older people trying to lose

daffy37 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new here too


  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    How old is older? I am 60 and have lost 25 lbs so far. Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I'm 57 and welcome I have also lost 25 pounds
  • Ogre77497
    Ogre77497 Posts: 17
    You're only old in your head; not in your heart.
  • BratNellie
    BratNellie Posts: 19
    I am 50, with over a hundred to loose. I need motivation as well, we can support each other . Feel free to add me
  • BratNellie
    BratNellie Posts: 19
    I am 50, with over a hundred to loose. I need motivation as well, we can support each other . Feel free to add me
  • Becky544
    Becky544 Posts: 5
    Hello to all,

    I'm 55 and am trying to get healthier!! I quite smoking, am excersizing and am eating healthier!! I say healthier because I can't diet to save my soul!! Healthier is good right now. I weighed myself to start but haven't gotten on the scale for over three weeks.

    I couldn't even do a sit up or a chin up!! Actually I still can't do a chin up...... YET!!! My goal is to feel better, be more active and love the way I look. I have found that when I turned 40 things started changing and it got harder to loose weight. When I turned 50 I started gaining in the middle and it isn't going away. I'm tired of trying to find loose shirts and bigger pants.

    I'm looking for people my age that can motivate me to stay on track and trade some yummy recipes.

    Since this is very new for me, please let me know if I do something that I'm not suppose to. I tend to type before I think!!
  • johnsummerton
    johnsummerton Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 53 felt the same as you . Lost nearly 3 stone need to lose at least 1 more I ran 4 miles the other day a year ago I could not run for 5 minutes . I love that I'm now fitter . Feel free to follow me .best of luck
  • Becky544
    Becky544 Posts: 5
    You know what they say......... "If I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself." I started walking on a treadmill and got very bored fast. So now I do my excersize and the treadmill. I'm still walking with little jogs between but I'm in a better place than I was last week and I'm good with taking it slow and easy. I don't want to hurt myself and have to wait to get going again. Once you start, you don't want to stop.

    I tried yoga this morning and I'm either doing it wrong or I'm just not cut out for it. I've also found that my muscles don't stretch well in the a.m.. It's on one of the cd's of my program but I know I'm not the only one out there that isn't real fond of that cd.

    Four mile??? Wow, I've never RAN that far in my life. I tried to run a couple of times but I never made it past a half block. I always went back and got my bike out!! Telling isn't it??

    Good luck to all of us and I would love to keep in touch.
  • Becky544
    Becky544 Posts: 5
    You go girl!! I need to take off that and more. How long did it take you if you don't mind me asking?
  • Becky544
    Becky544 Posts: 5
    Are you Nelly or did you just watch her on t.v.???

    I found that it was kinda hard to get started. When I quite smoking I started going to Curves and that was good for about a year.

    I tried going to the gym and didn't really care for all the people and having to wait in line for machines. It is the way to go for some people but I decided it was better for ME to excercize at home and get the equipment that I needed a little at a time. I found that good old fashion excersize can get you fit with out spending a dime!!!

    I get up at 4:00 in the morning to excersize because I feel energized for the rest of the day. It starts my day off in a good positive way and it helps me get through the frustrations and stress of the rest of day in a much better way. I found that I tended to put off doing my routine if I had to run errands or stop at the store after work, fix dinner and water plants. It just works better for me in the a.m.. It's been hard dragging my butt out of bed so early but I ALWAYS end up smiling when my routine is over. That and I walk funny because my leggs aren't used to the routine yet!! smile!!

    I remember the first time I tried to do my routine. I actually almost fell on my face because my legs didn't want to move. I moved but my legs just laughed at me!! I can actually do half of that routine now and it's only been a month.

    Anyway, I'm here if you want to talk or if you want to laugh!!
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    hi all, its good to meet older people. Im 64 and feel like the oldest person here.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    hi all, its good to meet older people. Im 64 and feel like the oldest person here.
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I'm 56 (57 in August) and currently doing 1/2 hour aerobics or strength training (dumbells, etc.) every morning, a two mile walk after lunch and another 2 mile walk after dinner, drinking plenty of water and following the calorie guidelines MFP suggests & eating back the exercise calories as they suggest. I'm trying to go from 186 to 135 lbs at 1 to 1.5 pounds per week, and have currently lost 27 pounds since the beginning of the year, now at 159. I have dieted and exercised on-and-off all my adult life, but have found that since I am now older and post-menopausal, the fat comes off differently. Exercise and eating right used to take off the inches evenly all over, and my flat abdomen, thin arms, and tight skin would return. Not so now. I suspect I'm going to be stuck with the belly pouch and upper arm dangles even if I get down to skin and bones, and as the weight comes off in my face instead of looking healthier or younger, the little jaw pouches and thinner cheeks are making me look older. Still, one has to expect that as we age, that happens. The main thing is that as an older person my goal is to be a healthier weight and have a healthier body so that I don't have to be on as many medications and have as many medical complications as I would if I stayed heavy and out of shape.
  • Becky544
    Becky544 Posts: 5
    If I fell off a high rise I could probably float to the bottom on arm skin alone. Those flying squirrels have nothing on me!! I know how you feel and am trying to work on them myself.
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