need advice

I'm having a hard time cooking a dinner that is healthy for me but my boyfriend wont eat a lot of healthy food. I don't know what would be good to cook.


  • butter44077
    butter44077 Posts: 4 Member
    I found an ap on my IPhone called cook this not that, great food even for the picky eater!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    What do you mean, he won't eat healthy food? What are you trying to feed him? Tofu?

    Almost ANYTHING can be made healthier. What do you mean when you say healthy? Low-calorie? Low-carb? High in protein? No processed food? "Healthy" means different things to different people.

    Check out Lots of regular recipes, made "skinny." :)
  • kema1005
    kema1005 Posts: 5 Member
    Amanda .. I had that very issue with my husband. It took a long long time to convert him. For instance, he would only eat full fat Miracle Whip with the high fat meats (like salami, pepperoni) and tons of cheese. So I started slow and I bought a "light" Miracle Whip and put it in the old jar so he thought he was eating he other stuff .. didn't realize I had changed it mainly because I also added in chili powder in it and told him it tasted different because of that. I then switched his lunch meat out for turkey meats .. again one one at a time. Then I started introducing more fruits and veggies in his lunch .. telling him I was out of bread or didn't have enough lunch meat for his sandwich so I made him a salad instead. It was nothing for my husband to eat a 32oz steak at dinner. Truly, it made me sick watching him eat it. Not 'cause of the steak but because it was so so much. Once I got the some of the changes into place I then started using lots of spices and herbs in my cooking to change some of the taste, sort of spice up the dishes. And I introduce fruits into our main dishes .. like I'll make a pork loin and add cranberries and oranges in it with some honey and allspice. Or I'll make grilled shrimp along with a fruit salsa made with papaya, mango & pineapple and serve it over minted rice. I use tons of mint, basil, oregano and cumin. Good luck !
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Just don't tell him it's healthy. He will eat it or fix his own.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    Make a list of the foods both of you love...and do a recipe search for healthier variations. He'll be eating healthier..and won't even realize it. :bigsmile:
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Just don't tell him it's healthy. He will eat it or fix his own.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Ha Ha - agree!
  • bmwalls
    bmwalls Posts: 7 Member
    well me and my wife eat different meals all the time... sometimes when she comes home first i will tell her not to fix me anything i will fix my own..... or if she fixes something for all of us and it is not what i would consider healthy then i wouljd just fix my own again. i fix my own breakfast and pack my own lunches. I know sometimes it is more trouble but in the end it is what i need to do to lose the weight.
  • amanda1325
    amanda1325 Posts: 11 Member
    What I mean by he won't eat anything healthy is most of what he wants to eat is hot pockets, frozen pizza, cookies, ice cream, chips, oreos etc.... honestly that's what he puts on the grocery list for him to eat..... but thanks everyone.
  • Johnni0923
    Johnni0923 Posts: 14 Member
    I like to start meal planning with protein. Does heat fish? How about chicken. Then add lots of green veggies. Measure the pasta or rice. For desert use fresh fruit with whipped cream!

    Now I am hungry

  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    Amanda .. I had that very issue with my husband. It took a long long time to convert him. For instance, he would only eat full fat Miracle Whip with the high fat meats (like salami, pepperoni) and tons of cheese. So I started slow and I bought a "light" Miracle Whip and put it in the old jar so he thought he was eating he other stuff .. didn't realize I had changed it mainly because I also added in chili powder in it and told him it tasted different because of that. I then switched his lunch meat out for turkey meats .. again one one at a time. Then I started introducing more fruits and veggies in his lunch .. telling him I was out of bread or didn't have enough lunch meat for his sandwich so I made him a salad instead. It was nothing for my husband to eat a 32oz steak at dinner. Truly, it made me sick watching him eat it. Not 'cause of the steak but because it was so so much. Once I got the some of the changes into place I then started using lots of spices and herbs in my cooking to change some of the taste, sort of spice up the dishes. And I introduce fruits into our main dishes .. like I'll make a pork loin and add cranberries and oranges in it with some honey and allspice. Or I'll make grilled shrimp along with a fruit salsa made with papaya, mango & pineapple and serve it over minted rice. I use tons of mint, basil, oregano and cumin. Good luck !

    i hopes he appreciates you, cause i would not have the energy to do all of this! :-)
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    What I mean by he won't eat anything healthy is most of what he wants to eat is hot pockets, frozen pizza, cookies, ice cream, chips, oreos etc.... honestly that's what he puts on the grocery list for him to eat..... but thanks everyone.

