
hey everyone just wondering what people generally have for breakfast! usually i have toast with spread and coffee but not very filling meaning im starving for lunch and want snacks and usually something i shouldnt lol


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Try eating some protein. Eggs are a good bet.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Greek yogurt w/ toasted almonds. Whole wheat bagel thin w/ whipped cream cheese and/or lox. Oatmeal w/ fruit a hard boiled egg. Those are my go-tos.
  • mustangbass
    mustangbass Posts: 18 Member
    Protein (eggs) and High fiber (shredded wheat) work for me. I usually do my long walks in morning, if I didn't have breakfast I would be out of my mind with hunger by lunch. Good luck with your fitness plan.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Oatmeal and a piece of fruit...
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    i have 3 scrambled eggs on an english muffin with cheese,
    then an hour later i have a bowl of instant oatmeal with 2 packets and a cup of coffee on my high days,

    on my low days, i have 3 scrambled eggs, no muffin. a 12 oz glass of milk and a cup of coffee.

    I snack alot too...
  • wilson1024
    wilson1024 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm not a big breakfast eater at all! I don't normally get hungry til about btwn 9 & 10 am. But I do force myself every morning to at least drink a protein shake or a atkins bar or something. Sometimes if I get up early enough I will scramble an egg or two with some bacon and have it but its on rare occasion ...............
  • flobee76
    flobee76 Posts: 67 Member
    I am all about eggs in the morning. I add in some spinach and scramble it all up. VERY filling!

    Another fave is plain Greek yogurt, berries, and a little drizzle of honey.
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    3 egg white omelet, 2 slices light whole wheat bread and a coffee with skim milk and splenda
  • korinastern
    korinastern Posts: 55
    a hard boiled egg and some avacado. The avacado makes me feel full longer but I dont feel satisfied until 20 minutes after I eat it.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    During the week I have a thinkthin protien bar and a piece of fruit mid morning
  • HideNGeek
    HideNGeek Posts: 136 Member
    I usually have a smoothie/milkshake for breakfast:
    1 scoop whey protein powder
    1 banana
    100g Greek Yogurt
    200ml Skimmed Milk
    Ice cubes

    Blend it all together, it's thick, it's filling, it's a protein packed breakfast. I might have a couple of pieces of wholemeal toast afterwards, keeps me going until lunch time, I usually have breakfast between 6:30 and 7am, and lunch at 1pm.
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    Eggs almost everyday (I have chickens, so I sort of have to eat them up before they go bad!). Some sort of meat if it's a little chilly out and I want something heavier. Canadian bacon, regular bacon, chicken sausage. If it's hotter than hell (like today) I'll have a veggie omelet and a serving of fruit and cottage cheese, with a tall glass of water with lemon or lime squeezed in or slices of frozen fruit and muddle it up like a mint julep. If I'm in a rush and can't cook, I usually have a smoothie. Fage greek yogurt, frozen fruit (since fresh is still pricey here), almond or 2% milk, and a splash of orange juice for flavor. Pair that with a handful of nuts and I'm good to go till lunch. I'll also have a small cup of coffee sweetened with a tablespoon of honey or ground up stevia leaves and 1/3d cup milk, or a plain espresso shot from Sheetz (10 calories, so very yummy and authentic).