Add me if you'd like as well. The more friends motivating the better :)