    On the bright side most of that is microwavable so he can do it himself :-)
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
    What I mean by he won't eat anything healthy is most of what he wants to eat is hot pockets, frozen pizza, cookies, ice cream, chips, oreos etc.... honestly that's what he puts on the grocery list for him to eat..... but thanks everyone.

    hot pockets -- whole wheat english muffins with tomato sauce and cheese (WAY LESS CALS)
    frozen pizza -- ristorante pizza pollo, you can eat half of the pizza and its not that bad.. and my bf loves it.
    cookies -- look for low cal options, I have cookies that are organic soft baked for 90 cals (look at health food stores).
    ice cream -- switch to frozen yogurt .. he will not know the difference
    chips -- switch to baked, or just eat less (get a food scale to weigh the portion)

    everything has a substitute, I am a junk food freeeeak and I have just made easy changes half of the switches he wont even notice, like burgers? pick up some lean ground turkey, and make homemade burgers, just dont tell him its not beef LOL.

    he has to respect your lifestyle change and if he doesn't too bad he can make his own food.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I still make my boyfriend what he likes - because I like it too!! But... what I do is make a full two portions, give myself half a portion with steamed vegies on the side, and then he has the other 1.5 portions. Last night we had oven baked fish (from a box), and some gnocchi. I gave him 3/4 of the gnocchi, and then steamed up carrots and broccoli to add to my plate. I still want to eat the foods that are higher in carbs and fat, but by giving him more I get to enjoy them still!!

    He actually complained because I gave him a tiny portion of the vegies and he wanted more. I think I'm finally getting through to him that vegies are nice, and he can still have the things he enjoys as well. Gradually introduce things to him and don't b*tch at him if he doesn't eat them. Like kids, if you offer something enough, they will eventually choose it and may enjoy it.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    What I mean by he won't eat anything healthy is most of what he wants to eat is hot pockets, frozen pizza, cookies, ice cream, chips, oreos etc.... honestly that's what he puts on the grocery list for him to eat..... but thanks everyone.

    You could try and buy the low fat versions and put them in the original containers for the cookies :wink: ? I do that to my family all the time! Same thing for cereals, mayo, pastas, etc.

    You could maybe try and talk him into making homemade pizzas and hot pockets with you (just make sure you hide those low fat wrappers!)??

    There are also foods that my family likes to eat (soups, stews, casseroles) that they would FREAK if they knew the amount of finely shredded vegetables they contained. Every time they ask? "Those are just spices sweetie"

    Only took my husband a year to catch on and he's so thankful. Only has 10 pounds to go to his goal weight. Don't get me wrong though, there was a HUGE fight when he found out I had been tricking him..... right up until he stepped on the scale :laugh:

    Best of luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • AmyLyn1983
    AmyLyn1983 Posts: 100
    My husband is the same way. I swear he lives off frozen pizza, lunch meats, and fast food. He has high blood pressure and since we began dating (about 9 years ago), he's gained 50 lbs!! I've been watching my diet and exercising since around October. I think I'm having an influence on him because I've noticed he's been trying to eat a little better recently. He even joins me on my walks on the weekends. Keep trying, he'll come around eventually. Good luck!!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    How it works at my house with kids and husband alike: I cook dinner, you eat it or you don't but I'm not cooking anything else because you're too picky to eat what I made. You get hungry enough you'll eat it. ;)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'd suggest look up some new recipes that have lots of veggies in them, but that he might be able to relate to - spaghetti, casserole, soup for example. Don't tell him they are healthy, just tell him that is what's for dinner. If he doesn't like it, he is welcome to buy, cook and eat whatever he wants.