7.6 lbs in 5 days... Fellow Dukaners out there?

cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
edited December 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Before I get a flood of responses from people telling me how unhealthy I am or how all my weight is going to come right back, save it, this post is not for you. Even if you pose your response in the most polite and honorably-intentioned way, I'm not going to quit this diet or adjust my routine, sorry. 

I just have some questions for people who have been successful with the Dukan diet. I'm on my 5th day of the diet and have had astounding  results. From 166.2 lbs to 158.6 this morning, after four days of dieting. Every morning I step on the scale and the number makes me so happy and motivated I jump up and down. For the first time in my life I look forward to the scale! No more fear! I know it's a lot of water weight, I don't care, anything that fuels my motivation like this is exactly what I need. Today I'm buying my first gym membership.

Anyways my question is this: when should I start the next phase? I'm nervous to do so because the attack phase has such dramatic results and I don't want that to stop! I'd love to hear about other people's experiences with switching from attack to cruise phase and how that affected your daily/weekly results.

I would also love to have some Dukan friends, so please add me if you're on the Dukan diet, or interested!

Good luck out there!
I wish everyone success


  • Mismis28
    Mismis28 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello there!

    I just decided yesterday reading a magazine that I would definitely try this diet. So today I've done some research, calculated my diet-plan (check it out here, just hit "Calculate your true weight", doesn't cost you a cent to do so: http://www.dukandiet.co.uk/ )
    I think I'm going to stick to the plan advertised for me but if I don't lose "enough" in the attack phase I'll probably add a day or two.
    Also, read about the diet approach from that site and take it easy with your gym, you shouldn't use up all your focus there :)

    So uplifting to read about your results!! Now I'm more in to this than I ever was cause I know that you're a real person, not an advertising model!

    Please stay accountable for me so I know what to expect, I'm adding you! :)
  • cali8_love
    cali8_love Posts: 95 Member
    omg can i add u i really want to try that diet but i dont how to take it !! is it pills or just the drops ?? can i add u ??
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Absolutely, I'm sending you a friend request! There are no pills or anything, just a list of "allowed foods" (that you can eat as much as you want!) and different phases. Check it out here http://mydukandiet.com/dieting/attack-phase.html it explains it. Any questions just ask!
  • indiepops
    indiepops Posts: 96
    a few of my aunties and cousins are on this diet, while you're only losing a lot of water weight the first week or two, then lose what 1 2 3 lbs a week after, which is the same as any other diet, apart from being restrictive, if you feel it works for you and the first burst of water weight gives you a psychological effect then by all means good luck, i hope you stick to it and lose all the weight you feel you need. x
  • suzqmf
    suzqmf Posts: 36 Member
    I'm totally intrigued...can you tell me more???
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member

    This will explain it all better than I can. Basically it's a low carb, high protein diet. You don't have to count calories, there's a list of certain foods you can have in unlimited amounts! It also recommends at least 20 min of walking, drinking 1.5-2L water, and eating 1.5 tbs oat bran per day. There are 4 different phases and by the end you will be able to return to normal eating habits without gaining it all back.

    Feel free to add me if you have more questions or want to start the diet, good luck!
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I just went and read about it. Very interesting. Never heard of it before. Don't know why anyone would get on here and start slamming this diet. Everyone is doing something different and everyone has an opinion. To each their own is what I say! Congrats on your weight loss!!!
  • Funisweetsmart
    Funisweetsmart Posts: 32 Member
    Hey... I just bought the book on Amazon. I will be starting the diet next week after I have read the book.
    I can't wait to get started, it sounds feasible. I enjoy carbs and proteins, so the lack of carbs may pose as a problem.
    I have started increasing my protein intake and decreasing my carbs, so that when I do start the Dukan diet I won't go into withdrawal. :)
  • ladygator2
    ladygator2 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on and off Dukan for nearly a year and am 45 pounds down from last year. The off part came during two surgeries to remove rare tumors (third surgery will be coming soon) and the resulting recovery phase (harder to diet in the hospital and exercising wasn't an option during recovery). I have no issue finding recipes that meet the Dukan guidelines. There are so many more sugar free products to choose from these days (like Smuckers sugar free jams) that you can use in creating recipes. Dukan recently published a new cookbook which has some new recipes that I plan on trying. My crockpot and my indoor grill (Wolfgang Puck brand) are my best weapons for cooking (I live in the city and don't have access to an outdoor grill, which would be great). There is a great forum that had recipes and other support at http://dukan-diet.proboards.com/index.cgi.
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    Ignore those who claim this or that, everyone around me saying I am doing something wrong, 22 pounds in 16 days.
    I feel as though I am doing great, and as long as I live my life eating as healthy as I am now and continue my exercise, I shall be good.... Aiming to go down to 185 and then work on muscle tone.
  • szqnva
    szqnva Posts: 52 Member
    I was simply counting my calories here, but then had a lapse. As of Sunday, I am now trying the Dukan diet and enjoying it so far. The key is to get creative with your meals in the initial attack phase (which only lasts approx. 5 - 7 days). After about day 3, you start to notice that you don't really crave carbs or sugar anymore. At least that's been the case for me. I like this plan because even after you reach your "true weight", you continue on to the "consolidation" phase, and then to the "stabilization" phase, which help you learn how to eat in a way that will help you maintain your new weight for life. For me, I think that structure and discipline might make all the difference in my success. This weekend, I will move into the "cruise" phase, where I can begin adding in non-starchy veggies. Can't weight!!! pun intended!! :)
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