Question about BMR/TDEE/Eat more, weigh less



  • kfitzs
    kfitzs Posts: 48 Member
  • TKennedy123
    TKennedy123 Posts: 1 Member
    Can you tell me how you join groups here? Id like to learn more about this eat more, weigh less everyone is talking about.
  • nikit32
    nikit32 Posts: 7 Member
    Could someone tell me if my numbers look right please ?
    Im 33 female, 5'4" 135 pounds.
    Exercise 5 days a week about 40 min each, running and/or weights.
    Desk job 5 hours a day 5 days a week, but garden and clean and am on my feet till evening at home.
    TDEE 2141
    BMR 1382
    15% of TDEE is 1819

    At this point on mfp I have it set to lose a pound a week and thats 1280 calories a day, but then with exercise I eat back at least another 200-250 daily so im at like 1480-1530 calories a day.

    If I follow the formula thats an approximate 280 calories more a day. Should I try this? I am within about 14 pounds of my goal and I have built up good muscle but this last bit is all fat. Im afraid that I may start to stall out since I am so close.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I started adding the calories from my workouts so I can monitor my BMR. If I go on a long run, eventhough I eat all the cals I am supposed to for the day, with a long run (10+ miles), I might eat below my BMR, so I'd have to eat a little more to compensate.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I've been trying to eat more weigh less thing for 4wks, losing & gaining the same 2 lbs. keep thinking, hang with it, but I'm still worried my cals in vs TDEE is too much deficit. I have a bodybugg, I burn on ave 2000 -2400 cals/day. Been eating between 1350-1550 cals& nothing happening. Yesterday I bumped it up to 1700 ? My TDEE fluctuates, so do I just take 20percent off that? Or could I be "different" need to lose 23 lbs.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I've been trying to eat more weigh less thing for 4wks, losing & gaining the same 2 lbs. keep thinking, hang with it, but I'm still worried my cals in vs TDEE is too much deficit. I have a bodybugg, I burn on ave 2000 -2400 cals/day. Been eating between 1350-1550 cals& nothing happening. Yesterday I bumped it up to 1700 ? My TDEE fluctuates, so do I just take 20percent off that? Or could I be "different" need to lose 23 lbs.

    If you have BodyBugg, you have means of being more accurate on TDEE figure to gain 15% cut.

    Take a weekly avg of TDEE, minus 15%, eat that daily no matter what. Still too low.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Could someone tell me if my numbers look right please ?
    Im 33 female, 5'4" 135 pounds.
    Exercise 5 days a week about 40 min each, running and/or weights.
    Desk job 5 hours a day 5 days a week, but garden and clean and am on my feet till evening at home.
    TDEE 2141
    BMR 1382
    15% of TDEE is 1819

    At this point on mfp I have it set to lose a pound a week and thats 1280 calories a day, but then with exercise I eat back at least another 200-250 daily so im at like 1480-1530 calories a day.

    If I follow the formula thats an approximate 280 calories more a day. Should I try this? I am within about 14 pounds of my goal and I have built up good muscle but this last bit is all fat. Im afraid that I may start to stall out since I am so close.

    That would be about 3hrs weekly of time, no matter it is 5 days, so that is top of Lightly Active - so 1900.
    15% off is 1615 daily, workout or not.

    So not much more from where you are at, make the jump.

    If you increase the time of the workouts, bump up to 2000.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    HEY Hey!
    I'm to tired to comment tonight but awesome work flying this flag!

    BTW Watboy contacted me today.
    Dropped from 25% BF down to 19% in 6weeks on my numbers.
    Awesome stuff happens when you realize it isn't just calories in vs calories out but hormones up vs hormones down!
  • Abevemi
    Abevemi Posts: 54 Member
    Can someone help me work out what I am supposed to be eating to lose weight??

    I have hit a major plateau, and am getting awfully frustrated!
    I am breastfeeding my 12 month old (thought I would add that as I know it makes a difference). She feeds about 5 times or so a day.

    I am 34 years old, and 166cm tall
    My BMR is 1353
    TDEE I calculated at 1600 calories.

    I do bodyrock 5 days a week. I also walk pushing a double pram 3-4 times a week for 60 minutes.

    At the moment I eat anywhere from 1400 - 1500 per day, and I am not losing anything :(

    An help would be appreciated!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    HEY Hey!
    I'm to tired to comment tonight but awesome work flying this flag!

    BTW Watboy contacted me today.
    Dropped from 25% BF down to 19% in 6weeks on my numbers.
    Awesome stuff happens when you realize it isn't just calories in vs calories out but hormones up vs hormones down!

    Just goes to show - some methods may work, but until compared with others, you'd never know something else works better.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Can someone help me work out what I am supposed to be eating to lose weight??

    I have hit a major plateau, and am getting awfully frustrated!
    I am breastfeeding my 12 month old (thought I would add that as I know it makes a difference). She feeds about 5 times or so a day.

    I am 34 years old, and 166cm tall
    My BMR is 1353
    TDEE I calculated at 1600 calories.

    I do bodyrock 5 days a week. I also walk pushing a double pram 3-4 times a week for 60 minutes.

