I had to have a tooth pulled yesterday and I can only eat soft foods. Not to big a problem except that today with the novacaine working it's way out of my system and the pain killers and anti-biotics I am on I can't hold any food down. No soup no jello nothing. SO I need ideas on something with a lot of portine that will help fight the upset stomach so that I can eat and not have the rooms spinning around me from lack of food.


  • birgithooker
    When I was pregnant, I was nauseas all the time. Everything, even water made me sick. I found that a vanilla milkshake would do the trick for me. It's not the most diet friendly food, but it has some substance and the cooling taste of the ice cream helped soothe my tummy. That's the only thing that worked for me. If you are feeling nauseated, it might help.
  • Angie1215
    Angie1215 Posts: 125 Member
    I would try Lite Peach Syrup. It will replenish some of your nutrients and isn't too heavy that you will bring it right back up again. I've tried it in the past and it has worked for me.

    I need to add....don't drink it through a straw!! I'm a dental hygienist...don't want to see you ending up with a dry socket and be in even more pain!!
  • Irish24
    Irish24 Posts: 21
    I know no straws and no smoking. I may have to try the lite peach syrup. Sadly ice cream makes me sick no matter when I eat it. So do milk shakes. Which is a bummer since My Mother-In-Law bought me one yesterday so I would have something in my stomach to take my meds with. It tasted awesome but I spent most of the afternoon nauseated. Well I am off now to see if I can eat mashed tatters.

    Thank You Ladies.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I think ginger is supposed to help nausea. Might want to try some GingerAle...see if that helps long enough to get something down.