Just when I feel proud of myself for losing weight, I gain 2 pounds back. I hate fluctuating weight! Once I feel bad about gaining, I have no drive to exercise, because I feel like I'm not doing anything. I'm just so angry...


  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I get frustrated too. Try writing your weight down each time you weigh. I know many "pros" say don't weigh each day, but I do. I write on the calendar what my weight is. It seems to go down, then "stall" then go up a bit, then go back to where it was, then go down, etc. It really is an up and down thing--depends on so many factors such as water retention, time of the month ( I always see more unpleasant numbers right around that time...), exercise, etc. If you are building muscle, muscle is more dense than fat too. So if you are exercising, the weight gain could correlate with SMALLER measurements. Hang in there!

    I forgot to say, watch for a trend. I write my weigh-in's on the calendar, and I do see a downward trend overall. So when the weight goes up temporarily I can look back a week or two on the same day and I usually calm down b/c I can see that this is just a "road bump".
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Yeah, me too. But partially it's my fault... when I am losing weight, I suppose that I just decide it's ok to slack off and then that's when it all comes back. We won't give up, though! Let's do this! :)
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I understand the frustration as my weight tends to go up and down. I have learned to move away from the scale and depend more on my measurements and how my clothes fit. It took me a while to not get frustrated at the scale and to trust that I was really on the right track. Another thing you might want to watch is your sodium intake.

    The main thing to remember is not to give up :)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I had the same problem until I made a point to find other ways to measure success. Since I started this journey a year ago, the scales have fluxuated nearly every week...up, down, up, level, down, up.... I stopped weighing every week and started weighing only once/month. I have my body fat measured with calipers every six weeks and my trainer takes my measurements at the same time. The scales continue to go up and down, but my bodyfat and inches have only continued to decrease. The scales alone don't tell the whole story, so don't worry so much about that and focus on the other successes.
  • aligatorwww
    aligatorwww Posts: 48 Member
    It's all out WAR!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    FYI: It's gonna do that FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER. Get used to it :D

    It only gets harder the older you get. No excuses.


  • Jenniece
    Jenniece Posts: 4
    I truly understand...one week the scale said I gained 3 pounds!!! UGHHH. I have been following my routine since April 17 and I have only lost 6 pounds. I am disappointed in myself but I am going to stay the course. At least I haven't gained 6 pounds.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    You can't look at the day to day fluctuations. You must try to focus on long terms losses, inches gone, and body fat percentages lost. I weigh 1.8 pounds more today than I did yesterday simply because I had a big salty dinner last night. In a couple of weeks I'll likely be up a few pounds due to hormones.

    If you are too fixated on the numbers, perhaps it's time to put away the scale for a while.
  • stick with it - it will be worth it - we all need to encourage each other when we are having a bad day
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I've lost a lot of weight. My weight still fluctuates up to five pounds a day. It's the same old story...just depends on your body and its receptiveness to things like sodium, alcohol, etc.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    when i gain weight i get angry and push myself even more!!!
    ive lost only 12 pounds in 6 months believe me i know how annoying it is...
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I am the same way, so this is how I solved it. I created an Excel chart that has 2 graphs. I weigh almost daily and enter my weight in each of these graphs. The difference between the two is that the one shows the actual weight, to the tenth of a pound, but the other has a formula applied to take the number I enter and ROUND it to the nearest 2.5 lb number. I have them set as bar charts, so I see the bar move up or down accordingly, but the one with the rounding has the lee-way of not jumping up or down unless it's more than 2.5 lbs. Because I can fluctuate that amount EASILY in a day (even more sometimes.) Even though I know I may have seen a technical gain on a certain morning, that rounded graph's bar may not move. Honestly, no one weighs the same every single day, even those at their ideal weight. These little fluctuations are just temporary and seeing that rounded bar stay the same reminds me, "you're in the ballpark still." If it jumps up, it ALWAYS eventually gets back down, usually just the next day.
  • wtlos4me
    wtlos4me Posts: 39 Member
    Boy, can I relate! I am torn between weekly weigh-in(s) to keep on track or a monthly weigh-in. I have additional issues with water weight because I have chronic kidney disease - so depending on how much or little sodium intake I have in a day - my weight can fluctuate as much as 3-5 pounds in a day, which can make weigh-in day very frustrating. Dang sodium is hidding EVERYWHERE in food, and I feel like I need to be a dietitian or a food scientist to figure out all the foods I can eat or avoid. No fat dressings, have so much extra sugar and sodium in them it is ridiculous. I have started making my own using flaxseed oil, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Galeos dressings are also a great local and low sodium dressing. I find mine at Whole Foods, or online. Keep going and stay the course, I am not saying it will get easier, but persistence is the key.

  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Use the anger to fuel your exercise! Fluctuation is part of the process, unfortunately (stupid hormones). Keep up the good work and your overall numbers will keep coming down!
  • CLynch309
    CLynch309 Posts: 34 Member
    The process of losing weight is a royal pain in the butt, but the results are wonderful. I weigh myself every day, sometimes several times a day so I'm VERY familiar with fluctuations, and over time, I've become very familiar with the various things that can affect the results I see on the scale, from not drinking enough water to eating salt-heavy foods, how much/how little sleep I get, how stressed I am, etc. It's not ALWAYS logical, but when you stick with it over time, the results DO show up and they DO start to make sense. When you get the perspective of time, things make greater sense than if you examine them too closely too soon.

    Patience and consistent effort = success.

    One more suggestion: schedule yourself some non-food rewards to celebrate sticking to your plan. Don't depend exclusively on your scale for positive reinforcement. For me, a non-food reward is a massage. Tickets to a game. Splurging on a new geek toy. Taking a day off work to go hiking someplace beautiful. I make sure to reward myself in a healthy way at least once every couple of weeks. But only if I've been good. It's a way to resist temptation. What do I really want, to eat fries or a brownie right now, or do I want to get a new iPad a few weeks from now? Yeah, it's childish, but that's the voice that's speaking up when you want those fries or that brownie - your inner two-year-old screaming, "I want it now!!!" Shut that kid up and teach it to behave, and bribe it with better treats. :laugh:
  • chevvy53
    chevvy53 Posts: 35 Member
    ive reached50 years of and boy it doesnt want to shift my lifestyale has change dramatically because of ill health so dont get around as much used to walk loads,, stay strong though everyone on here to help !!!