critique my diary! please!

crap..i just noticed that i almost always end up going over my alloted dietary fats. eff. help! any suggestions? my diary was private, but i would like some feed back so i made it public.

thank you!

and ps -- tough love is'll help get my *kitten* in gear :)


  • babykell19
    babykell19 Posts: 72
    bheuler? bheuler? hello? anyone?
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    The only thing that I am seeing that could cause a lot of overage is the dressings. I know they are "light" dressings, but when you use double the serving amount, it defeats the purpose.

    Dressings was the hardest thing for me to change. I haven't given them up totally, but I never go above 2 tbsp and use them sparingly.

    Also, they don't fill you up and are high in calories. Kind of like drinking your calories away. :/

    You are doing great!
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I am going to have to go with the dressings as well. Maybe try Fat Free instead of lite? Or just lower the amount that you use?
  • melissaeich20
    melissaeich20 Posts: 12 Member
    That's the only thing I see also. Could you try having your dressing on the side? Use your fork and dip into your dressing then scoop your salad. I think you could use less dressing if you do that.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I use to have a love affair with bagels and cream cheese so I know how tempting they are. I know you aren't eating them everyday but they aren't good for your diet. Also, maybe try using reduced fat cheeses. I LOVE 2% milk shredded cheese. And try and use less dressing. I've been doing this since mid-March and have never went over fat or carbs. Try and replacing the higher fat things with leaner things for a while. Fat isn't bad and neither or carbs, but having too much of both isn't good.

    That's my two cents. I'm not expert but that's what helps me...
  • Javajunkie67
    Javajunkie67 Posts: 167 Member
    The biggest offender I see is the dressings. Even the "light" ones aren't so light. The next ones would be eating out and nuts. Nuts are good for you, but really high in fat.

    I worked around the dressing issue by using fat free sour cream or fat free yogurt to thin the dressings out a bit. If you don't want to dilute the flavor of the dressing, try adding a few tablespoons of water to 2 tablespoons of the dressing-that should just thin out the texture and help it to spread easier.

    Another trick for dressing salads is to pour the dressing down the sides of the mixing bowl and then mix into the salad. Everything gets coated better and you don't need so much dressing.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Dressing and cream cheese, not bad just bad in that quantity. Quick tip for dressing, instead of pouring it on what ever you are eating, dip your fork in the dressing, put it in a smaller container first, then take a bite of salad or whatever you are eating. Ask for caesar dressing on the side to help you with this too. Four T of cream cheese for one bagel is 2-3 too many. Portion control is key. A good sub for dressing is salsa, sour cream, cottage cheese.
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    I agree, the dressings and candy bars are adding so much fat and almost no nutrition. You could be eating more fruit and whole grains and more nutritionally dense foods and it would probably help you more to reach your goal. Have you tried the Wish Bone salad spritzers? I used to be a die hard ranch dressing fanatic and didn't like anything else but I do like the spritzers, they are yummy and low calorie.
  • Franzibear
    Franzibear Posts: 41 Member
    If you are looking for a different kind of dressing for salads, I have found that a really nice alternative to premade dressings is:
    1 tbsp olive oil (extra virgin)
    1 tbsp vinegar (white, but any will work)
    1 tbsp salad dressing herbs (you can buy that at any grocery store in the spice section, usually has some dried ground veggies, sesame and other good stuff in there)
    3-5 tbsp water (depending on how much salad you're making)

    It replaces the fatty store-bought dressings, tastes really good and is much lighter (I use the above for a big salad for 2 people. With about 14 fat in 1 tbsp olive oil, that makes 7 per person!)
  • babykell19
    babykell19 Posts: 72
    thanks everyone..i'll definitely try and watch my portion sizes on my dressings. but man i love it so much! but i would love to be skinny even more.. :)
  • Leesa22
    Leesa22 Posts: 73 Member
    I would say watch your sodium levels they are over and that can effect weight loss too, at least it does me. Other than that I love all the ideas the others had. Good luck.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    walden farms has a dressing that is so so yummy.. it's the sesame ginger... fat free ,calorie free. I like a lot of their stuff except the peanut butter and ranch.. yuck! anyway I know that you can get it on their website waldenfarms . com but there are other stores that sell it like Publix, whole foods and sprouts.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I see a lot of carbs and sugar. Both of which can be crazy.
  • michelle850
    michelle850 Posts: 65 Member
    I agree with the dressings and I have to say I love your meal titles!!! :)
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Newmans Raspberry Vinagrette is delicious and because it's oil it goes much further than a creamy dressing. It's hard to get away from creamy dressings, but they just don't go as far I find.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    First I would say be come consistant about logging EVERYTHING you eat. This will help you in the long run. I don't see anything wrong with your fats because its coming from healthy sources like nuts and olive oil. I am ALWAYS over my fats, but I have been losing more weight now that I have added healthy fats to my diet.

    ETA: I do agree with another poster, your carbs and sugars are very up and down. Maybe focus on lowering both. I've been more successful having my carbs less than 100g a day. My sugars stay low for the most part, a lot of times under the 24g it is set at. Again, lowering both has helped me to get the scale moving, but everyone is different.
  • abeachlady
    abeachlady Posts: 88
    Try a really good balsamic vinegar. I know it's expensive, but you don't need to use very much, and need no olive oil at all!!!
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Another vote for reducing the amount of dressing. Yesterday you ate 30g of fat in dressings alone!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    a lot of packaged/processed stuff -- will send you over on fats & on sodium.
    Breakfast -- you should try to focus more on high protein -- a bagel and cream cheese is not a good option.
    oatmeal is not even a great option -- try greek yogurt, protein shake, eggs. try to get at least 30g of protein for breakfast.

    dressings: may sound weird, but I always water down my dressings - especially ones like ranch that are high in fat (and then the low fat/light ones are ridiculously high in sodium) - but i add some water to the bottle, and then end up using less of it, and less of it goes further - and it's so rich typically it doesn't affect the taste! --- Yesterday, dressings added 30g of fat to your day. I was a ranch addict, but now I've discovered others that I LOVE that aren't so high in fat -- kraft free toasted asian sesame, ken's light sweet vidalia onion... last night I made my own creamy dressing by mixing FF plain greek yogurt, water, and salsa in the food processor -- was delish!

    overall - you should really focus on UPPING your protein & Fiber -- this usually is pretty easily achieved by having more lean stuff like protein shakes, eggs, fish, and chicken (which are all low in fat) and adding more veggies (also low in fat) -- try adding lots of seasonings (I like mrs dash varities and the salt free perfect pinch ones because they are SALT FREE = no sodium) instead of dressings. The other benefit of upping fiber and protein (IT"S GOOD TO BE OVER ON THESE THINGS TOO) is that it helps you feel fuller longer! :) Check out my diary. And my blog - :)
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Try a really good balsamic vinegar. I know it's expensive, but you don't need to use very much, and need no olive oil at all!!!


    Even try having feta or dressing on your salad, not both. Even get a tossed or garden salad and ask for Caesar dressing on the side, instead of an actual Caesar salad. The lettuce is not worth all the croutons, cheese and dressing calories.

    Or skip salads and have steamed veggies instead, but not the ones they cover in butter.