Chocolatey Chunky Monkey Ice Cream (low cal, low fat)



  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    looks so good. how many calories and how many serves does it make?

    Same thing I was thinking....I'll try to add up in a few, I will have to try this thanks for sharing. I know my wife would be excited....that is if she liked bananas....Oh well...her loss.
  • JoHola
    JoHola Posts: 43 Member
    BUMP! Im defo going to try this, thanks for sharing :smile:
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    "IF" I figured it right with using peanut butter and 2 oz Skim milk for mixing this is about what the nutrition would be.

    Total Servings: 10 (unsure on amount per serving til I make it Could be possibly done in more serving for less cal per serving)
    Total: Cal 1100 Carb 170 Fat 47 Protein 19
    Per Serv: Cal 110 Carb 17 Fat 5 Protein 2

    Don't Blame me if I figured wrong but that is the closest estimate could get. depending on the brands you use could be higher or lower on all numbers.

    I think I am going to the grocery store to get the stuff to make this LOL. If I make it I'll try to share the more accurate nuttrition including serving size and amount of servings.
  • MoganHorse
    MoganHorse Posts: 39 Member
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Wow-looks delish-bump for this weekend!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    bumping..........looks sooo yummy!!!......thank you:)
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    "IF" I figured it right with using peanut butter and 2 oz Skim milk for mixing this is about what the nutrition would be.

    Total Servings: 10 (unsure on amount per serving til I make it Could be possibly done in more serving for less cal per serving)
    Total: Cal 1100 Carb 170 Fat 47 Protein 19
    Per Serv: Cal 110 Carb 17 Fat 5 Protein 2

    Don't Blame me if I figured wrong but that is the closest estimate could get. depending on the brands you use could be higher or lower on all numbers.

    I think I am going to the grocery store to get the stuff to make this LOL. If I make it I'll try to share the more accurate nuttrition including serving size and amount of servings.

    Please do! I really want to know about the nutrients! This looks and sounds very yummy. I know my kids would love it and it would be a great snack for them as well as me. :happy:
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    OMG I want some now!
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    bump :)
  • shannonshay1
    shannonshay1 Posts: 69 Member
  • poundis
    poundis Posts: 93 Member
    sounds yummy!!!!! thanks for posting!!!
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    "IF" I figured it right with using peanut butter and 2 oz Skim milk for mixing this is about what the nutrition would be.

    Total Servings: 10 (unsure on amount per serving til I make it Could be possibly done in more serving for less cal per serving)
    Total: Cal 1100 Carb 170 Fat 47 Protein 19
    Per Serv: Cal 110 Carb 17 Fat 5 Protein 2

    Don't Blame me if I figured wrong but that is the closest estimate could get. depending on the brands you use could be higher or lower on all numbers.

    I think I am going to the grocery store to get the stuff to make this LOL. If I make it I'll try to share the more accurate nuttrition including serving size and amount of servings.

    Please do! I really want to know about the nutrients! This looks and sounds very yummy. I know my kids would love it and it would be a great snack for them as well as me. :happy:

    I have the shopping list for this written and If I can remember I will grab the stuff when I pick up the wife, since she works at a store anyway.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    OMG! I just wanna run home and make this!!!
  • marcikennan
    marcikennan Posts: 20
    what???!!! bump!
  • taahine01
    taahine01 Posts: 120 Member
    looks sooo yummy....thanks for the recipe!!!!
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    Grr got busy last night and forgot to get the stuff.. 8-(
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    Grr got busy last night and forgot to get the stuff.. 8-(

    Lol it's all good! Just post it up when you can!
  • jennyrae719
    jennyrae719 Posts: 129