Just looking for confrimation

Hello, I just started doing this full time I think I have been doing it for a week or a little longer, Im just want to make sure people trust the numbers that they come up with on here, I weigh 158 and im 5'8 and they have me just over 1500 calories to eat, Im having a hard time eating that much exspecailly because I try and exercise everyday and then it adds more to my daily food in take and so far I havent lost anything but I gain between 1 and 2 pounds now Im not saying I should be seeing any weight lose yet im just looking for some encourgement I guess or some comfirmation that people compeltly trust there numbers that they were given and it has worked because I really want to lose weight in the worst way I have 9 month old twin baby girls, and I dont have time to be depressed over my weight but right now I am. Any help would be amazing help!


  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 217 Member
    I dont ever eat all of my calories and I dont add back in my exercise calories. I am on week 4. So I am really of no help lol but just wanted to tell you.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    The first think you have to remember is that this is not an overnight process. One week is not enough time to know if what you are doing is going to work. Do not get tempted to under eat. It will kill your long term goals.

    I suggest checking out the Eat More to Weigh Less group. There is a ton of excellent information there on setting calorie goals and how to best exercise to maintain muscle.

  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I trust the numbers given... Been here for a little over a year, my loss is slow but that is MY fault. I eat my calories and exercise calories most days. :flowerforyou:
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Your numbers sound reasonable.

    You haven't gained 2lbs in a week. That's water weight. Are you eating a lot of sodium? Try to stay below 2500mg per day.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Let me help you here...first of all your numbers sound reasonable, but let me give you your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) for different scenarios:

    Sedentary: 1842.00 calories per day.
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): 2110.63 calories per day.
    Moderatetely Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): 2379.25 calories per day.
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): 2647.88 calories per day.
    Extra Active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): 2916.50 calories per day.

    One pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories, so a 1 lb per week loss is a 500 calorie per day defecit. If you want to lose 1.5 lbs, then go for 750 calories per day. Choose the activity level that suits you and subtract your calories. It would look like this:

    Sedentary: 1342 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would eat your calories for any exercise you do
    Lightly Active: 1610 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Moderately Active: 1879 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Very Active: 2147 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Extra Active 2416 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level

    I hope this helps
  • Your numbers sound reasonable.

    You haven't gained 2lbs in a week. That's water weight. Are you eating a lot of sodium? Try to stay below 2500mg per day.

    So how come I gain water weight, what does that mean and how to I avoid it, Ill check my sodium but I try not to eat alot of it, I know I dont add it to anything but i know alot of food has it in it too
  • Let me help you here...first of all your numbers sound reasonable, but let me give you your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) for different scenarios:

    Sedentary: 1842.00 calories per day.
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): 2110.63 calories per day.
    Moderatetely Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): 2379.25 calories per day.
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): 2647.88 calories per day.
    Extra Active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): 2916.50 calories per day.

    One pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories, so a 1 lb per week loss is a 500 calorie per day defecit. If you want to lose 1.5 lbs, then go for 750 calories per day. Choose the activity level that suits you and subtract your calories. It would look like this:

    Sedentary: 1342 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would eat your calories for any exercise you do
    Lightly Active: 1610 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Moderately Active: 1879 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Very Active: 2147 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Extra Active 2416 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level

    I hope this helps

    Okay thank you this helped I think, so eating the 1500 they tell me to seems to be accutrate I try not to eat back my calories most days even when I do just a little exercise I dont usually go over my calories but I alwasy seem to be under so between 1342 and 1610 everyday
  • cougars40
    cougars40 Posts: 1
    Hi! This is my third week. The numbers are good. You really need to pay attention to the numbers that they provide for how many work out minutes per day/per week because that is accurate. I did my research prior to going on this website to see how many minutes should I work out per week to loose weight not maintain but loose. If you are working out only 30 minutes a day then that will just maintain your weight. Don't worry about the calories you gain to eat when you work out. You must get as close to possible on the 1500 calorie intake that they suggest you eat daily. The first couple of days I could not and I was working out heavily and I lost nothing as my body was in starvation mode. Once I started eating 3 meals and snacks in between but was close to my calorie intake....The weight is coming off at 3lbs. per week the last two weeks. I hope this is encouragement for you. I have 69lbs to go but I am taking it 3lbs at a time.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Let me help you here...first of all your numbers sound reasonable, but let me give you your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) for different scenarios:

    Sedentary: 1842.00 calories per day.
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): 2110.63 calories per day.
    Moderatetely Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): 2379.25 calories per day.
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): 2647.88 calories per day.
    Extra Active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): 2916.50 calories per day.

