Does this calorie burn seem accurate?

I use my ipod nano's fitness app thingy for when I go jogging. I go on a nature trail that's somewhat hilly too. I'm also not jogging the entire time, but walking for a bit, then jogging as long as I can, walking, and so on. Anyways, today I went 3.46 miles in 65 minutes and according to my ipod I burned 369 calories. Oh, I'm 5'9 and 165ish and I have that info plugged into my ipod as well. I've been eating back most (if not all) of these exercise calories and was just wondering how accurate they are. Thanks!


  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    Yeah sounds about right, I did the same today and went 70 mins ...4 miles and burned 450 cals
  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    I would only eat about half of them back if I was you... not a big believer in eating back cals
  • jmdax
    jmdax Posts: 119 Member
    My daughter just used that app for the first time. She went for about a 13-mile bike ride in 80 minutes and burned 578 calories. So your results seem to about right.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
  • jenlayne
    jenlayne Posts: 3
    What is this App and do you know if they have it for iphone? I'm looking for a good calorie burning tracker.

  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    What is this App and do you know if they have it for iphone? I'm looking for a good calorie burning tracker.


    Try runkeeper, tracks your journey through gps!
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    Those apps are often crap - if it's right, only accidentally !

    The best known science is:

    Net calorie burn when RUNNING; 0.63 x your weight inpounds x miles.

    Net calorie burn when WALKING; 0.30 x your weight inpounds x miles.

    Google around for the latest papers on the topic in sports medicine, yadda.

    In fact, this meshes with your result IF you were RUNNING the whole way. If walking, cut it in less than half.
  • Your best bet is a heart rate monitor. I find the calories burned on myfitnesspal to be VERY high. I average a ten minute mile running and I only burn about 100 calories per mile. Eating back all your calories on this app is dangerous. What I recommend is logging your food intake and adjusting the exercise time down to reach a more reasonable number.

    In response to the cyclist, that is a very high calculation for that mph. Again, a heart rate monitor like a Garmin GPS set to your weight specifications is beneficial. An even better indicator is a power meter.

    When you get the calories right eat for fuel. I do not recommend going into a large caloric deficit. That will only promote the storage of calories as fat as your body's metabolism will think it is in "starvation mode".

    I have been following a triathlon training plan, using myfitnesspal as a calorie counter, and working with a trainer once a week. I have lost 5% body fat in four months in the form of negative 8 pounds body fat and a gain of 3 pounds of muscle.

    Keep it up! You are doing great!!!!!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I know my best bet is an HRM, but I don't have one lol. I'll have to seriously look into buying one though. I'm not using MFP calculations; they had me closer to 475 calories. The app thingy on my ipod is the nike fitness plus thing that keeps track of start time, end time, distance, pace (per mile), and calories.