you're missing out on crack in a jar....

Yes, you read it correctly. Go directly to Trader Joe's, do not pass go, do not collect $200---> and stock up on COOKIE BUTTER. It's better than Nutella by a mile, better than peanut butter by a marathon, and I'm pretty sure it's gotta contain traces of crack in it because I'm addicted.

In all seriousness, at only 90 cals a tbsp it's definitely WORTH IT calorie wise. It's a treat, yes, but the best treat you will ever taste and should absolutely, positively, be a part of EVERYONE'S DIET for a little taste of happiness every day.

If you have impulse control issues then invite a friend over and plan to eat the entire jar---plain, toasted EGGO waffles are essential though so grab a box of those too---or even some graham crackers. YUMMY!
