Lunch disaster



  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Two things about my husband: First, he has MS and is only 35 . . . was diagnosed 10 years ago.
    Second, he tried doing 5 minutes of P90X last night and quickly shut his mouth to any comments thereafter. :D

    He has his own way of supporting me and most of the time it works and I joke with him about some stuff, but
    its those bad days where my attitude sucks and I am grumpy that he tends to overdo it on. He is being positive
    most of the time. Keeps telling me that I do look different without clothes. LOL :)

    I have always and will continue to make healthy meals, and only one meal, for my family at dinner. Our 11
    month old daughter is now eating mostly what we eat so its getting easier in that part too. Our 7 year old daughter
    loves fruits and veggies and will eat most anything I make. Believe it or not, its my husband I have a hard time
    getting to eat vegetables, not our girls. Go figure there!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I was eating 1200 calories for 9 weeks and working out 3 x a week and I mean a vigerous 1 hr 1/2- and actually found out I was under eating. AND: I did plateau after I lost only 10 pounds. I was so aggrivated and frustrated- head aches and still tired and so limited on food choices. But I did the TEDEE. Upped my calories to 1500 and Feel better -more food options and lost 2 lbs. and I just started this tuesday-today is thursday. Dont get so hung up on food and adjust your numbers according to what you burn- you will fail and make yourself sick. Hes right. Go to go to the calculator- be GOD HONEST and get your TEDEE subtract 15 to 20% and roung down to the lower number (JUST an Example:TEDEE # -15% 1578=1500), and thats the calories you should be eating. Your body needs fuel to burn, otherwise you will go into starvation mode and get no where when your body holds on to every bit of food you eat. You have to eat clean. A little something here and there is ok, as long as you stay in your calorie range AND make sure its a health version (example: Ice cream= skinny cow (low calorie). Hope this helps.

    I will do this when I get home.

    Maybe I need clarification on this and maybe this is where I am going wrong. Say my log says this:

    Goal Food Exercise Net
    1830 1720 881 839

    Does that mean I should only have 1830 per day like it says for my goal or am I suppose to have a NET of 1830?

    I am going to assume your goal of 1830 is your TDEE at deficit and that you manually set it up on MFP (includes exercise calories). In a situation where you were burning lets say only 300 - 400 calories (I don't know your BRM but I will assume is not less than 1400) then you DO NOT need to eat the exercise calories back because it is already accounted for in your 1830. The problems with the scenario you put here are:
    1) You are coming about 100 short of your daily food intake (1720 vs 1830)
    2) You are burning almost 900 putting you at a net of 839! Your net should never be below your BMR. If you burn this many calories you should at least try to eat calories back to your BMR. Only in this case you eat exercise calories.

    If this was setup by MFP, then this is the NET you need to achieve every day meaning that you should eat your exercise calories back but it looks too high to be a net number.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Agree with the plan ahead method - I have been watching things since the end of brain has a catolog of each place in town that I can found I can frequent and I know exactly what is acceptable for me to order from each one now. I still have to double check to get the exact numbers but I know where I can go for what and how it will effect my day.

    For example - I know I can't go wrong with a dilly bar from DQ every once in a while!! :)

    Its also getting easier to turn down invites to places that do not have their menus posted online..or finding an acceptable compromise for the group at work when ordering out for lunch.

    Even my work husband who loves to cook and share his creations knows to not offer me his food to try anymore - if I dont know for sure whats in it, I wont eat it.
  • adbayne
    adbayne Posts: 3 Member
    My wife and I went to Bob Evans. I got the light fit meal for 300 caps. Her breakfast bowl was over 1500 calories¡!!!!!
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I am going to assume your goal of 1830 is your TDEE at deficit and that you manually set it up on MFP (includes exercise calories). In a situation where you were burning lets say only 300 - 400 calories (I don't know your BRM but I will assume is not less than 1400) then you DO NOT need to eat the exercise calories back because it is already accounted for in your 1830. The problems with the scenario you put here are:
    1) You are coming about 100 short of your daily food intake (1720 vs 1830)
    2) You are burning almost 900 putting you at a net of 839! Your net should never be below your BMR. If you burn this many calories you should at least try to eat calories back to your BMR. Only in this case you eat exercise calories.

    If this was setup by MFP, then this is the NET you need to achieve every day meaning that you should eat your exercise calories back but it looks too high to be a net number.