    At the moment I eat anywhere from 1400 - 1500 per day, and I am not losing anything :(

    An help would be appreciated!

    Where did you get that TDEE figure? site?

    Otherwise, that is no where near correct.

    And even with fat2fit, I'm thinking you must have selected an activity level to try to increase weight loss.

    So when you select activity level, add all that time together, those hrs is the same as days/week it refers to.
  • Abevemi
    Abevemi Posts: 54 Member
    Can someone help me work out what I am supposed to be eating to lose weight??

    I have hit a major plateau, and am getting awfully frustrated!
    I am breastfeeding my 12 month old (thought I would add that as I know it makes a difference). She feeds about 5 times or so a day.

    I am 34 years old, and 166cm tall
    My BMR is 1353
    TDEE I calculated at 1600 calories.

    I do bodyrock 5 days a week. I also walk pushing a double pram 3-4 times a week for 60 minutes.

    At the moment I eat anywhere from 1400 - 1500 per day, and I am not losing anything :(

    An help would be appreciated!

    Where did you get that TDEE figure? site?

    Otherwise, that is no where near correct.

    And even with fat2fit, I'm thinking you must have selected an activity level to try to increase weight loss.

    So when you select activity level, add all that time together, those hrs is the same as days/week it refers to.

    There was a post on here about 6 weeks ago that gave a link to a site that the US Military use ?? I used that to work out my BMR, and my TDEE. I selected lightly active for my activity level. I did not factor in my breastfeeding (as I had no idea how to)....

    I just redid it on and I got:
    BMR 1380
    TDEE 2129 (Based on moderate exercise).
    So, please excuse my eating 1400-1500 calories per day isnt enough, and my body has slowed its metabolism? If that is the case, I need to up my calories in order to kick start it again? Last night I changed my daily goal to 1800 per day - will that suffice to get the weight loss going again?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    There was a post on here about 6 weeks ago that gave a link to a site that the US Military use ?? I used that to work out my BMR, and my TDEE. I selected lightly active for my activity level. I did not factor in my breastfeeding (as I had no idea how to)....

    I just redid it on and I got:
    BMR 1380
    TDEE 2129 (Based on moderate exercise).
    So, please excuse my eating 1400-1500 calories per day isnt enough, and my body has slowed its metabolism? If that is the case, I need to up my calories in order to kick start it again? Last night I changed my daily goal to 1800 per day - will that suffice to get the weight loss going again?

    ah, combo underestimating activity level, and the fact the fat2fit site is TDEE based on goal weight, not current weight, already gave you a deficit.

    So this current TDEE sounds better for your stated level of activity. Plus it's figured you need 500 extra cal's for baby.
    So 2129 - 10% = 1810 - call it 1800. So good job, you nailed it.

    That's not as big a deficit, because you need that extra for baby everyday. When that is done, you can revisit the calculator because it will have changed, and take a 15% cut then.

    So indeed, you eating 1400-1500 cal's, exercise taking 300 of that off the top, baby getting at least 400 more, left 700-800 cal's for the body to perform those BMR functions with, when it was willing and wanting to burn 1380 calories on.
    So BMR slows down eventually, and all other daily activity burns less too now.

    So now that 800 about BMR with activity factor 1.55 is 1240, and you are eating at 1400-1500. So of course there is some balancing there, and the metabolism doesn't slow down as much.

    But the end effect is, you're eating at maintenance basically. Any splurges are surplus, and surplus is stored as ... fat. Unless you are always carb depleted, in which case those stores goes up to support your exercise.

    Wise direction to take. The other direction has failure written on it after however much lag time you would get before slowdown again.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So now that 800 about BMR

    A BMR of 800 ? You cannot be serious.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    So now that 800 about BMR

    A BMR of 800 ? You cannot be serious.

    If shes a hobbit?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So now that 800 about BMR

    A BMR of 800 ? You cannot be serious.

    No, the BMR and the AMR balance out to what is being consumed. One way to look at it is the BMR goes low, but of course not that low. As one of the studies you found says, other daily activity is just slowed down more so BMR gets bare minimum it needs.

    How else can you have no weight loss and no measurement changes if you are supposedly eating at a 500-750 cal deficit?

    The deficit really isn't there.

    And I'm going to assume that the food logging is not so awful that the inaccuracies make up a 500-750 deficit and exercise calories and daily activity calories to end up higher estimated BMR.

    Considering the BMR studies showed the BMR estimates to be within 10% of true lab tested, I doubt greatly someone's metabolism if burning fully is that far below estimated healthy to cause that deficit to not really be there.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If shes a hobbit?


    "Other species are available."
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    And I'm going to assume that the food logging is not so awful that the inaccuracies make up a 500-750 deficit and exercise calories and daily activity calories to end up higher estimated BMR.

    I've watched a few videos this week that would put me in the opposite camp - people under reporting by 50% etc.

    Seems a more likely answer than BMRs that low, as you say. Even the obese women whacked with a VLCD at 300 calories stayed above 1200
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    Eating more is definitely important if one is exercising frequently.