    One pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories, so a 1 lb per week loss is a 500 calorie per day defecit. If you want to lose 1.5 lbs, then go for 750 calories per day. Choose the activity level that suits you and subtract your calories. It would look like this:

    Sedentary: 1342 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would eat your calories for any exercise you do
    Lightly Active: 1610 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Moderately Active: 1879 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Very Active: 2147 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Extra Active 2416 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level

    I hope this helps

    Okay thank you this helped I think, so eating the 1500 they tell me to seems to be accutrate I try not to eat back my calories most days even when I do just a little exercise I dont usually go over my calories but I alwasy seem to be under so between 1342 and 1610 everyday

    If that is the case, your gain could be from water weight like the previous poster said or other causes. Excessive stress (like the kind you get with twins...who are soooooo cute by the way) increases your cortisol production which leads to adding belly fat. A 2002 study published in the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology of Poland and conducted by the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava found evidence suggesting that ginkgo biloba may have preventative activity in the release of cortisol in human subjects faced with stress.

    If you are getting too much sodium (go to reports, nutrition, and look for sodium), then you can flush it out with plenty of water. Caffeinated coffee and tea can also act as a diuretic which helps to flush sodium-induced water retention.

    Also, when was the last time you moved your bowels? If you are not getting enough fiber or water, it can cause constipation which initially may appear to be a weight gain. Stress can also cause constipation as can lack of sleep...both of which I am sure that you experience with those beautiful babes!!

    Anyway, I hope this helps!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I try not to get too technical with this stuff, it's easy to get lost in the weeds. I have followed MFP guidelines the whole time, been here since April 2011. Didn't care about TDEE, BMR or any of that stuff. I set myself up to lose 2 pounds a week and away I went. When I wanted to change I went to 1 pound a week. It seems to have worked for me. I worked out 3+ days a week and I ate back most of my exercise calories, again it worked for me. I always remind myself to K.I.S.S=>Keep It Simple Stupid.
  • Thanks everyone I will keep on truckin, thank you all for the support and info, Im trying really hard.
  • Let me help you here...first of all your numbers sound reasonable, but let me give you your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) including your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) for different scenarios:

    Sedentary: 1842.00 calories per day.
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): 2110.63 calories per day.
    Moderatetely Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): 2379.25 calories per day.
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): 2647.88 calories per day.
    Extra Active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): 2916.50 calories per day.

    One pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories, so a 1 lb per week loss is a 500 calorie per day defecit. If you want to lose 1.5 lbs, then go for 750 calories per day. Choose the activity level that suits you and subtract your calories. It would look like this:

    Sedentary: 1342 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would eat your calories for any exercise you do
    Lightly Active: 1610 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Moderately Active: 1879 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Very Active: 2147 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level
    Extra Active 2416 calories with a 1lb per week loss. With this you would NOT eat your calories if this is an accurate activity level

    I hope this helps

    Okay thank you this helped I think, so eating the 1500 they tell me to seems to be accutrate I try not to eat back my calories most days even when I do just a little exercise I dont usually go over my calories but I alwasy seem to be under so between 1342 and 1610 everyday

    If that is the case, your gain could be from water weight like the previous poster said or other causes. Excessive stress (like the kind you get with twins...who are soooooo cute by the way) increases your cortisol production which leads to adding belly fat. A 2002 study published in the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology of Poland and conducted by the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava found evidence suggesting that ginkgo biloba may have preventative activity in the release of cortisol in human subjects faced with stress.

    If you are getting too much sodium (go to reports, nutrition, and look for sodium), then you can flush it out with plenty of water. Caffeinated coffee and tea can also act as a diuretic which helps to flush sodium-induced water retention.

    Also, when was the last time you moved your bowels? If you are not getting enough fiber or water, it can cause constipation which initially may appear to be a weight gain. Stress can also cause constipation as can lack of sleep...both of which I am sure that you experience with those beautiful babes!!

    Anyway, I hope this helps!

    Thank you for your help, I do have stress I know that so thats probably the biggest thing, and I always have bowel problems so some of it could be that, I will keep on trying eating between the numbers you gave me can I add you as a friend, so I can get help if I need it?
  • Hi! This is my third week. The numbers are good. You really need to pay attention to the numbers that they provide for how many work out minutes per day/per week because that is accurate. I did my research prior to going on this website to see how many minutes should I work out per week to loose weight not maintain but loose. If you are working out only 30 minutes a day then that will just maintain your weight. Don't worry about the calories you gain to eat when you work out. You must get as close to possible on the 1500 calorie intake that they suggest you eat daily. The first couple of days I could not and I was working out heavily and I lost nothing as my body was in starvation mode. Once I started eating 3 meals and snacks in between but was close to my calorie intake....The weight is coming off at 3lbs. per week the last two weeks. I hope this is encouragement for you. I have 69lbs to go but I am taking it 3lbs at a time.

    Thank you so much Im trying really hard its only been a week so Im going to stick to it, but you have helped me trust in the numbers!