    1830 was set up by the MFP. I just re did it and now it says 1,866. I am 5'8" and weigh 243. That's what it came back as.
    So basically I just need to make sure my net is not below the BMR? (I'm sorry if I'm frustrating at all . . . just trying to figure
    out what I may be doing wrong).
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I am going to assume your goal of 1830 is your TDEE at deficit and that you manually set it up on MFP (includes exercise calories). In a situation where you were burning lets say only 300 - 400 calories (I don't know your BRM but I will assume is not less than 1400) then you DO NOT need to eat the exercise calories back because it is already accounted for in your 1830. The problems with the scenario you put here are:
    1) You are coming about 100 short of your daily food intake (1720 vs 1830)
    2) You are burning almost 900 putting you at a net of 839! Your net should never be below your BMR. If you burn this many calories you should at least try to eat calories back to your BMR. Only in this case you eat exercise calories.

    If this was setup by MFP, then this is the NET you need to achieve every day meaning that you should eat your exercise calories back but it looks too high to be a net number.

    1830 was set up by the MFP. I just re did it and now it says 1,866. I am 5'8" and weigh 243. That's what it came back as.
    So basically I just need to make sure my net is not below the BMR? (I'm sorry if I'm frustrating at all . . . just trying to figure
    out what I may be doing wrong).

    Ok, now that I see your that you are pretty tall and your weight it makes sense that 1830 is your net to lose. You need to eat your calories back. You should calculate your BMR so that you know that you are at least eating enough to support your body but aim to eat the net of 1830. You should also look at the group Eat More to Lose more. Great information can be found in that group.
    When you have time also calculate your TDEE based on the formula that was given by the other poster. That number will include your exercise calories. At the end of the day, the TDEE should be pretty close to your 1830.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Thank you! This was VERY helpful. :) It is appreciated.

    And thank you everyone else. While my husband may be supportive, at least people here know what I am going
    through and what it is like to try to lose weight. I think he has weighed the same since he was 16. Which is not his
    fault since his MS causes most of it but still . . . the man has never had to shed a pound!

    I look forward to continuing on these boards. Hopefully I can help people as you have all helped me. :)
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Here is the group I mentioned earlier. It is called Eat more to weight less.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    Had a coney dog potluck at work today. I only had one coney dog but w/ all the other foods I'm going to be over my calories for today. I knew this was going to be the case so I'm not too bummed. Its like I KNOW this weekend I'll probably go over but I'm going to log it anyway. This month has been full (and I mean full) of birthday parties and cookouts! Can't wait to get back in the groove of eating healthier and working out though.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Last night I had two scoops of ice cream, because i looked it up prior and I had enough calories to spare. However, after I was done stuffing my face with DELICIOUS Cookies & Cream and America's Birthday Cake ice cream, I started thinking that both of those scoops couldn't be only 180 cals per scoop... and the guilt and regret set in. haha Oh well, at least it was delicious at the time.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    that's not that bad :) I had a grilled cheese and tomato basil soup that was 1100 calories at a restaurant once! Aaaaackkkk!
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member
    I had a DQ blizzard the other day, I was expecting around 400 calories... nope! A whopping 690! Definitely should have checked that first!

    Same...had a DQ Blizzard (small) and when I saw basically all blizzards are around the 690 mark I almost fell down. No more blizzards for this girl.
  • yeah just look it up if u know where u are going.....
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    My boyfriend and I have the same dynamic. I feel guilty all the time, he mocks me and says " I SHOULDNT HAVE EATEN THAT!" all the time 'cause thats my saying... lol
    he says, "why do you think you have to lose weight? I think you should eat that brownie sundae."

    But on the serious side, if I go to a restuarant I always look it up before we even go so I know what Im getting and what Im eating. Just good policy.

    Always good policy. I found out two shrimp tacos had almost 800 calories in it with rice & beans, so I only ate half, then half the next day for lunch.

    Also I will always ask for lunch sized portions, it's about half the food & you don't have to worry about over-eating or over tracking calories.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I hate eating out at restaurants and don't very often anymore for this reason. When I do I try to have a plan in place before I go. If it's a chain restaurant I will search the MFP food database for something I like that is nutritionally reasonable.

    I like places like Panera Bread that have the calories right on the menu!
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    My lunch today was almost a thousand calories. Do I regret it? No. (Well, maybe a tiny bit, my stomach is uncomfortably full now!) But I feel no real regret, goals-wise, because I know I can still come in at my 1,200 calorie goal today by eating lightly at dinner and exercising. I also know that even though I ate a lot, I made fairly decent choices... lots of sushi and vegetables. That huge lunch will fuel me well for the rest of the day!

    @OP, my husband also struggles to keep his weight up. It can be a challenge to make sure that his nutritional needs are met, as well as those of our growing son who appears to have his daddy's skinny body in miniature, while also trying to keep myself slim. Sometimes I do make separate meals, or I modify my meal (like have my meatballs over salad, while they have theirs with pasta.) It's doable, and thankfully, my husband is very supportive!