Toning my body, and strengthening abs

I lost about 20lbs (Dr.'s orders) before joining Myfitnesspal and have 20 more to go. How do I go about toning without going to a gym.

I walk every chance I get, and have started running. My one trouble spot is my stomach. Although it is going down, it is still flabby. I want washboard abs!! Any suggestions?


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Washboard abs probably isn't going to happen with cardio + bodyweight exercises. You need to lift heavy
  • Blupanther
    Blupanther Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks. Any particular types of lifts that will benefit my abs?
  • spazofthedead
    spazofthedead Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks. Any particular types of lifts that will benefit my abs?

    Most compound lifts will. Squats, deadlifts, OHP, bench press. Those, if done right, will heavily engage your core to keep you stabilized. Squats and deadlifts are particularly effective.
  • Blupanther
    Blupanther Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    You still need to cut down to a low bodyfat% to get those abs.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    losing weight = eating right
    losing fat = eating right and lifting heavy
    toning = losing fat

    lift heavy with compound lifts
    eat right
    be patient
    eat right
    be patient
    eat right
    lift heavy
  • topyule
    topyule Posts: 18 Member
    Running will help, but to target your abs you need to do crunches, flutter kicks and leg lifts. These can all be done at home without any equipment and you can increase your reps as you get stronger.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Planks, stability ball crunches, squats - these are things you can do at home. As everyone else has said, you're going to have to cut bodyfat for them to be really visible, but exercise will make them strong and give you a solid core.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I had almost the same problem about a year ago. I ran a lot and lifted heavy with compound lifts along with eating well. I started to see abdominal definition (not a six-pack, mind you) around 23% body fat. Everyone's a little different so don't take it verbatim. Good luck to you.

    P.S. For reference, my avatar photo was taken less than a week ago and I'm slightly under 20% body fat (19.7%). I don't have a ripped six-pack (nor want one neither) but rather halfway decent abdominal defintion for someone not twenty years old and having gone through a couple of pregnancies IMHO.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Washboard abs probably isn't going to happen with cardio + bodyweight exercises. You need to lift heavy


    Washboard abs is a product of low BF%, period.

    There is a whole world of progressive calisthenics (BW exercises) out there; to get to the high levels you need an insanely strong core. Unlike weightlifting where it is a secondary effect from stabilization, with BW exercise core work must be the primary focus; your ability to reduce leverage comes from the core.

    Start with bicycle crunches, planks, and knee lifts, move on to leg lifts and L-sits, and work towards dragon flags (reps and holds) and front levers.

    You can lift heavy with the body too. I highly, highly doubt that anyone here touting the merits of lifting heavy with weights is strong enough to do a front lever.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Very true, OP.

    Case in point: Insanity versus P90X. Both programs are great but Insanity focuses more on bodyweight exercises while P90X doesn't. I've seen the before and afters on both infomericals and the only difference is that the people who did P90X, their abs are more dense-looking while the folks who did Insanity seem to look a little flatter. But nevertheless, both have low body fat levels which allow their abs to be seen.

    It's about striking a balance between low body fat and gaining core strength so the muscles look more pronounced.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Very true, OP.

    Case in point: Insanity versus P90X. Both programs are great but Insanity focuses more on bodyweight exercises while P90X doesn't. I've seen the before and afters on both infomericals and the only difference is that the people who did P90X, their abs are more dense-looking while the folks who did Insanity seem to look a little flatter. But nevertheless, both have low body fat levels which allow their abs to be seen.

    It's about striking a balance between low body fat and gaining core strength so the muscles look more pronounced.

    I guess I've never done the ab ripper X (which is done A LOT if you do the full p90x program), but if it is anything like the ab section in Yoga X it is all bodyweight. That ab section in Yoga X is brutal. I can do full dragon flags and hold planks for several minutes, but I cannot do the Yoga X ab section in full with no breaks, yet. I'm getting close though.
  • Blupanther
    Blupanther Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you.
  • Blupanther
    Blupanther Posts: 7 Member
    Start with bicycle crunches, planks, and knee lifts, move on to leg lifts and L-sits, and work towards dragon flags (reps and holds) and front levers.

    Will definitely try this.
  • Blupanther
    Blupanther Posts: 7 Member
    I had almost the same problem about a year ago. I ran a lot and lifted heavy with compound lifts along with eating well. I started to see abdominal definition (not a six-pack, mind you) around 23% body fat. Everyone's a little different so don't take it verbatim. Good luck to you.

    P.S. For reference, my avatar photo was taken less than a week ago and I'm slightly under 20% body fat (19.7%). I don't have a ripped six-pack (nor want one neither) but rather halfway decent abdominal defintion for someone not twenty years old and having gone through a couple of pregnancies IMHO. are an inspiration!!
  • Blupanther
    Blupanther Posts: 7 Member
    Planks, stability ball crunches, squats - these are things you can do at home. As everyone else has said, you're going to have to cut bodyfat for them to be really visible, but exercise will make them strong and give you a solid core.

    Thank you
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I had almost the same problem about a year ago. I ran a lot and lifted heavy with compound lifts along with eating well. I started to see abdominal definition (not a six-pack, mind you) around 23% body fat. Everyone's a little different so don't take it verbatim. Good luck to you.

    P.S. For reference, my avatar photo was taken less than a week ago and I'm slightly under 20% body fat (19.7%). I don't have a ripped six-pack (nor want one neither) but rather halfway decent abdominal defintion for someone not twenty years old and having gone through a couple of pregnancies IMHO. are an inspiration!!

    Thanks. I told you that not for the praise (although that's nice too) but to reiterate that having abs is not unattainable. Anyone can achieve it if you want it. Good luck to you.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I agree with everyone else.. Just eat at a deficit, strength train, and do some cardio and you'll be fine.

    The picture I have now is my stomach after a year of strength training regularly and losing 30 pounds... I'm currently around 20% bodyfat too.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    losing weight = eating right
    losing fat = eating right and lifting heavy
    toning = losing fat

    lift heavy with compound lifts
    eat right
    be patient
    eat right
    be patient
    eat right
    lift heavy

    This x2, but don't forget to

    Eat right and be patient. :-)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Bodyweight exercises can all be done without a gym or weights. Planks, push ups, plank-based exercises like mountain climbers etc... They will help you to build strength and muscle tone. But if you want a flat stomach, you need to burn fat.