
I just wanted to get this off of my chest I have to tell someone that I am so happy since getting off of the crazy 7 meals a day diet that I had done for years with really no luck. Now that I have started eating healthy, nutritious meals and watching my calories and carbs I feel so much better, happier,focused on my business, and I am not searching for the next pint of Ben and Jerry's to benge on (usually was two at a time) about 2 or 3 times a month :-x. I have purchased the Wells Blue Bunny Sweet Freedom varieties of ice cream bars the krunchlites and plain chocolate covered ice cream bars, also the fudge pops all sweetened with splenda or truvia and they taste great. i also got Breyers CarbSmart Chocolate Ice cream that I haven't even opened yet. So...I am going to try to use those things when I am craving something sweet (which seems to be a lot LESS now that I have cut back so much oddly enough?!?!??) instead of the Ben and Jerry's fatty cake supreme so often lol. Just wanted to share my new found happiness and say that I truly hope and think that I should be all means lose weight if I am burning more calories than I am taking in and be much happier about my somewhat normal diet now as opposed to the crazy stuff I was doing before!


  • outdoormom09
    Happy for you...!:flowerforyou:
  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    This basic program really makes sense - doesn't it! I'm glad you're happy and it seems like you'll stick with it! Best wishes for success
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    One day you will even forget to eat your low-cal ice cream as your daily treat and that feels really good too!
  • MissPriss30
    You are all such precious people! Thank you for the encouraging words & I'm posting from my phone so please excuse my lack of memory on usernames & who posted what but to whomever said this program makes it simple YES thanking the person that allowed us all to use it! & to the person who said something about skipping the low carb ice cream,you would be proud I've not touched it all week long!!! I did however go to the bar lastnight & had only 7-10 chips w/queso so not really even a full fledged cheat. I use to eat the entire plate LOL! My TRUE DOWNFALL is specifically Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream & I use to eat it at least once a week & I've not even craved it AT ALL in the past week so YIPPEE! I have decided to reserve my low carb Breyers ice cream for the weekend cheat & only one serving at that! I do however think it should be ok for me to have the Ben & Jerrys ONCE/month as pms is usually honestly the only time I feel like I'm starving for it! Once a month sure beats 3 or 4x's/month huh? lol that was at LEAST 3-6 pints depending on if I would eat two in a row! Terrible I know! I stopped taking all thyroid meds as endo told me I has toxic levels in my blood which is probably another reason I was craving the extremely high sugar/fat! Going back next week to get blood work done again & find out how much I need to actually be on! By the way, it seems as though from the way my clothes are fitting that I've lost a little eventhough I'm off the thyroid & have been for almost 2 weeks! So YES I am happy indeed & praising the Lord!