Changing up the order of Ripped In 30

I'm completing my first rotation this week but feel I could use another before moving on to BR or P90X. For a change of pace, do you think it would be advisable to alternate levels each day? Instead of doing each level for a week? For Instance:
Monday - wk 1
Tuesday - wk 2
Wednesday - wk 3
Thursday - wk 4
Friday - cardio only

Also, for those that have tried Body Revolution, were the moves similar enough to RI30 to be redundant? If not, I'm considering asking for it for my birthday! :happy:


  • That's a cool way to do it!
    I do her Ripped in 30 and Her Abs(just started that last week~hard but good)

    I do her Ripped in 30 twice a day 5 days a week, then I walk my dog too for extra cardio. I do the ab work too only 5 days. It's been a major difference for me so far. :) 4 pounds loss when I saw this morning and I feel a lot stronger. Then when I just did Ripped in 30 everyday once a day. :) I split them one in the morning and once after work so I feel more energized then I somehow work in the abs after or before work depending how busy I am that day. :) I work at a hospital with a crazy schedule so it works for me.
    Good luck! :)
  • I think its a great idea. Im doing the 30DS challenge but I get bored easily so I threw in a RI30 one day while on level 1 and will probably do it again while on level 2. Mixing it up is a good way to keep your body challenged.