Insulin resistance newbie :)

Hi to all the great myfitnesspal's out there! I would love to find more support on here and people understanding my journey.

I have been trying to lose weight for years now. I never really had a bad diet and changes it slowly to a healthy diet after moving out of my parents house. I have also always been active but for some reason I just gained gained gained weight. People probably started thinking what the hell is she not doing. Or at least thats what I think. Well long story short I got diagnosed with insulin resistance a few weeks back. It is the reason why I haven't been able to lose weight at all all these last years.

I am ready to tackel my weight again and determined to stick to it. The one thing is that this will probably take years and I am looking for a support system that will always be there.

Anyone interessted shoot me a friends request or message :) Of course I will support who ever needs it as well :)

Let's get this thing started!!!


  • jella74
    jella74 Posts: 106 Member
    Were you also diagnosed with PCOS? Usually IR in women is triggered by PCOS. If so please ask your Dr to give you metformin or glucophage it's used as a preventative for T2diabetes and treatment for PCOS. It had helped with weight loss as well as regulating female hormones.

    GOOD LUCK! :)
  • EveryWeatherRunner
    EveryWeatherRunner Posts: 6 Member
    Hi dear :) I am still on why I have IR but I also have a low working thyroid. I started metformin about three weeks ago and follow a diet from a German professor. Its about when I am allowed to eat carbs and when not. I know all about the T2diabetes and it was all a bit of a shock to me.

    Thank you for replying! :) Are you diagnosed as well?
  • jella74
    jella74 Posts: 106 Member
    Yes diagnosed PCOS with IR
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I drink a lot of Bengal Spice Tea every day... it is naturally sweet, no sugar or artificial sweeteners added... AND it can help with IR. Best of luck to you!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I was diagnosed with IR 7 years ago. My doctor had me go on a low carb diet for 2 months before considering the first 8 weeks of eating 50 net carbs, I lost 20 pounds AND got pregnant. I had to stop eating low carb for several years ( while pregnant and breastfeeding) and tests showed that my insulin levels were OK during that time.

    I have been having issues losing weight for years, and last week I decided that I was going to cut carbs again and see what happened. So monday morning at the gym I weighed 221.00....this morning I weighed 217.6!! That is 3.6 pounds in 4-5 days!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    The researchers then took their surprising discovery and tested it in a small 60 patient study conducted in Pakistan, reporting in the journal Diabetes Care. All the patients had been treated for type 2, adult onset diabetes for several years and were taking anti-diabetic drugs to increase their insulin output. But they were not yet taking insulin to help process their blood glucose. The subjects were given small doses of cinnamon ranging from as little as a quarter teaspoon to less than 2 teaspoons a day for 40 days.

    The results: Not only did the cinnamon reduce their blood sugar levels and increase their natural production of insulin, it lowered their blood cholesterol as well. Even 20 days after the cinnamon treatment had ended, the patients continued to see beneficial effects.

    This is good news for the more than 50 million Americans who suffer from diabetes and/or heart disease. All the patients in the study showed better glucose metabolism and natural insulin production when they took cinnamon capsules that delivered less than two teaspoons a day of the spice.

    Specifically, their blood cholesterol levels were lowered in the range of 10 to 26 percent, affecting overall cholesterol levels and reducing the LDL (known as the “bad” cholesterol) but not reducing levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.

    This is also potentially good news for the many millions more of us who suffer from insulin resistance, sometimes known as “prediabetes,” or the “Metabolic Syndrome.” Lowering blood sugar levels, and improving cholesterol ratios can help reverse prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, and in fact may actually prevent the worsening of health to full diabetes.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    I was diagnosed with IR 7 years ago. My doctor had me go on a low carb diet for 2 months before considering the first 8 weeks of eating 50 net carbs, I lost 20 pounds AND got pregnant. I had to stop eating low carb for several years ( while pregnant and breastfeeding) and tests showed that my insulin levels were OK during that time.

    I have been having issues losing weight for years, and last week I decided that I was going to cut carbs again and see what happened. So monday morning at the gym I weighed 221.00....this morning I weighed 217.6!! That is 3.6 pounds in 4-5 days!

    You should read and follow the "Primal Blueprint", at least do the 21 day challenge.
  • EveryWeatherRunner
    EveryWeatherRunner Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for the support :)

    Right now I am following the Prof. Dr. Pape diet who researched insulin reactions to carbs in people. He has the theorie that there are two basic kind of people that evolved thru evolution. The ones that react badly to carbs and the ones that have no problem with carbs but with carbs in combination with proteins. He explains how the insulin reacts and so on. I feel really good with this diet and will keep doing it for at least half a year. I think lsoing weight to fast isn't good for the body. Also you body needs a certain amount of carbs to even function right. Thats why I try to avoid eating low carbs.

    Cinnamon: Yeah I love cinnamon. I have a cinnamon tea every night before bed :) It needs some time getting used to it but I love my little night tea time. Thank you :)

    What is the concept of the Primal Blueprint? Does it go back to hunting times and so on?
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I drink a lot of Bengal Spice Tea every day... it is naturally sweet, no sugar or artificial sweeteners added... AND it can help with IR. Best of luck to you!

    Where do u buy this tea at? i was just diagnosed with IR as well and trying to figure out what type of diet i need now to lose weight
  • mattelfaige
    mattelfaige Posts: 11
    are you taking synthroid or another hormone for the slow working thyroid
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    I also have been diagnosed with PCOS and IR. I'm still learning how to lose weight with this condition. It makes it so much harder but not impossible. You're in the right place for support. It was such a relieve to finally be around people that understand that for us its a little bit more complicated than "points" or "calories in, calories out"
  • EveryWeatherRunner
    EveryWeatherRunner Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am taking L-Thyroxin for my low thyroid and Metformin for IR :)
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    Was just diagnosed last week. =( Trying to change it now, although I feel like I've been busting my behind before finding out and at least now I know why the scale was moving super slow if at all.

    I will shoot you a friend request!

    Good luck!
  • EveryWeatherRunner
    EveryWeatherRunner Posts: 6 Member
    Oh I hear you!!! It is the same for me. I have been eating healthy mostly & I was always active even did my 1st half marathon this April. I did not lose a pound training to run 21k for a time of about 5 month.

    So yeah I hear you!!!
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member

    I am an insulin dependent diabetic and I started here to track my eating and activity progress. Might I suggest you try this group for additional support.

    Be Well
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Not only was I diagnosed with IR I was also started on blood pressure meds for the 1st time today, i found all this out
    yesterday so im wondering now what? No wonder ive been gaining and losing the same 2-4 pounds for awhile now :)
    I was not given any other meds other then bp meds and was not told i had PCOS or anything else mentioned here .