I have a confession...



  • heylookitscass
    heylookitscass Posts: 6 Member
    victoria4321: Don't be a tosser.
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    I don't think it's healthy to contemplate a purge after a binge when you have bad days and overeat. The food mixed with the gastric acids can cause so much damage and slow erosion to the esophagus. I know you said it's infrequent but that's your early alarm/red alert to get additional coping mechanisms. My fitness pal is great but try to get a counselor to help too because weight loss and the stress of daily life and wanting to eat without thinking sometimes will continue to happen and confront you. It's good you recognize what's going on.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Eh, I have had a few bad days recently, where I went over, and today was one. I think a combination of a run of days where I cycled and walked a lot, coupled with having a few treats, when I had managed to cut out most refined sugar for a week. I am over by about 900, and that went on a piece of chocolate chunk shortbread, a double chocolate cookie, a piece of granola bar, a mcflurry and some metcalfe's skinny popcorn. Fortunately, I do exercise a lot, and have no weight to lose, so I can eventually manage to balance my thinking out. I too, sometimes purge when I have eaten a lot, in panic, well, actually, quite a lot. Not a good habit to get into as it can be very hard to get out of it and it wreaks havoc with your body and often ends in you actually craving more.

    I suppose the key is to think longterm, not in the moment, and that it all balances out in the end, as long as most of your days are healthy and balanced.
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    Taking responsibility is a good first step, but also keep the bigger picture in mind. You overate the meal by 700 calories based on what you initially logged. At that rate, you'd have to do that five times just to gain a pound. In other words, sometimes the panic is just that ... panic. Taking some time to breathe and really assess the situation can help us from making those snap decisions that sometime lead us to do things like abandon our goals or sometimes worse.

    Take a look at this link that another MFPer posted a couple of days ago.


    When you look at the simplicity in the idea behind the post, it makes the little overeating slips that we are probably likely to face, seem so much more manageable and much less insurmountable than they seem in our moments of panic.

    Hang in there and remember to breathe once in a while. It helps clear the mind and, sometimes, you also get a chance to smell the flowers too while doing so. :happy:
  • aolenick
    aolenick Posts: 8 Member
    I ate McDonald's and taco bell almost every other day for 3 years and that's why I gained the weight I have. Once I cut back, only eat eat once a week its easier to not eat a lot. I always feel sick after, and the next week I say do I want to feel that sick, no! Opt for a kids meal! That's been working for me!

    - Also I don't know about where you live, but in MD a lot of places you can turn in the toy for a small ice cream cone which is a low cal dessert!

    Good luck, don't be too hard on yourself
  • when i do that i go for a late walk at a fast pace, 1 hour of walking and you should be good.
  • :explode: Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep working towards your goal you will get there. Just like life in general UPS AND DOWNS!:flowerforyou:
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    One "trick" that helps me is to look at my weekly report. It does put the binges into perspective. AND like it was said, log on here and post to your wall or blog or even risk the forums. There are kind people out there that are more than willing to listen to what you're going through and provide some decent feed back.

    Finally *HUGS*. You're gonna make it.


    Look at the big picture not day by day.
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    You can't change what you will not acknowledge. If your diary is public, make it private so that you and you alone are going to see the cold hard facts. If you are not public and still feel compelled to change the numbers so they look better you are not fooling yourself you are actually behaving like a naughty child that hides in the closet when he knows he has done something he might get punished for. Problem being you can't really hide from yourself. It does undermine your confidence and self-esteem by letting yourself down and only convinces yourself you are not to be trusted. We are our own worst critics. Be brave, and continue tracking it all... be proud of that accomplishment. The practice will make it easier and you will learn each and every time you slip up. You CAN do this!