Vacation = Fear of Impending Doom

This summer I am headed to the beach for a week and am already worried about "falling off the wagon" so to speak. I will be away from my routine, my gym, etc. There will be lots of restaurants and many chances to say "aww heck, I'm on vacation". How do you all deal with this temptation? What is the best way to not be so far (physically & weight) from where I left off that when I get back that I don't even want to start again?


  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    Love to see the responses! my birthday is coming up...nights out and no idea how I will cope
  • rvagnoni
    rvagnoni Posts: 75 Member
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    last year for the summer I went to San Diego to visit friends and go to Comic-con. I ate bad but still dropped 7 lbs. during my 12 days there. what did I do?
    1) tracked what I ate but I upped my calories to maintence.
    2) drank mostly water for almost all my meals
    3) walked everywhere.
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    yep I agree with other poster... stick to lots of water and walk wherever you can. It doesn't have to spell doom if you plan for what you'll eat and then get some activity in. Swim or run on the beach and walk to local restaurants when you can. Have a great vacay! I leave tomorrow for a fun long weekend of zip-lining and white water rafting (which burns a ton of calories) so I'll be eating well after that. :tongue:
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    last year for the summer I went to San Diego to visit friends and go to Comic-con. I ate bad but still dropped 7 lbs. during my 12 days there. what did I do?
    1) tracked what I ate but I upped my calories to maintence.
    2) drank mostly water for almost all my meals
    3) walked everywhere.

    I'm visiting family in October and I'm going to do this. Thanks for the info!
  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    I am going on vacation next month. My plan is to eat maitenance (track foods the best I can) and lots of walking.
  • NoMoreFatTony
    NoMoreFatTony Posts: 22 Member
    My goal every year is to be the rebel! Be the person that actually loses weight on vacation. I try to add in extra exercise with the family by walking, playing, swimming.... It is a great feeling to come back to home and work and tell people that you lost weight on vacation. They will be in awe!

    Sounds easy on paper. It is not when putting into practice though. But, my best motivation was to "not be that guy!" Best of luck, make good choices, indulge a little each day, make it an active vacation with lots of fun. OH! Drink lots of water!
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    last year for the summer I went to San Diego to visit friends and go to Comic-con. I ate bad but still dropped 7 lbs. during my 12 days there. what did I do?
    1) tracked what I ate but I upped my calories to maintence.
    2) drank mostly water for almost all my meals
    3) walked everywhere.

    This - walk everywhere! We did three weeks in Australia, ate all kinds of meals, from super healthy to super greasy. The key for us was 90% of what we drank was water, and we walked anywhere we could. Came home, same weight as when we left, which considering we ate our way through Sydney, was a major accomplishment!

    Reach for a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar, a salad with that Big Mac instead of the fries, water instead of Coke. All adds up, and you'll come out ahead.

    Oh, and enjoy your vacation! A big key in weight loss and maintenance is getting a good night's sleep. Rack up some rack time!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    I just went on vacation for a few days. Ate as much as I wanted, but stuck to mostly meats, fish, fruits, and veggies. Made sure to get in enough water. And walked a lot. Even though I couldn't log my calories for 5 days, I still had actually lost a pound when I got home.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    This summer I am headed to the beach for a week and am already worried about "falling off the wagon" so to speak. I will be away from my routine, my gym, etc. There will be lots of restaurants and many chances to say "aww heck, I'm on vacation". How do you all deal with this temptation? What is the best way to not be so far (physically & weight) from where I left off that when I get back that I don't even want to start again?

    When I go on holiday, plenty of walking, running and swimming burns the calories and I also keep in mind that I worked hard enough to lose the weight, it would be a shame to spoil it.

    I also drink what I wish when on holiday, eat three meals per day but I do NOT have dessert. I also rarely have "seconds".

    Other than the above, there is not much more I can do when on holiday. The last time I went I did all the above and came back and had only put on two and a half pounds over the two weeks holiday. That two and a half pounds and more came off within the first week back when I reverted back to my diet.

