Over my calories every day!

I can not seem to stay with in my calories. I am over by approximately 200 calories every single day. While I do need to exercise more, I feel as though I have a pretty healthy diet.
Any tips for calorie reduction without feeling hungry all the time?


  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    The more you exercise, the more you get to eat. I started at 1200 caloties, but that was tough to get used to. I ate a lot of fruits, veggies, and salads. I drink water or sugar free drinks as well. It's easy to add in extra calories from sodas or teas that you don't really think about. It's tough, but you can do it.
  • xJenBenx
    xJenBenx Posts: 12
    Excercise is my life saver, an hour of a really hard aerobics / box fit class or something can burn from 500-800 calories, and Zumba is the same! Its madness, for the sake of one hour, it gives you back loads of calories which you might not even need and may end up under your daily allowance since you seem to be over around 200!

    Hope that helps x
  • britandryan6
    britandryan6 Posts: 15 Member
    Excercise is my life saver, an hour of a really hard aerobics / box fit class or something can burn from 500-800 calories, and Zumba is the same! Its madness, for the sake of one hour, it gives you back loads of calories which you might not even need and may end up under your daily allowance since you seem to be over around 200!

    Hope that helps x

    I've actually been doing 20-40 minutes of Zumba a night but I'm not sure how to record it. I just do it as "dance" under cardiovascular
  • kristinajaffe
    kristinajaffe Posts: 128 Member
    if you open your food diary for viewing.. we may be able to give you some suggestions.. :)
  • spym2202
    spym2202 Posts: 3
    I have found just making a few subtle changes makes all the difference! |I like to have a couple of drinks at the weekend and this was pushing me way over! so I swapped wine for vodka and that has saved me around 120 cals per drink! The cheese has had to go though, I would imagine that Zumba would be more cardo that dance? so more cals burned....I count when I do the cleaning and garden too, it soon adds up!
  • britandryan6
    britandryan6 Posts: 15 Member
    if you open your food diary for viewing.. we may be able to give you some suggestions.. :)

    Okay I will try to do that! Just have to figure out how
  • britandryan6
    britandryan6 Posts: 15 Member
    I opened my diary for suggestions!
  • danapouncey
    danapouncey Posts: 31
    Your diary seems okay, but the dunkin donuts coffee is not worth those calories in my opinion! Leaving that out alone would have reduced 240 calories
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I can not seem to stay with in my calories. I am over by approximately 200 calories every single day. While I do need to exercise more, I feel as though I have a pretty healthy diet.
    Any tips for calorie reduction without feeling hungry all the time?

    What is your calorie goal each day? I think sometimes MFP has a goal that is too low.
  • Emili03
    Emili03 Posts: 164 Member
    Looks to me as though you could use an artificial sweetener in your coffee and lower cal creamer and cut almost 200 cals right there.
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    it looks like your meals are small but stacked with calories. First bit of advice, drop the dunkin donuts coffee in the morning! I know how good it is, but not good for you. I drink 8 ounces of regular coffee with 2 teaspoons sugar and cream (cream is no flavor and powder) and that's not even 50 calories. yet, I get my caffeine and focus. Also, try little snacks throughout the day. I love speciak k bars (only 90 calories each) and tuna (can- dry with pepper..only 100 calories for the whole can) I would eat things that are not processed, even if they are low in calories...they're not good for your body. The peanut butter sandwich you are having is also high in calories, I personally love pb so I eat it on saltines -low salt. 8 crackers is only lik 80 calories (i think, can't really recall) but the effort of actually spreading the pb on each cracker helps you from smashing on 30 crackers. You can message me if you want, I have a lot more advice but I don't wanna blow your thread up lol

  • britandryan6
    britandryan6 Posts: 15 Member
    Your diary seems okay, but the dunkin donuts coffee is not worth those calories in my opinion! Leaving that out alone would have reduced 240 calories

    that was an error. I actually only have one cup for 120 calories each morning
  • britandryan6
    britandryan6 Posts: 15 Member
    it looks like your meals are small but stacked with calories. First bit of advice, drop the dunkin donuts coffee in the morning! I know how good it is, but not good for you. I drink 8 ounces of regular coffee with 2 teaspoons sugar and cream (cream is no flavor and powder) and that's not even 50 calories. yet, I get my caffeine and focus. Also, try little snacks throughout the day. I love speciak k bars (only 90 calories each) and tuna (can- dry with pepper..only 100 calories for the whole can) I would eat things that are not processed, even if they are low in calories...they're not good for your body. The peanut butter sandwich you are having is also high in calories, I personally love pb so I eat it on saltines -low salt. 8 crackers is only lik 80 calories (i think, can't really recall) but the effort of actually spreading the pb on each cracker helps you from smashing on 30 crackers. You can message me if you want, I have a lot more advice but I don't wanna blow your thread up lol


    thank you for all the advice!
  • britandryan6
    britandryan6 Posts: 15 Member
    I can not seem to stay with in my calories. I am over by approximately 200 calories every single day. While I do need to exercise more, I feel as though I have a pretty healthy diet.
    Any tips for calorie reduction without feeling hungry all the time?

    What is your calorie goal each day? I think sometimes MFP has a goal that is too low.

    my goal is 1350
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    I would take out the sugar as much as possible (and don't sub with fake sugar!), and reduce processed carbs/white bread/pasta. When I went lower carb weight fell off with very little effort, and the increase in protein and healthy fat makes me feel fuller, longer. When I eat a high carb meal (bread, pasta, etc) I'm almost always hungry again soon afterward.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Try raising it up to about 1500 and then workout also. I am at 1700-1800 and still losing.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Looking at your diary I think you need to start making better food choices. You had pound cake one day, and then a strawberry delight today. These are no-no's... I mean, you can have them occasionally of course (we all gotta let loose and live a little)... That being said, focus on more lean proteins, lots of veggies, and some complex carbs.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    Your calories are all over the place. There is not consistency in the amount you consume so you will be over. The only thing you can do is exercise more. It doesn’t appear that you do that much.
  • rfhoward
    rfhoward Posts: 4
    This may seem counterituitive but I set my goal 100 less per day to give me some wiggle room. My target is 2,400 so my goal is 2,300.

    It works for me!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    search the forums for Eat More to Weigh Less

    check out these websites:


    If that approach isn't up your alley, you might consider a low-glycemic diet... it'll even out your insulin levels which should help the cravings.

    Good luck!