Please help me

I am 49 and close to embarking on a journey I should not have to take. I have hypothyroidism, long term hypertension, borderline diabetes, and heart disease. They want to schedule a stress echo! I know that if I could drop 100 pounds it would drastically change my life for the better. Please friend me and help me become the best I can be!


  • I hear ya on medical issues, I was recently diagnosed with a condition and the best treatment is weight loss. I had already lost 40 lbs when I was diagnosed with it now I just need to lose some more :). I wish you luck, I have tried to lose weight all my life but MFP has by far been the greatest success tool I have found
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    The best thing to do is start the food diary and start making some small changes. I can relate to the health issues because I have them too. Take it slow and you will get there! We will help.
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Good luck. Remember that even small steps are steps in the right direction. Little changes can have a really big positive impact. And remember that the community is always here to help!
  • I'm 47 and embarked on that same journey in July 2011 for medical reasons as well. I'm glad to say I'm down 48 pounds! Woo hoo. My best advice is to take it slow and steady. No fad diets. And as much as we hate to admit it, exercise is a MUST. To take it off and keep it off you have to exercise. Wishing you luck. I'm going to friend you now. :smile:
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    It can absolutely be done! 449 days ago I started using mfp, along with my hubby and son. As a family we have lost 370 pounds. We've done this by logging everything we eat. We've cut out ALL fast foods, fried foods, red meat, sodas, and any high calorie and high fat food. When we started this, my hubby was on the verge on death, and considering weight loss surgery. He'd even consulted a surgeon. Instead, he decided to try one more time to do it without that. It worked! We eat less, move more.
    Mfp doesn't make us lose weight, it makes us accountable for our choices and makes us aware of what we are eating.
    You can do this! It won't happen overnight; but it CAN happen.
    Good luck!
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    And we are in our mid 40's.
  • jiggalude
    jiggalude Posts: 53
    I'm 25 and have type 1 diabetes. I'm on the verge of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I gained a lot of weight after a complicated pregnancy and had been unable to drop it, so for awhile I just gave up. Finally, I got tired of feeling depressed and tired and knew that if I didn't change my ways for good that I wouldn't be around to watch my daughter and step daughter grow up and be around for their kids...So, I started slowly just by trying to stay within specific calories, then I added classes from the gym into my weekly routine. Now (just under 2 months ago is when I joined MFP) I go daily to the gym, count ALL my calories, and am in the process of starting a nutrition program with the health and wellness center at the gym. I've found that the increased energy and overall better feeling is enough to keep me pumped up regardless of the lack of french fries or some sore muscles! I started at 226 and am down to 210! I only weigh myself once a week, though. Good luck! You have to find what will motivate you through the down times. For me, it's my kids!
  • I also have hypothyroidism. It can be a struggle. I crave sweet and carb foods. I am thankful it is summer time because there are delicious fruits to choose from that are satisfying. During the winter I will eat frozen vegetables or healthy food that is in season. The food diary journal is really helping me to keep my food choices under control. I am here for you and keep up the great work! If we have a down days, we will still get back up and support one another. It's a journey of wellness for life. I also have the same goals to feel well and am exercising and eating healthy to feel better. I was very ill and prayed to God. We can do this!!