Need p90x friends support!!!



  • coachkathrynw
    coachkathrynw Posts: 43 Member

    I'm a Beachbody Coach and P90Xer. I love the program and you get great results if you stick to the plan. I have two customers right now that are doing it. One women started at 300 lbs and the other man started at 295 lbs. They are both loving it and have lost 25 and 20 pounds so far. They are about 2/3 of the way through it. They are also drinking Beachbody's Shakeology meal replacement drink which is helping with their diet.

    P90X will be safe for you as long as you modify it. Do the push up on your knees, use pull-down bands in place of pull-ups, start with lighter weights, etc. You can always pause the workouts to catch your breath. As Tony Horton says, do your best and forget the rest! Each week you will see that you will be able to do a little more.

    What's great about P90X is that it is based on the concept of muscle confusion. Your body is constantly being challenged because the workouts vary every day and then every 3 weeks the change again. I'll send you a friend request here and you can ask me any questions. I totally believe that it can work for you!

  • Judanjos
    Judanjos Posts: 87
    Kathryn ,

    I'm sold. I'll just take it easy because if I injure myself I get kicked out of clinical and then I have to put my nursing program on hold. Not what I am looking for. At my size I want to make sure I don't injure myself. :)


  • Philismyname
    Philismyname Posts: 17 Member
    Man just finished Chest and Back and did about 10 min or ab ripper. All in All satisfied with what i was able to do. Tony has that love hate relationship
  • Philismyname
    Philismyname Posts: 17 Member
  • justfungrandma
    justfungrandma Posts: 91 Member
    I love P90X! Did the program in earnest 2 years ago. Now I use it as a supplement to other workouts. I absolutely love plyometrics and ab ripper! When you start out, dont get disappointed if you cant finish a dvd the first time. Try to push yourself further each time and pretty soon you will be a rock star! Anyone who wants to, feel free to add me!
  • chelsiburnett
    Finished Core Syn. I did almost everything to my maximum cabability!! I think I will improve the more I do so lets Bring it!!!!
  • mkgirl
    mkgirl Posts: 25
    I just started first day of p90x today. Brutal! N I know that I am gonna feel it tomorrow. I think the ab ripper was the hardest part today. It definitely shows me how out of shape I am! I think as long as you take it slow & know your capabilities you will be fine. It will get easier!
  • astina2727
    astina2727 Posts: 149 Member
    What is the p90x? It sounds great?
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    i finished day 2 today and would love p90x friends
  • chelsiburnett
    cardio X complete!! Day 3 here we come!
  • teamfit2day
    teamfit2day Posts: 213 Member
    lost 45lbs doing a few rounds of P90X. Currently doing P90X2 and starting a whole new round of P90X/P90X2 hybrid on april 30th. If anyone needs help, feel free to ask, or add me. Thanks

    After 44lbs dropped.

    This is from the latest round I started on January 10th, 20120

  • victoriously42
    I still haven't started yet. I've got to get my schedule under control. It's hard to get to it with my days running together. I'm working out but still haven't been able to make time for it yet. Maybe tonight...
  • genuinelyfrans
    Hey i have been doing P90X for a little over 2 weeks. i wish you luck with your journey and I will definitely add you!
  • chelsiburnett
    Thanks so much!
  • chelsiburnett
    Shoulder & Arms with Ab ripper X complete...I did as much ab ripper as I could, but I know I can do better!!! Lets do this!!!!
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    How are you doing Chelsi!? Are you doing the Classic or Lean program? I'm doing the Classic and loving it! Day 17 today. Looking forward to recovery week next week!
  • chelsiburnett
    I am doing great!! glad to hear you are also! I am on day 17 also! People are telling me I am looking thinner even though the scale isn't showing it! I am super stoked! My goal is to keep going even if the scale doesn't go down....i am doing the lean, and I can tell I feel better so thats a plus! Hope you are doing great!
  • LKinnos
    LKinnos Posts: 9
    Im doing insanity... hell its the same company. Ill add you too :)
  • Mackman99
    Mackman99 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I have been using P90X for about 3 months now and would like to find some P90X friends. Feel free to add me.

  • gsordahl
    gsordahl Posts: 13 Member
    I did 3 weeks of p90x & decided to start over with a friend. On week 4 now & looking for friends doing p90x as well! Feel free to add me!