Need some serious motivation!

Hey guys! I'm not new to MFP but this is the first time I'm trying the friend system, and I need some buddies! I'm 5'3" and about 250#, and let me tell you, I need some SERIOUS motivation to help me get my but up and moving! Let's lose it together!


  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    Hey guys! I'm not new to MFP but this is the first time I'm trying the friend system, and I need some buddies! I'm 5'3" and about 250#, and let me tell you, I need some SERIOUS motivation to help me get my but up and moving! Let's lose it together!
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member

    You and me are of a similar weight and I have only just joined. I have alot of weight to lose and would love to add you!, Please ignore that post above, i am new so didnt know how to post lol
  • clehman71
    clehman71 Posts: 139 Member
    You can add me as a friend, motivation is something we all need!
  • deadly01
    deadly01 Posts: 1
    Hello ladies, I am new to MFP & need serious motivation too. I'd love to add yall as my buddies & lets do this! I've been on & off diets for what seems like forever but turning 40 has really put things into perspective for me. I'm 5'6 & weigh 300+ so it's time to get serious. Motivate me please!
  • Preikschas
    Preikschas Posts: 37
    Hey! I am new! You can add me :)
  • skmoore51
    skmoore51 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me to your buddies!! I need motivation too!
  • lsalyers1972
    me too!! would love to have some new friends for motivation.. I have been on the "journey" since February and do great for a few days, then fall off... Need major motivation right now.. I have lost 18 lbs, but nothing in the past 6 weeks...
  • knspeth13
    knspeth13 Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me! I'm also not new but am in need of more accountability. I had my son 5 months ago, lost all but 3 pounds and now have gained 10 pounds. Yikes!!
  • Spy74
    Spy74 Posts: 2
    I have MS and started out at 180#. All the meds I take especially the intravenous medication and the Steroid medications made me gain weight and my #'s just kept getting higher no matter what I did. I found this app and its helped a lot. Its like a game trying to make the calories that my doc set for me. I've started eating better and walking in the front far I have lost ten pounds! I've worked on it a lot. I also use the app I found called My Walk in my apps section. There are several of them by I like this one alot. It can track your steps or how much you've walked outside by using the GPS on your phone. It makes me want to see how far I have walked although it didn't say how fast I was walking that's the only down side. The other downer is I can't find this apps webpage on the internet. It frustrating but I like to see how far I can make that little person walk.

    If I have MS, and I'm working on this and I'm slowly succeeding I know yo can change the way you eat and just start small by walking around your yard once a day. Slow and steady wins the race my dear. You can do this!