What do you do to work out???

I have not worked out HARD in about 6 months. I have gone running a few times, lifted weights, went on the elliptical, ect. But I haven't really felt "accomplished" in about 6 months. It shows in my body, I feel like nothing is in shape anymore. My legs, arms, chest, stomach, legs, even my lower legs. I just feel so OUT OF SHAPE.:noway: Has anyone else felt like this? And what did you do? I don't have a machine that I can do cardio on, no gym membership. I have a yoga mat, weights, a bender ball and I could get a jump rope., But are these things enough to see a drastic change in my body? Everyone says its not about what you have, its about how hard you work. Is this really true, and if so what do you do to get into shape? Thanks,

:heart: Danielle


  • shellybelly83
    Running! All you need is a pair of shoes. :smile:
  • hadoo
    hadoo Posts: 7
    if you want results, get a gym membership and hire a trainer:wink:
  • healthychic
    I hate running though! But you are right, I should do it. How far do you run though, and how long?
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    A workout tape?
    The spinning class at gym kicks my butt.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    If you hate running than don't force yourself to do it but find something that you like. You may like it if you stick with it yes but you really should find something that you like otherwise there is nothing to get you to do it. Good luck and don't get down! :happy:
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I understand EXACTLY what you are saying!! I did yoga/ pilates for a long time. It worked well enough but I didn't see alot of definition. I really like alot of what beachbody has. The P90X, ChaLean Extreme, Insanity etc. They are all really intense but you get the 'payback' much quicker and much more noticeable. I am a poor college student :laugh: :laugh: so I don't have a membership either. I was able to burn these from a friend.

    Hope you find what you need!

  • toned
    toned Posts: 1
    Since you have a yoga mat you may want to get the DVD for Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga its with Bob you will start to feel toned again. Don't think "Yoga" this will kick your butt and it's not as expensive as a gym membership
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I recommend Taebo. Billy will work you and it's not as expensive as other things. A lot of people do the 30 day shred. I also to Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds. It is something easy that you can do at home.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    If you have a gaming console and some degree of coordination, DDR is fantastic. If you do it on Expert or higher, its more or less like sprinting for 2 - 4 minute intervals, with about a 30 second break (I choose to just step in place) while you wait for another song to load.

    Its definitely a workout, my t-shirt is always soaked after doing it for an hour, but its also FUN. You also never get bored because your brain is constantly engaged in making sure your feet step correctly. I set the alarm on my phone, and I can never believe that its actually time to stop already!

    I think exercise should be fun. If spinning, swimming, or sports are your thing, great! DDR/dance is my thing. :bigsmile:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    here is my workout

    45 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of lifting weights- typically heavy weights.
    I split my muscles into groups so everyday I am hitting another muscle (couldn't hit the same muscles anyway I am too sore)

    You can do alot with out having a gym- run,jog, run stairs in a stadium, hike, roller skate (I want to get some skates) ride a bike, pushups, crunches, pull ups (you can get a pull up bar to go in your door way- or find a park with a track that has workout stations) there is so much you can do.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    If you have Comcast cable OnDemand they have exercise TV and you can try out different workouts at home for free! My recommendation is 30 day Shred by Jillian Michaels...you'll feel accomplished, I promise:wink:
  • shellybelly83
    Try coolrunning.com the couch to 5k program. All my life I hated running until I did this and loved it. Did a half marathon. Running is the best and one of the cheapest form of exercise. You could also buy fitness DVDs but running will burn more calories.