    I always take the holiday as a challenge to see what is the least I can gain lol
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    I too was scared of this.I went on a 10 day vaca. in April and was able to lose 5lb.I cooked most of my meals and used the Calorie King to chose what food to eat out.I didn't have access to the gym but,i walked up hill everynight and was shocked that i actually lost.
    I'm going on vaca. again June 6-16th and i already have all my meals planned,snacks packed and i'll just find somewhere to walk.Most important my cabin has wifi so i can log my food.LOL
    Have fun!Hell,if you just don't gain that would be great::happy:
  • JenniferRT66
    JenniferRT66 Posts: 16 Member
    If you are staying in a hotel with a fitness room, use that. I have had good luck on my past several trips to stay in places (through Hotwire) with treadmills, elliptical machines, etc. Or walk, run, etc. Keep tracking the food and make the best possible choices you can. Good luck and have a good trip!
  • janey1306
    janey1306 Posts: 83
    Im going away too, all inclusive so as much food and drink as i want! There is a gym at the hotel, but i doubt ill get there as im taking my kids. Im not going to let this ruin my holiday, im going to stick to salads and fruit, which i enjoy anyway. Ive asked for a higher floor room and im going to use the stairs instead of the lifts, walk a lot, and aqua aerobics is always offered in this type of hotel. Im hoping ill stay the same weight and im wearing my tighter clothes at the beginning of the week in case i gain!
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    Set your goals to 'maintenance' and carry on logging :) You'll probably be pleasantly surprised at how much you can indulge, without blowing it...which, in turn, helps keep you positive and on track :)x
  • crazycarrol
    crazycarrol Posts: 12
    Every year we go on vacation we find a gym and they usually let us pay by a daily basis. If there is no gym close get up every morning or in the evening (or both) and go for a walk or run on the beach. I mean what better scenery for a walk. Just because there are going to be alot of places to eat doesn't mean you can't make smart choices. When we go on vacation we go to the store and get heathly food and snacks we don't buy junk if it isn't in the condo then we won't eat it out of sight out of mind. It is all mental!! You can do it and have a great vacation!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    last year for the summer I went to San Diego to visit friends and go to Comic-con. I ate bad but still dropped 7 lbs. during my 12 days there. what did I do?
    1) tracked what I ate but I upped my calories to maintence.
    2) drank mostly water for almost all my meals
    3) walked everywhere.
    Great response. I went to Disney world and tracked my calories on iPhone. I wasn't obsessed with tracking as I usually am. But did as stated above and maintained. For me that's incredible because I'm hypothyroid and will gain 5 lbs easily. Enjoy your vacation and see it as an opportunity for your new self.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I could have posted this myself tody.
    I have yo yo my entire life. Last night, I actually had a nightmare about going off my program on vacation.
    For me, I've decided that I need to stay on program. It's the only way I will end this yoyo lifestyle.
    Not sure what beach you are going to but whenever I am "at the beach" I always eat fresh grilled fish and lots of fruit.
    Also, beaches are great for exercise. Walking, playing football, volleyball, or even just paddle ball. Boogie boardng.....

    you can do this! If drinking comes into it, allow yourself a certain amount per day and drink water in between.
    We can do this!!!!!!

    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

    I'm leaving for 5 days of camping today.
  • atldrew
    atldrew Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas and support!! I am planning on getting up early and doing some fast walking on the beach. Since we are renting a house I am not sure there will be a gym nearby but I can still walk...before the kids are up, after they are asleep, during the day.
    Thanks too for the water idea. I'm not a drinker but I do love me some sweet tea. :-)
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas and support!! I am planning on getting up early and doing some fast walking on the beach. Since we are renting a house I am not sure there will be a gym nearby but I can still walk...before the kids are up, after they are asleep, during the day.
    Thanks too for the water idea. I'm not a drinker but I do love me some sweet tea. :-)

    You also have a perfect opportunity to run on that beach too, interval sessions or just jogging on there.

    lol I bet you come back and have lost weight :oD

    Have a fantastic holiday!
  • NoMoreFatTony
    NoMoreFatTony Posts: 22 Member
    Please give us an update on this thread when you get back no matter what. Knowing what worked and did not work for you can help us all :)