Ear stuffiness when running?

Many times when I run my ears start feeling stuffy. I stopped using head phones thinking that was the issue. Its not. My hearing goes back to normal within 30 minutes or so. I wouldn't say it is painful, so it is not going to stop me from running. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if you might know what causes this? Thanks!


  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Interesting, I've had this happen frequently over the years. Are you prone to allergy/sinus issues? I am, so I suspect that's my problem.
  • beanerific518
    beanerific518 Posts: 152
    Yes, I've always had allergy / sinus issues. Hmmm, interesting...
  • PSGPolly
    PSGPolly Posts: 868 Member
    Yes I get it a lot and not only running but other exercise sets it off too and I hate it- sort of like a blocked ear where things echo?I can't hear properly when it happens but then if goes away when my breathing is normal. I went to see Doc to check if I had water on the ear or wax build-up. He gave me a nasal spray which has helped a bit, but he also said he thought it may be tinitis. If it is tinitis he says I'll have to live with it. I'm not keen on using a spray all the time either as it only sort of helps.
  • Jori7071
    Jori7071 Posts: 19 Member
    That does happen to me....at least it did. It just seemed like once I would get my heart rate elevated, my ears would stop up (on one side) and I could just listen to myself breathe-couldn't hear much else. It hasn't been as bad recently and I will say, it seemed like it started after I had used the Netti Pot. I had gotten the flu and I had heard that it was a safe and natural way to help clear the nasal passages. I figured that it had something to do with having water in the ear canal or something since I know all that is connected. I haven't used the Netti Pot now for almost 2 years and it's gone.
  • beanerific518
    beanerific518 Posts: 152
    That does happen to me....at least it did. It just seemed like once I would get my heart rate elevated, my ears would stop up (on one side) and I could just listen to myself breathe-couldn't hear much else. It hasn't been as bad recently and I will say, it seemed like it started after I had used the Netti Pot. I had gotten the flu and I had heard that it was a safe and natural way to help clear the nasal passages. I figured that it had something to do with having water in the ear canal or something since I know all that is connected. I haven't used the Netti Pot now for almost 2 years and it's gone.

    Oooh, I will try that! I have a Netti Pot and only use it when I have acute sinus issues (works great to clear me up). Maybe I should make it part of my evening routine... Thanks!