Do you have an iPhone ?

Do you have an iPhone? Do you use any apps to exercise?
I'm a stay at home mum, and university student - from home. So I find it hard to work out.. However every now and then I use my "Daniel miller - daily "____ workout apps" there's one for yoga, arms, legs, abs and butt. They go for 5-10 minutes for the free version, but it's good, no weights needed !

What do you use, and why? What does it do? When and how often do you use these apps? :)


  • peacefrog08109
    peacefrog08109 Posts: 44 Member
    Nike Training Club... Free app, super large. There are 15 minute, 30 minute and 45 minute workouts. I have yet to do one that didn't kick my butt and make me sweat. I swear by it and recommend it to every one.
  • Maggie821
    Maggie821 Posts: 55 Member
    Walking and running are free and you can do them anywhere! I have several apps on my phone (along with the daily ones you mentioned) for these - Zombies Run, MapMyRun, ITGO for interval training. Also not sure if you have Comcast, but there is a fitness channel that has many free workouts! Not sure if other cable networks have the same.

    On a final note, I also am part of SPARKPEOPLE! It's a great fitness site, lots of workout videos and great people to help you on your journey! Good luck!