Recovering bulimic trying to be healthy!

Hi guys,

I'm 25 and I've been bulimic for 8 years. I finally made the step to recovery and I'm seeing a wonderful psychologist and have a brilliant support team around me.

I was diagnosed with bulimia with anorexic tendencies last Oct. I was purging near enough everything I ate and binging 10 times a day at least. My whole evenings were taken up with eating. I was a very poorly girl.

So I have a very warped perception on what is healthy and not healthy. To me carbs are the absolute enemy and I simply don't eat them unless it's a binge so I'm having to get my head around what normal people eat.

I do want to lose weight though and I want to do it healthily! It's really interesting to put my food in on here and for to tell me I'm not eating enough, it makes me realise how little I have been eating.

Anyone else here in recovery?


  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm not in recovery, but I just wanted to say a massive congratulations on your progress so far and good luck with getting to a healthy weight with a healthy diet:flowerforyou:
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    Just wanted to say congratulations on your steps towards recovery. :)
    i suffer from anorexia-purging subtype, so i know the struggle.
    i'm no longer in recovery, i've relapsed,
    but honestly, i'm so happy for you and i really hope that you stick at it and get well
    you deserve it <3
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    Big hugs as I have been right where you are now and although I have been recovered for around 12 years now every day is still a conscious decision for me not to deal with stress by either binging or starving.

    Sending you a friend request as it can be a tough journey and the people who helped me most were the people who had done that journey themselves.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I'm very proud of you for taking this step to get healthy! This is a good place to be. There are a lot of good people on this site and the support is great.
  • Oh no! I'm so scared of relapsing. Well not really because I'm still purging some can't really relapse but I mean I don't want to lose this will to recover.

    I hope you overcome this, add me and give me a shout if you need someone to chat to or anything.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks sweetie :-) wish me luck!
  • Hi, I just posted a topic about my anorexia/bulimia I struggled with 3-8 years ago. The best thing I can tell you is *time* and *don't give up* I still b/p in recovery, but that doesn't mean you aren't recovering, slips are part of the process! Food isn't the enemy its your eating disorder controlling you. I understand it doesn't disappear over night, hence it takes much time...ED's are emotional and take a toll on your health. I'm glad your seeking help. I understand you may want to lose weight, but ask your doc. about that first, and let us know what he/she thinks about that, he/she may just want you to focus on your health and not your weight for now. Dont worry maybe when you are more stable, you can try to lose some weight but with caution. I'm in the same boat..want to be friends?
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    congratulations on taking on the brave recovery journey. I haven't personally experienced clinical ED, but i'm happy to support you.

    it seems you want to overhaul your lifestyle, and your body will 100% thank you for it, but it is with baby steps and small changes that you can make recovery long termperhaps restoring your relationship with food may be more beneficial than leaping straight into weightloss.... Speak perhaps to your psychologist about losing weight in recovery.

    Carbs need not be the enemy. I avoid refined carbs/sugar (my enemy - they wreak havoc on my physical and mental well-being!) but complex carbs still make up almost the majority of my intake. Take a look at my diary if you want some ideas about how beneficial carbs can work!

    Best of luck in your journey, you can do it :flowerforyou:
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    I am in recovery :) I was anorexic for 3 years before starting to b/p. Went through a pretty bad phase (although not as bad as 10x a day - you poor thing - must have been hell). Now I am down to b/ping a few times a month when I am tired or stressed. It has taken a long time and a lot of willpower to get down to that. Well done on making the decision to recover - we are 100 % behind you sweetie!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm not in recovery for an ED but for other things... you are welcome here and can't wait to see you on your journey!
  • vulgarities
    vulgarities Posts: 7 Member
    hiya! I have anorexia, binge & purge subtype (basically I'm an underweight bulimic). EDs are definitely a massive struggle and take their horrible toll on us and everything/everyone around us. I'm glad you're trying to be healthy, that's fantastic.

    I'm aiming for health too but it's so difficult and some days I'd honestly rather not be arsed to put up the fight. :/

    I'm sending you my thoughts. :)
  • I'm also a bulimic with anorexic tendencies. I've hit a rough patch in my recovery right now, but I'm struggling really hard to grasp the concept that I can eat 'more' and lose weight. Best of luck on your journey, and recovering people feel free to add me! I come with an obligatory trigger warning - my intake is by no means "healthy". But I'm trying so hard to lose weight in a "healthy" way and I don't want any bloody pro-anas cluttering up my feed! Rage!
  • leannerob1984
    leannerob1984 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, i am also a recovering bulimic, i have off the laxatives for nearly two years now and i am so proud of myself for that. I had a wonderful counsellor and doctors who helped me through a really really bad time in my life.

    Even though i was warned that part of getting better would be to gain weight it was a struggle, especially in the early days, to be ok with it and to get over the fear of eating and not being 'in control'.

    I have always struggled with body image so im really trying to be positive and lose the extra weight ive gained a healthy and sensible way.

    Good luck to you all, and if you ever need to talk please feel free to add me x
  • the_stephinator
    the_stephinator Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning! I'm a recovering bulemic too. Body image is still a struggle for me. Most days I can laugh at my bulemia. I gave my ED a name (Frank) not to personalize it and be all buddy-buddy but to have a name to yell at when I got pissed at that thinking. I've been under a lot of stress lately and I haven't been great about tracking my food. I had to put my guinea pig to sleep yesterday and my living situation is by no means stable and I've been taking it out in my eating habits. Frank's thinking is getting to me :) I won't let him win. The problem with food addiction and eating disorders is that you can't stop eating. Need food to survive. I've recovered from alcoholism and drug addiction. I'm working on the eating disorder.

    Big thumbs up on the willingness to get into recovery! Willingness and acceptance are the keys to recovery. Time takes time and don't quit until the miracle happens! Sending you a friend request.

  • TurquoiseSky
    TurquoiseSky Posts: 42 Member
    I just turned 28 and have been bulimic for roughly half of my life... scary thought.

    I have tried to seek treatment and recover a number of times. I made use of free counselling/nutrition/treatment programs (mainly through university) in the past, but was never successful for more than a few weeks.

    I finally finished university and settled into a job with benefits this year, so I'm beginning my journey to recovery NOW! I'm seeing a doctor on Monday and am going to ask for a referral to a therapist. I'm nervous and embarrassed that I have to admit my problem, even if only to a doctor... but wish me luck.