
Hey everyone-- I'm Stephanie. To make it simple: I'm lazy and want to lose weight. I signed up for this site a while ago and wasn't active at all. But this time is different; I'm actually trying. I'll admit it- I'm 5'4 and 185.

I love to joke around and have fun! I just graduated college with a degree in psychology, so obviously I'm jobless with tons of free time. I refuse to just sit around, so I want to get a lot accomplished! I'm tired of telling myself and my sister and my close friend that I want to lose weight. I'm tired of feeling self conscious in certain clothing. I'm tired of false starts.

I want to gather a positive circle of friends on here so there's tons of motivation floating around! :)


  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    Feel free to add me if you like. Hope today was a good one for you.
  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    You certainly came to the right place!!! :) Feel free to add me. I'm on here every day and will help you in any way that I can. :)
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    Sending a request your way. I am in the same boat. I just graduated too, and don't have a job either. So I thought now is the best time for me to just focus on ME and lose weight so I can feel more comfortable in clothes (esp. interview clothes!!!) I have a lot of extra time on my hands and would love to help you reach your goals and keep you motivated (and that goes for anyone else too! Feel free to send me a request)

    Take Care!!! :)
  • imondrugz
    imondrugz Posts: 154
    I'm kinda the same !! I hate doing cardio or dieting but i decided that it's time to change my body and my lifestyle would be awesome to find people that have the same mind set/ goals like me !!
  • Grissay
    Grissay Posts: 112 Member
    I'm jobless university grad too! Boo for not finding jobs, but yay for having time to get fit!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I'm a senior in college. Feel free to add me!
  • folgersinyourcup
    folgersinyourcup Posts: 11 Member
    Interview clothes are always the WORST- never flattering, always uncomfortable...makes for a terrible set up to an already terrible situation haha the more support we both have the better! :)