MASSIVE Charlie Horse Issue!!

hi Everyone :)

I am really hopping someone will be able to help me out here. I get massive charlie horses in my left calf. It used to happen every once in a while...maybe once every 3-4 mths. Now it happens every 1-2mths. They always arrive in the middle of hte night and I wake up to UNBELIEVEABLE pain in my calf to the point of tears and writhing around trying to break up the knot in my leg

you can actually feel the muscle knot pushing out my my calf. Im not sure what to do becaus elately I have found that when I am running or working out I will move my legs and can feel the knot like it is still there. Im worried it will come back again really soon.

Does anyone have any suggestions. I have already tried massaging my calves to work out the knot, as well as ensuring that I have enough calcium every day too! Thanks so much in advance!!!!


  • gvarner
    I've "heard" that not drinking enough water can cause them. I've had one only a couple of times and I know they are definitely painful! Don't know if drinking more water will help or not but it's a thought.
  • chicka200413
    I can relate... I get them in the middle of the night as well. I remember in ballet our teachers always telling us to just flex your foot the other way, and stretch. So I always get up from bed and with my feet shoulder width apart i touch my toes, it stretches out my legs a bit, then i walk it out until it is gone... I'm not sure what causes it, but I feel that the more I work my legs out the more i get them. It's weird.
  • jnstriker
    I can definitly relate to cramps and charlie horses that was before i learned about pickles.:bigsmile:Pickles and pickle juice is great for eliminating cramps and charlie horses.I eat pickles like they are going out of style and I do not get cramps or charlie horses . Orange juice is a quick fix for them also if you cant take pickles :heart: or pickle juice.:bigsmile:
  • lots2live4
    lots2live4 Posts: 107 Member
    I used to get these a lot too. Drinking plenty of water definitely helps. Also, try eating a banana once or twice a day. I read awhile ago that the cramps come on with dehydration or potassium deficiency. It's helped me. Good luck!
  • newDZ
    newDZ Posts: 237 Member
    YOU need Potassium. Get either liquid or potassium tablets. When dieting and you get cramps that means your body need to replace potassium. You can eat a banana. But I would also get potassium.
  • aprilann
    aprilann Posts: 238
    Bananas do help!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I'm always heard cramps are from lack of potassium. I eat a banana every day or every other day and I never get them even during my TOM.
  • Aprilr74
    Aprilr74 Posts: 1 Member
    If this is low pottassium levels and you are getting cramps, it can be very dangerous. I would get your levels check from your doctor especially if you are feeling "butterflies" or a "twitching" feeling in your throat. Low potassium levels can and do kill people. The cramps may also be from dehydration. The pickels have a lot of sodium, so thats not a good route. When you are awoke from night time muscle cramps, relax your leg (old wives tale is to bend your foot back, that can actually cause some damage), get all heat off your leg and have someone put a cool wash cloth on the cramp. The loosen up from the cold. I worked on the brain injury unit for years and my patients always had leg cramps, you sure learn alot that way. Good Luck!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    WOW you guys are awesome.! thank you so much for the ideas. I like bananas so I'll make sure to eat one of those every couple days too :)

    I'll make an apt to go see my doctor too as soon as he gets back from vacation. My mom is a pharmacist as well and she suggested lots of calcuim so lets hope the combination of potassium and calcium will help me stay charlie-horse free hehehe

    you guys are so awesome! Please let me know if there are any other suggestions :)
  • maicherc
    Peaches also contain potassium.