Need ideas as to why this has/is happening?

I have lost 10lbs since using MFP. Last Monday I woke up and weighed myself, the scale read 176 (before this I was 168lbs), so I gained 8lbs over night. I tried not to let it bug me and convinced myself it was just water retention, from the high sodium meal that I had had on Sunday. Well it's been 3 days and I'm now 174, so I've only lost 2lbs since my overnight gain.

I have been eating healthy and working out everyday burning a minimum of 600 calories each time. I know I'm not under guessing my calories or over estimating my calories burnt. So why have I gained this much weight and why wont it go away??


  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
    Are you about to start your period by any chance? This can dramatically change your weight & you will lose it again after x
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I understand exacly how you feel! I was doing so well, then went out golfing with friends, had two beers while golfing and then a slightly unhealthy late dinner. This morning the scale told me all I needed to know about breaking so many rules. It may take a few days to get back to where I was, but I'll get there. I think sodium levels really play havoc with us, and we all ingest way too much of it every day.
  • lexington87
    lexington87 Posts: 27 Member
    I have lost 10lbs since using MFP. Last Monday I woke up and weighed myself, the scale read 176 (before this I was 168lbs), so I gained 8lbs over night. I tried not to let it bug me and convinced myself it was just water retention, from the high sodium meal that I had had on Sunday. Well it's been 3 days and I'm now 174, so I've only lost 2lbs since my overnight gain.

    I have been eating healthy and working out everyday burning a minimum of 600 calories each time. I know I'm not under guessing my calories or over estimating my calories burnt. So why have I gained this much weight and why wont it go away??

    Okay my first thought when you say you are burning a minimum of 600 calories is are you re-hydrating. On a regular day you need 8 glasses of water, when you work out and sweat you need even more to replenish. When you don't stay hydrated your body retains more water to protect itself this is when you bloat. Factor in a high sodium meal which would cause you to retain even more and it could defiantly affect your weight. Try adding an extra 1-2 glass/bottles of water each day to your regular routine
  • Boy I wish I knew the answer. I am in the same boat. I lost 45 lbs and then just stopped losing.
  • Well after all these months the weight is finally coming off and a lot. from 144 to 130.5.. So don't give up. It was from Nov till May and O went up and down between 144 and 141 and then all of a sudden boom the weight just start to melt off. I just told myself something will happen sooner or later.