p90x, halfway through

Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
I'm starting week 6 tomorrow, so far the only dif I see is a couple lb/inches lost and I can actually do 3-5 "real" pushups (which I could never do before).
I'm pretty excited about that, and I KNOW i'm not following the nutrition plan, I just try and eat healthy (sometimes I cave in,of course with lil bad snack) but for the most part I have changed my eating habits and I actually have breakfast now.

I dont know I guess I was hoping I'd be seeing way more results, it's kind of dissapointing at the same time, but I am 100% commited to this and I can't believe I am already halway there!

What are your stories?


  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I am 5 weeks in and only 2 lbs lost. I haven't re-measured. I was going to just wait it out until I was having
    a really bad day to measure or until the end. My husband tells me he has noticed changes so it must be
    doing something. I am not following the P90X nutrition plan but I eat healthy and watch everything I eat.
    I also cave sometimes then feel guilty but not often.

    I expected more results and now realize they will come in time. :) Hopefully you start seeing more now.

    Which program are you doing on P90X ? I am doing the lean and its kicking my butt :D
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    many people I know that have finished P90X have not lost much weight but have toned up and lost many inches. DONT GIVE UP!! IT is definitely worth it!
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    Nutrition is 80% of any diet plan. I just finished P90X and started P90X2 this week. Stick with it and you will see results. Sometimes, it takes 180 days to see results (females especially have noted that it takes 120 days to see the same results as men) Good luck!!
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    You will get much more dramatic results if you follow the nutrition guide. You don't necessarily have to eat the exact meals in the guide, just adjust your macros in MFP to match what it recommends in each phase of the diet.

    I am not sure how much you want to lose, but one thing that you could do is pick a pair of pants that are one size smaller and try them on and then each week try them on until they fit and that will show you what you have actually done versus the scale.

    Women's weight can fluctuate so often because of our menstrual cycles, the amount of sodium you ate the day before and many other things. Your weight can fluctuate between 4 and 5 pounds on a daily basis.

    So, adjust your macros to match what the guide suggests and try and fall within them each day and you will see results. I have my diary set for the P90X phase 1 macros. You can check it out if you want. I'll send you a friend request.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    For me, I saw more definition in my muscles/abs at the 8-10 week mark, but results will vary depending on where you fitness level when you started vs. now. My big result was when I ran my annual 10K (without doing much running training beforehand). I had the lowest 10K time that I had had in years. P90X helped with my endurance.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    i'm doing the classic!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Couple issues to be be aware of. Most results really kick in during the last phase and women typically need two rounds to get the same level of results as men.

    The point is you are seeing results and you will be some much better off for doing the whole 90 days.. P90X changed my life. I went from a fat sedentary 214 to an active 180 with >10% body fat.

  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    i'm doing the classic!

    YES. Classic is the way to go and how you will see the best results. Tony himself would tell you the same thing!!!
  • Jess81620
    Jess81620 Posts: 72 Member
    Diet is 80%, 10% fitness and 10% genes
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    Just do the math and follow the plan. It definitely worked for my. 5 rounds down and feelin fine!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    You will get much more dramatic results if you follow the nutrition guide. You don't necessarily have to eat the exact meals in the guide, just adjust your macros in MFP to match what it recommends in each phase of the diet.

    I am not sure how much you want to lose, but one thing that you could do is pick a pair of pants that are one size smaller and try them on and then each week try them on until they fit and that will show you what you have actually done versus the scale.

    Women's weight can fluctuate so often because of our menstrual cycles, the amount of sodium you ate the day before and many other things. Your weight can fluctuate between 4 and 5 pounds on a daily basis.

    So, adjust your macros to match what the guide suggests and try and fall within them each day and you will see results. I have my diary set for the P90X phase 1 macros. You can check it out if you want. I'll send you a friend request.

    Agree with this statement. I stick to the macros and eat healthy within the macros.
    I lost about 7-8 pounds the first month, not much the second and lots on the 3rd. My weight went from 155 -127 on the first round.
  • itsniababy
    itsniababy Posts: 1
    I just admire you are doing the P(90X) cause I couldnt make it through the work out
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I think it's unfair how guys lose weight quicker then ladies...
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    i'm doing the classic!

    YES. Classic is the way to go and how you will see the best results. Tony himself would tell you the same thing!!!

    Really? I started with the lean program first. I am going to do the classic next because I know I will need
    to do another round.

    I also think its unfair how guys lose weight quicker than us but then again, I am hoping to still have some curves, just toned ones when I'm done. :)
  • Jessintherain
    Jessintherain Posts: 67 Member
    Knowing how bored I was by week 6 of P90X I have to give some serious kudos to people who do several rounds of the program. I knew all of Tony's sayings by heart...
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    i'm doing the classic!

    YES. Classic is the way to go and how you will see the best results. Tony himself would tell you the same thing!!!

    Really? I started with the lean program first. I am going to do the classic next because I know I will need
    to do another round.

    I also think its unfair how guys lose weight quicker than us but then again, I am hoping to still have some curves, just toned ones when I'm done. :)

    The LEAN program was added to appease a few people in the P90X test group that feared lifting 3x a week.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Oh. I did not know that. Maybe I should switch to the classic then . . . thinking on this now.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    Knowing how bored I was by week 6 of P90X I have to give some serious kudos to people who do several rounds of the program. I knew all of Tony's sayings by heart...

    I can't get bored, the only one that bores me is the yoga, but I love doing arms and back and lifting weights
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    Couple issues to be be aware of. Most results really kick in during the last phase and women typically need two rounds to get the same level of results as men.

    does this mean I should re-do it after my 90 days are done? I was thinking once i'm finished with this i'd go on to p90x 2
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    I'm halfway through week 10 and have gone from 140lbs to 134lbs. But I've lost approx 4 inches on my waist, 3 on my hips and a ton elsewhere. Following the meal plan is KEY! Although, I feel like I might be eating a few too little calories, netting 1300 on average. So, this week I'm going to try and up them a littile. Stick with it. I hear that Phase 3 is where the magic happens. Congrats on getting this far!