Best workouts for weight loss?



  • janinebudgell
    janinebudgell Posts: 44 Member
    I feel your pain! I feel like i'm in a similar situation. I have been at the gym (shred in the am run and or weights at lunch and play squash about 3 times a week) a minimum of 6 times a week and eatting within my calorie goal ( started at 1200 for the first 10 weeks then many people suggested uping it to 1400 because I am pretty active) for 12 weeks now and I have only lost 5lbs. I know everyone says slow and steady wins the race, but my friends wedding on the beach is happening on July 24th and thats only 8 weeks away. If I only loose another couple of lbs over the next 8 weeks I will still be 20lbs away from my goal and the thought of a bathing suite makes me wanna scream.

    Any suggestions help would be amazing!

  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    I have done the whole weight loss thing before. I did it fast that time. It came off in 7 months. Came back double in the next 6 years. This time I am doing a lifestyle change so that when it comes off I can continue in maintenance mode. I do 30-60 minutes on the elliptical and the rest of my hour on the treadmill. Would like to add some strength training. I have been at it since jan 1. Lost and then gained in january. In february I got serious. I work out 6 days a week and track everything I put in my mouth no mayer what. I am down 39lbs in 4 months. My goal is 1lb a week. It takes forever but it should stay off.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    Slow & steady will win the race. Your doing awesome! The problem that we have being human is that we want instant change. This will not be an overnight process. I've been working hard for 9 months for the progress that I've made. It is not going to happen overnight, so just enjoy the fact that you are losing!
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    Anyone mention diet yet? It's alot easier to eat smarter to achieve a 500 calorie deficit than having to do cardio for 30-40 min.

    Yes, diet has been mentioned. For me the most effective thing, I believe for calorie burning, energy and just all around looking good after you lose the weight though is diet/exercise. That's the route I have chosen. I happen to like going to the gym and being more active. I would rather work my patoot off and be able to eat those additional 500 calories :)
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    Slow & steady will win the race. Your doing awesome! The problem that we have being human is that we want instant change. This will not be an overnight process. I've been working hard for 9 months for the progress that I've made. It is not going to happen overnight, so just enjoy the fact that you are losing!

    Perfect! Well said! Your beautiful! :)
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Anyone mention diet yet? It's alot easier to eat smarter to achieve a 500 calorie deficit than having to do cardio for 30-40 min.
    This was what I was getting at, don't overexercise (just do enough) and keep a calorie deficit that is sustainable in the long run
  • jjjcjw
    jjjcjw Posts: 4 Member
    I know how you feel, I feel the same way, After joining mfp I find that going by the way my clothes fit is a better track than the scale! Muscle does weigh more than fat, and eventually the scale will start to show you that it is working! Keep up the great work!
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Anyone mention diet yet? It's alot easier to eat smarter to achieve a 500 calorie deficit than having to do cardio for 30-40 min.
    This was what I was getting at, don't overexercise (just do enough) and keep a calorie deficit that is sustainable in the long run

    Personally I think for me it is much easier to excercise, eat right and not have to worry about everysingle calorie I eat. I do pay attention and keep track but If I have a bowl of ice cream or a few cookies im good with it becouse of my excersise.
  • jstsandy
    jstsandy Posts: 2
    My daughter says you can't exercise away a bad diet.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Oh no not the cardio vs weights AGAIN. The best workout for anything is the one you enjoy the most hate to sound corny but it is true. Myself running has seemed to work the best for me I look forward to my run every single day its one hour or so its just myself and the pavement and or few trails. Of course theres the pedestrian and ducks and cyclists here and there but you get my meaning. And just stay as active as you can and eat right. You will loose it quicker than you gained it you say 8lbs in 5 weeks thats good it is quicker than you gained im sure. I know I need to and want the results from weights I just have not got to that point yet.

    Good Luck

    I'm probably splitting hairs, but feel like I have to considering the question.

    Technically speaking, this is rarely the case (that the thing people love to do is also the best for burning cals). Why? Because for most people, the things they love to do they are better at, thus it takes less work to do them, thus they burn fewer cals. Try doing something you're not conditioned to do... it's usually going to be A LOT harder, and you're usually going to burn A LOT more cals.

    While I get the point you are making (that if you love to do it you'll be more likely to do it, especially in the long run), things people love to do rarely burn more cals than things they aren't as good at.

    I love Zumba and I burn plenty of calories doing it - love it, work at it harder cause I enjoy it = burn plenty of calories

    This :)<3

    I love to run I love to see how fast I can get my average pace to increase and I push myself to achieve that goal. I also love/hate those frickin hills specially when im on my last mile. everynow and then I even go down and then back up. I will admit I pay attention to my pace and HR becouse I can get cought up in just moseing along at a nice easy pace.