hello! i'm new!!!

Hey everyone! i'm 34, engaged, a mom of an 11 year old in minnesota. I'm looking to finally get IN SHAPE. this is my 3rd day. so far so good! YAY! lets hope this feeling don't fade in a month.


  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    this is addicting! You'll love it! I do! I ahev a 10 year old that keeps me running! ( that never made the weight go though) Welcome and I wish you the best! Feel free to add me for support, I log in daily!
  • 2strapscool
    2strapscool Posts: 23
    thanks! once i figure out how to add, i'll do it. lol
  • kmpawley
    kmpawley Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I joines today!! I live in Delaware and I have an 11 year old also. I use to be in good shape. Not sure what happen but I am ready to get my body back.
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    Welcome! My son is graduating next week from high school.... so I don't have a young one anymore, but i do log in daily...today is 100 days straight! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • 2strapscool
    2strapscool Posts: 23
    life happened LOL! it's like one day you're super hot and the next day your undies not fitting you! lmao!
  • 2strapscool
    2strapscool Posts: 23
    sweet! can't wait till mine is 18! j/k. hey, how'd you lose 55lbs? and how long did that take you?