Anyone ever try La Croix?

I'm wanting to kick my diet soda habit and heard that La Croix is pretty good.

Does anyone like it? Dislike it? Any flavors that are absolutely awesome (or dreadful)?


  • lisagyo
    lisagyo Posts: 20 Member
    I love La Croix! My favorite is the Lemon and the Lime ones. I have been wanting to try Grapefruit.
  • lpekny
    lpekny Posts: 63 Member
    I love it too!! It's a bit pricey. I loaded up on it a few months ago when it went buy one get one free. I have tried all the flavors. I really liked the coconut one.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    WOW! My dad used to drink that when I was little... blast from the past for me, lol
  • ahsats
    ahsats Posts: 75 Member
    I LIVE for La Croix. I still have a Diet Coke maybe once every two weeks but its such an improvement from where I was. Coconut & Grapefruit are my faces.
  • I love La Croix, but I recently started drinking Canada Dry's sparkling seltzer water (I've tried lemon lime and pomegranate cherry) and I like it much better. It is much more bubbly for a longer time than La Croix, and the flavors are better (I've found that some of the La Croix flavors are lack luster or taste too similar to each other at times). It's also cheaper!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I love these flavored sparkling waters. HEB has their brand that is A+, if you happen to have any stores around you.
  • I am addicted to La Croix! My absolute favorite flavor is Berry, but I haven't tasted any that I don't like. Here is my ranking of the flavors:

    1. Berry
    2. Cran-Berry
    3. Lemon
    4. Grapefruit
    5. Lime
    6. Coconut

    I haven't tried the newest Peach-pear.

    Addicted. You should see my fridge!
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I love the coconut! I drink this stuff daily.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I am obsessed with this stuff - I dropped Diet Coke and now a La Croix every night makes me really happy.

    My favorite flavors:
    1. Orange
    2. Cran-Rapsberry
    3. Grapefruit
    4. Berry

    I have tried peach-pear and it's not my favorite. I only like coconut if I'm mixing it with liquor - the only one with a "fake" taste in my opinion.

    I've not tried lemon or lime but I'm sure I'd like them.

  • maryv83
    maryv83 Posts: 73 Member
    I love the grapefruit flavor. I do like the lemon and lime, too, but I think I was burnt out on them. The coconut flavor tastes like suntan lotion to me. It's a great alternative to soda.
  • Longisland2NC
    Longisland2NC Posts: 60 Member
    I just bought 2 cases of La Croix today at Whole Foods.....I bought the Coconut and Cran-Raspberry flavors. I think I may have FINALLY found something that will help me with water consumption, without adding all those chemicals and sugars with Crystal light and MiO (which to me have a bit of an aftertaste)

    I think I am going to have to try the other flavors as well!