Gym Membership or Weights at Home?

I've been using the gym at school the last two years. I've work out whenever I was on campus. I just graduated, so now I need to pay for a gym membership, along with the gas to drive to the gym. Round trip it's 10 miles, multiply that 3 -4 times a week, so it's about 40 miles or 8 dollars in gas a week. The membership is 25 a month. So going to the gym is going to cost me almost 40 a month.

I normally only lift weights when I go. Sometimes I do cardio but normally I get that in biking to work. I don't want to stop working out, but I haven't in almost three weeks now because of being graduated, and I'm starting to become edgy.

I live in a small apartment, so I can't get a bench. I'd been working on deadlifts and squats with weights.

What's your thoughts? Should I invest in free weights at home that I can store easily, or pay for the gym membership?


  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Since you only use the gym for weights (or usually just weights) I feel like it would just be better to invest in free weights. (and better for the environment if you want to get all green talk and stuff haha)

    It depends on your current job status as well. As a college student, I'm broke xD but if you have a job that pays enough for the commute you can invest in the membership. I think it will just depend on what makes you feel better about your weight loss/maintenance.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    get a gym membership. if you are serious about weight lifting there's no way you'd be able to fit the equipment you'd need into a small apartment. besides that weights are hella expensive
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    I can't really afford 40 dollars a month. I thought about biking to the gym every time I want to use it. There is one closer, but it's a Planet Fitness, and because they're only 10 dollars a month, the place is like hell on earth...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I am a gym rat and there is no way I could get the workouts I do at my house let alone a small appt. You have to weigh out the cost against your health and decide if it is worth it. For me it would be a no brainer.... gym it is..... Best of Luck....
  • rininger85
    rininger85 Posts: 131
    I bought a nice weight lifting machine and treadmill for probably about $800, which will pay for itself pretty quickly two-fold, 1) by the gas/membership costs and 2) because I actually use it at home, whereas I had been paying for a membership and rarely going to the gym...
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    Before joining, do your research online.

    write down prices, any added dues etc..

    compare them, ask for a weeks free pass to see if you like it.

    May gyms give 7-10 days free pass.

    When you pick a certain one, make sure they'll do comparison price..

    I did and saved 250.00 !!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    If you can save for them, you can get a pair of Bowflex weights -- sorry, I cannot remember the name right now -- the kind that Chalene Johnson uses in ChaLEAN Extreme; you can dial them from I think 2 lbs. up to 50 lbs. per dumbbell. That would save space. You can always use your body weight, too. Good luck!:smile:
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    From Home, B/c of my and dh work schedules and I can't afford the ones that have child care or the babysitter and the gym membership for the gym that doesn have child care.

    You don't need those workout machines, most of them are a waste of time anyway. you can get cheap weights from Wal-mart.
    They might not be the top shelf, but they work. If you get a bar please make sure you have a spotter, just in case. You can also look on craigs list or some states have stores that sell used gym/workout equipment. You can also get a pull up bar that slides on you door frame.

    Good luck!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    get the gym membership. sounds like you would be very limited at home.
  • flemmish51
    flemmish51 Posts: 7
    I'd get a flat bench (like what you'd use for free weight flys) and 3-4 sizes of dumbbells (I have those 6 sided dumbbells that are sold everywhere) something for curls, bench, flys, triceps, etc. I have a workout room at home and after the initial cost - it's there all the time at no additional cost. Question to ask yourself: Is your workout both about working out and a social aspect? If social is involved then the gym membership may be the way to go.
    Hope this helps.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    cycle to the gym? if you don't want to do that much cycling, is work any closer than the gym? maybe drive to work and ride to the gym on those days?

    is there a gym or YMCA near work you could workout over lunch?

    Maybe look into a Planet, Snap, Anytime, etc. 24 hr fitness place. No frills but less expensive. Depending on what your goals are with the weights. If you are just looking to maintain what you've got - maybe a home set would do. But if you are looking to further define, etc - I'd stick with the gym and figure out a way that makes sense to get there. Also, what about public transit? Is that an option where you are?
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member
    I lift at home.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I built a home gym for the same the time it would take me to get to the gym & back I'm done with my workout.

    My home gym pics are in my ticker below :happy:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat. I chose to stick with the membership to my gym. I think it's worth it to have access to a legitimate squat rack.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    I can't really afford 40 dollars a month. I thought about biking to the gym every time I want to use it. There is one closer, but it's a Planet Fitness, and because they're only 10 dollars a month, the place is like hell on earth...

    Graduation gift from Mom and Dad, one year's gym membership.
    Alternately, early Christmas present?
    What parent could refuse?
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    While in a perfect world... a gym membership would be great...I have so little time as a single mom and was finding EVERY excuse why I could not go to the gym. I love to lift weights and have been building up my home gym. I have free weights of varies sizes and a barbell with several size has been very nice having everything I need ( not want...) at home so I can work out when I can fit it in. I dont have to drive to the gym and back...very convienient.

    For those that say you cant train at home...I am proof that you can..I still have a ways to go...but if you are motivated to make a change, you can get a workout in anywhere with anything...
  • I can't really afford 40 dollars a month. I thought about biking to the gym every time I want to use it. There is one closer, but it's a Planet Fitness, and because they're only 10 dollars a month, the place is like hell on earth...

    i go to a planet fitness and its not all that bad!
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    I can't really afford 40 dollars a month. I thought about biking to the gym every time I want to use it. There is one closer, but it's a Planet Fitness, and because they're only 10 dollars a month, the place is like hell on earth...

    Graduation gift from Mom and Dad, one year's gym membership.
    Alternately, early Christmas present?
    What parent could refuse?

    That would be great, but unfortunately my parents dont have that kind of money.

    There is a gym that's right in town, a few blocks from my house. It's an all women's gym. It's a 70 dollar investment fee and 30 a month after that, but I could walk there. They do have weird hours as it's a small place, but also a lot more accessible.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    If you are actually going to use them, Home. I have found, though, that you come up with more excuses at home than if you just get your *kitten* to the gym.

    As a single parent 24/7/365, I presently use both. Life throws curves. And what it truly comes down to is your dedication.
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    If you are actually going to use them, Home. I have found, though, that you come up with more excuses at home than if you just get your *kitten* to the gym.

    As a single parent 24/7/365, I presently use both. Life throws curves. And what it truly comes down to is your dedication.

    Lifting weights and working out is the one thing that keeps me sane. However as much as I think I'd like to use them, half of the battle would be getting to the gym. Once there, I'd kick my *kitten* into working hard. I am afraid that with them being at home, I'll wimp out and give up, or wont work as hard because I didn't drive all the way there, or didn't invest money into it monthly.