Grr.. I feel so angry at myself!!

I had a good control over what I ate & was regularly going for walks. I fell ill with a fever & after that I have gone back to my old eating habits!!! I seem to be too hungry!!! I hate myself so much for that!!!! Whatever I do, I am not able to stop myself from thinking about food!! & I seem to be sleeping most of the time!! Oh God, I don't want to be this way!!! & what makes things worse is that my husband who loves food but is fit that he can eat anything.. We have been having restaurant food a lot often these days!!! He seem to be getting thinner & my tummy seem to be bulging more!! :( I feel so angry that I amnot able to control myself!!! What has happened to me??!!! :'( I feel like crying!!! Do you go through such times? How did you get on track? It feels like my mind has become weak. I know I can only control that. Sigh!!!!


  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    Hey - Don't be too hard on yourself. I have been doing the same thing. So busy with work, and now that the big work weekend is over, I am looking back and I want to kick myself.

    But if I do that, if I keep being mad at myself, I won't be able to move past it and I will have one more day to waste. Try planning in advance until you can feel comfortable doing otherwise. (I always have to plan, and my best weeks are when I sit down and write out my meals for the next 7 days - same goes for restaurants. Don't step foot into one unless you have planned what you will eat, and what you will pass on, before hand)

    So make a deal with yourself. That's what I am going to do. Let go of yesterday. Forgive yourself and move forward. If you have one foot in tomorrow and one foot in yesterday, you piss all over today. You can do this. Setbacks are just that. They aren't failures.

    We're all with you. You absolutely can move forward. Just like I will, because we can do it together.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    You can get out of this funk I'm sure :) as for eating out, many places offer healthier choices such as chicken or fish and salad over fries. I eat out sometimes too, just remember to order something off the menu that isn't bad for you. Shrimp is pretty good!!' and I love shrimp! Lol
  • yellowpear
    yellowpear Posts: 137 Member
    Thank you for the replies.. I just wish I can get back my will-power.. Yes.. As you said, I'll try planing a week's meal & see how it goes. As for the restaurants, I wish my husband would stop talking about having food from outside. It doesn't effect him much since he is already the perfect weight & he can never control his food habits. I have already told him about this. But no use. So, the only option left is controlling myself.. :(
  • amh1974
    amh1974 Posts: 79 Member
    Try being accountable to someone other than yourself. I had about 20 pounds to lose and couldn't stop eating and was getting bigger. Then I had 25 pounds to lose and was fed up to say the least. I went to a doctor and we talked and at first I went back weekly and he asked that I show him everything that I ate. Now I'm due to go back and see him in 2 weeks and I'm down close to 10 pounds. I know that him looking over what I eat and commenting on it had an impact on me. You could do this easily with a friend who would tell you the truth about what you're eating and changes you need to make but you need someone who is willing to make the tough comments!