Here we go.....Lifestyle change!

TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I’m really encouraged by this site and wanted to say so.

I joined this site a couple of days ago to help me take back my health. I’ve had a trying decade and it has resulted in a very out of shape and unhealthy body. I used to think I was bullet proof and abused my body by thinking it would always recover. Unfortunately, the years caught up with me and I started having some major health issues. In 2001, I had major intestinal surgery with a long recovery. That was kind of the beginning of the end. I took a new job shortly after that with long hours and a sedentary lifestyle. In 2006, I started having heart issues and had three stints inserted. There was a fourth blockage they could not reach and I had to wait for an inclusion to build around the blockage. This whole time, I also had other heart issues that would cause me to go into aerial fibrillation on an ever increasing basis as the years went by. I finally had a cardiac oblation performed late last year and have been doing much better since. It’s not 100% but it’s tolerable.

All this being said, I became very comfortable on the couch and my eating habits became increasingly worse over time. I have become more and more uncomfortable as I gained weight. I reached the breaking point this week when I stepped on a scale and broke my all time high. A friend told me about MFP and in just the first day of playing around with the site, it made me realize some of the bad choices I was making and what I was doing to my body.

I am hopeful that in time and with this site, I will be able to change my lifestyle and become a healthier person. I would love to be around to spoil grandkids someday!

Please feel free to friend me and help encourage me in this journey to health. I have a feeling I need all the help I can get. It’s taken a long time to get here and I have a lot of bad habits to break.

Sorry for the long read…hope I didn’t put anyone to sleep.


  • fyrefly816
    fyrefly816 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome welcome! Takes a long time for that abuse to build, and you have lots of people around who are already excited for you to join the journey!

    Very excited to see you climbing the first hill, and will be glad to support you while you accomplish your goals and start turning your body into a temple!

  • tcbutler
    tcbutler Posts: 146
    Welcome! It's good that you joined! I've been here a week and am already seeing great people here and how good this site is if you use it.

    Sent you a friend request.
  • anitatulk
    anitatulk Posts: 3
    Hello and welcome. I too am fairly new here and also need to change my lifestyle totally . Got away with abusing my body for years but as I approach 60 my body is starting to let me know how much I am hurting it. Love what I have seen of this site so far and think it might provide the help I need.
  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    Sending friend request now... let's do this!
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the kind words.

    I'm really looking forward to making some changes and getting to know and support some of you along the way as well.

    I'm so impressed with MFP that I have already recommended it to one of my cousins.
  • Mpope425
    Mpope425 Posts: 3
    Would love to support you. Just joined as well. Wondering how I can be effective and drop this weight. I feel it has been a major stumbling block towards my happiness. help! Let's be friends and support each other!
  • Chellie74
    Chellie74 Posts: 23
    I'd be happy to be part of your support system! Today is my first day, too. Add me!